Sunday, June 18, 2006

A New Direction for America, which does not include liars, profiteers, Oilmen, or a King

by Bruce H, Scroggins

Lying, prevaricators of miss-direction, shrouded in Neo-Con Republican right wing spin misters, backed by military Industrialist, with conservative hacks Religionist.

Democrats have offered, clearly stated plans and ideas, over and over:




• dyn/content/article/2006/01/18/AR2006011801760_pf.html



Democrats have offered sound plans and ideas for 6 straight years, in the Congress, and in the States, and in the Cities and in the communities, and the News media's, commentators, News Analyst and Print media, have on Republicans, Conservatives, Right wing pundits and surrogates and let them say, “democrats have no plans, no ideas, they just say no to everything.” And it’s an unchallenged lie, unless there’s a competent democrat on to repute the lie, the News journalist refuse to do their home work and in Congress over the last 6 years, democrats have offered 80 plus % of democrats bills and resolutions were killed, many in committee, not even getting an “up or down vote.”

I watch all sorts of news and read, print and Internet diaries, from the Right, left, center and foreign, I do my homework as best I can, and I know America is not being told the full truth by the Cable, TV, Satellite news arms, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the republicans shilling organ fox, news.

Wake up America, get informed.