Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Big Question: When did experience become a Liability?

THE BIG QUESTION: When did experience become a big liability? Here’s your answer.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Bill Clinton and Hilary and Richardson, have ask this question, or said as much in protestation, during this season and it has come up more and more, well I believe someone needs to answer this question, out in the open.

Since 2000, Democrats and Independents have watched in horror, as Bush and Republicans ram through policy after policy, Tax cut after tax cuts, all to the rich, listen to promise after promise followed by, failure after failure, domestic programs for the poor and the middle class cut to the bone and taxed to the hilt, watched health Insurance go up and all put on the workers, by the tax (cutted) rich employers, watched the new 110th Congress, in thin control of Democrats… Now let say this right… CAVE, FOLD, CONPITULATE, ENABLE, GO BACK ON PROMISES, MAKE EXCUSE after EXCUSE for why Traditional long time, EXPERIENCED Democratic leadership, fail to … DELIVER.


America is up to HERE with Failed experience, you have continued the STATUS QUO and were sick to the MOON, with the same old, Washington, were sick of Democrats, in name only. When you say your going to fight and you don’t fight, when the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Rule of Law is folded, spindled and mutilated, and your answer to us, about impeachment is; it’s a distraction and, I don’t want to be seen as “partisan,” what your saying to those who elected you is, I won’t follow the “Rule of law” I refuse to do what you want me to do and you can’t make me.

Well yes we can, it’s called a primary and a GENERAL ELECTION and your, so out of here, yes you did some good things, but that is not the grounds for you now tell us, I know better than you and you have to back me, no we don’t and you will get the … NO WE DON”T.

And no Obama did not compare you too them, Hilary, he did how ever compare your; I did this good and that good, but when we speak of your failure, you don’t want us to count that, only what was good, no we will show your complicity in how things are NOW and if your weak, your weak NOW. We will hold you accountable, we will change.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Republicans beleive in measuring good and help

Republicans tell you, America is the greatest Country in the World and it is, but then spout the Constitution and strict Constructionist belief’s and the Rule of Law and everybody is endowed by the creator, but Republicans don’t listen to those equal people, they say every one is equal, but believe and legislate for the monied and corporate interest, because they are more equal.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

McCain talks about Inflation is the problem with health Care, here’s where Republicans believe in, what I call, the “If We, gambit,” if we get Inflation under control, we can keep the cost of health care cost under control, but in the mean time, no one ask the follow up question, what about the cost now and what do the people do NOW about the cost? They, the people cannot afford health care… NOW.

Romney believe American, the 47 million without health care that is, have said we aren’t going play, too health care and refuse to pay and want everyone else to pay for them, 47 million freeloaders, is what Romney calls you health careless Americans.

From: FACTCHECK.ORG 01/07/2008

Romney claimed that the 47 million Americans who lack health care are not covered because they say "I'm not going to play. I'm just going to get free care paid for by everybody else." Experts say that very few who are offered insurance turn it down and that the uninsured get worse care.

Romney believe in the other buzz word, their a free market industry… what exactly dose that mean and let’s get it in context, too what was being discussed, HMO industry and Pharmaceutical Industry operate on profit for there Stock Holders, ok fine, but they control the industry and work and research at it, RE-ACTIVE base medicine, Huckabee, spoke about a PRE-VENTIVE model, now if you don’t want to be sick which model do you want up-front, before the fact, or after the fact and if you cannot afford health care and have no health care, you pray you don’t get sick and when you do, get sick, you stay away from hospitals, unless your so sick you have to go in.

Let me tell you the true facts, the Industry is researching, based in re-acting to sickness, not preventive medicine, poor people practice “don’t have medicine, stay away medicine,” out of necessity. I’ am saying today in America, we have an “Arrestee Model of Medicine,” arrest means, it an after the fact, reaction and the Pharmaceutical Industry sells medicine and researches, how to arrest a sickness, yes there’s some pure research, but before the sickness and preventative medicine, they sell not, don’t get twisted and this is Republicans preach, they like Big Industry, they speak Free market as the answer, they preach let the market solve everything, and they preach, we should do nothing, but wait for free enterprise to fix anything and everything, while the supposed equal Americans are suffering from this free market system, which marginalizes the middle class and the poor and homeless working poor, they say we need to get a hold of inflation and that’s why cost of health care is unaffordable, but we don’t need to help everyone.

Republicans are so worried about helping someone who they have determined in their “IDEAOLOGY,” not “IN THEIR FAITH,” is not deserving of help. Republicans want to measure good, yes that’s at the bottom, the ugly bottom of their RNC, Ideaology.

Republicans preach the Constitution and Right’s, but they believe some are more equal than others, if your poor, you don’t deserve help, just cause your on the floor, the street, the ally looking up. Republicans believe in pulling your selves up, well I believe in that also, but I will help you get a boot strap to pull on, Conservatives and Republicans, believe, either make a boot strap, but don’t anyone give you one, because, if you don’t qualify for a loan, someone, anyone giving you one, is circumventing the Free market, in all words… if you have a boot strap, you deserve to “fall to the wayside,” get out the way of the strong, that’s what Republicans mean by “wait until the free enterprise, free markets fix the problems.”

Well the God I believe in, can turn even the things, man meant for wrong to His good, here’s where Democrats, Republicans, Conservative, Liberals, and all other “isms,” fail, they judge man, base in their ideology and determine, some body is gaming “their good, their giving,” and are determined to protect their giving, through their Political ideology, masked in the faith. The God of the Bible didn’t ask man to give with a judgmental heart, He said give and be cheerful about it… what someone dose with what was given… is on the receiver.