Friday, March 02, 2007

Why the White News Shows, Networks, Pundits and Host, are not questioning…

are… or is, Hillary, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Edwards, White enough for Black America, or White enough for White America?
By Bruce H, Scroggins

This trumped up question; “is Obama black enough?” has been banging around the almost completely White News Shows, this question, is posed among a few Black Elitist, or kept alive by a few Nationalist Black leaders.

Let me say from the outset, this question, is not discussed, or even a question too the main stream of black voters, most of black America voters, are not monolithic, they hold there cards close, listening too the positions on the issues, before announcing there backing and most of black leadership, are just as couscous of positions and issues, this does not sit well, with White America’s Pundits especially this early Presidential season, Whites want to know what do blacks thinks about Obama vs. Hilary, seeing Hillary has the early polling among black voters.

And since this question has been kicking around, the latter polls of blacks early support, of Hillary has shifted considerably, too Obama among the black community, but this has not stopped Whites, from keeping up asking the black enough question and some Black Elitist, Standley Crouch and S. C. State Sen. Robert Ford comes to mind constant critic's of black leadership, are asking the question, it’s as if, Obama doesn’t have enough history, so he’s questioned about being black enough, no slavery history, so the question, as if just living in America and being considered Afro-American, is not enough for the black elitist.

I’ am going to ask a question not even the Elitist on both sides of color spectrum, have ask:

Is Hillary, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Edwards and the rest… BLACK, or WHITE enough for Black America?

There kick that around for awhile, Black America wants too know… inquiring minds want to hear… the answers by WHITE and BLACK America. Got elitist of all stripes, chew that questions for a few weeks, I dare someone too pose it… seriously, ask a few of your Black and White guest, Pundits, Analyst, Surrogates, National leaders and elected officials, America is waiting to hear.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It amazes me to hear Civilian and leadership, say; “We Support the Troops”

oh really, then stop leading, in lies, covering your lack of leadership, with this, we support, coverall statement.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Training the troops is the first and most important, step in supporting the Troops, all the troops, whether there in the field, or on the parade grounds and all in between, proper training prepares our treasures, for “going in harms way.”

That training is the underpinnings of why US Troops are the best trained in the world. America, the President, Congress and military Leadership, make that faithful decision to send US Troops into the field, all of us owe them, everything, with no corners cut, were not a third world nation, we can afford the best.

There is no emergency, no reason to not train to highest degree and it’s incumbent upon Civilian Authority to due diligence, Novembers election said they wanted a new Congress, they wanted Oversight and Accountability, after more than questionable Intel and failures to find what our Civilian leadership swore to us in the run-up to attack in Iraq. America wanted no rubber stamping failure, no more saying anything and blindly agreeing, America wants no more of that leadership, by Bush, Cheney, Rice, no more, America is holding Leadership accountable.

And for all who want to call, Congress, micro managers of the conflict in Iraq, there doing a disservice to America’s discourse, they want the old, BLIND following of any and all pronouncements by the out of power, out of leadership Republicans in Congress and the lone Independent, parading as a age old democrat.

Equipment, is the next step after training, whether you’re in the field, or states side, preparing too go abroad, into the field, the equipment is paramount, America has the best equipment in the worlds Militaries, they match up with every Nation, of the world, in ability to produce weapons, for offensive and defensive protection, America has the ability to produce, more than enough, but for some odd reason, the present Administration, has incorporated a private business concept of servicing the Military, that has not kept up with needs of the 20th, or 21st century Military. Not enough Armour for Troops, not enough Armour for vehicles and Tanks, shortages, that have cost lives and injuries that proper equipment, would cut down those losses, of lives and equipment.

If you support the troops, than you must support them with all, I repeat, ALL the equipment necessary, too get any job, any mission done. Just to let the America and the Media know, America’s Troops are the best, the initial mission, the US was sent into Iraq to complete, has been completed, with flying colors… but here’s the rub, Bush, Cheney refuses to acknowledge there great accomplishment, they have completed that mission, every News Network, knows this is FACT, Saddam is Still DEAD.

The only mission left in Iraq, for US Troops is training Iraqi’s too defend their Nation against all, insurgence, even Al Qeada, too train to defend the borders and the new mission, now that the first mission has been completed, is hunting down and crushing Al Qeada, it does not take 150,000 US Troops to complete a job against Al Qeada, who total at best a little over 5,000, that is the story, not being told the US people.

America keeps getting this, “we support the troops and you can’t support the troops and not support there mission,” the US people have spoken loud and clear, we want out of Iraq and the media has to keep challenging the Administration, about the sound bites they keep saying, Republicans keep voting against the Nations will, with no consequences, in the press.

Last but not least, Troops Rotation and rest, a small percentage of America pays the highest price, more importantly, less than 1% of the Nation is paying the price for this miss-guided foreign policy catastrophe, it is true America knows the difference in a war and conflict, Iraq is not a war, it is a conflict a Civil War for Iraqi’s and a Conflict for American Troops, with a few Al Qeada, whom we are at war with, but to call Iraq, the CENTRAL FRONT IN THE WAR ON TERROR, is wrong.

But America knows, oh to well, we wave good by, too some few Americans and may perhaps for the last time and in some instances, they return to there loved ones and many return injured, many just not the same, a casualty of war, this is just a few of the reasons, Troop rotation and rest are so important, many of those in Iraq are on the their third rotation, some there fourth.

This must stop, we owe these brave Americans, time with their loved one, their duty may cut them off… until eternity from many who love them and they love most.

Now America knows Afghanistan is a righteous War, we support the troops and we support the mission, but not with out proper training and equipment and rotation, in Iraq, we support the troops, but not the mission, America dose not support, ESCALATION, America does not support, STAYING THE COURSE.

America can tell the difference in FAILURE (s) and WINNING, America knows the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, one is a mission completed, not pronounced and the new mission not stated in Iraq, in Afghanistan, a righteous war a mission not even close too completed, as long as Osama is free, he carries a, adjudication, of the American people, not brought to the American people’s well of justice.

America knows the Difference between JUSTICE, a RIGHTEOUS WAR AND BULLCRAP SOUND BITES.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It’s strange, everyone who wants the draft, wants a SHARED part of the real War on Terror,

in the Nation and everyone who doesn’t want a draft, feels we draft wanter’s, should follow there lead and leadership and Failure.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The present administration, is filled with people who avoided the draft, or never were in any of the services, but they all know war, Bush has a dubious service record himself, but he has been in charge of America’s response to 9/11, he promptly wasted, our good will, around the world when, righteously hunting down, Osama Ben Laden, Bush, made an a brought, left turn into Iraq, Bush Cheney Rice, Powell and a host of spin-masters, along with the help of our co-opted News Media and a pliable Republican controlled Congress, sold America, Iraq.

And when ever an American wants to bring in the draft, were told, we don’t need the draft, when today, almost the entire nation and the world, knows America, needs a Draft, just to protect it self. Bush seems to think, now, a few more troops, just for Iraq, would be nice, but we just need to stay in Iraq, Bush believes, as long as the US Troops stay in Iraq, killing and being killed, the enemy will not come to America and he repeatedly, say, “we have not been attacked since 9/11”.

A shared responsibility and Nationally shared feeling, is just what America needs, for the War on terror, Iraq is a side show, in the war on terror, Until Bush gets serious about Afghanistan and Osama, and gets America and the world back in the hunt, we will continue too flounder, in Iraq. Reducing our footprint in Iraq and increasing our footprint in Afghanistan is the strategy for the nation, the right tonic for what ales the national psyche.

Bush is stuck in his tunnel vision. He believes his own hype about no attack, since 9/11 and because of his staying in Iraq and he believes, if we leave Iraq completely, as he believes Democrats want to do, is the wrong move and his house of cards, will come attacking America, Alqeada has done the damage they wanted, on 9/11 and until America gets serious, in Afghanistan and brings Osama to pay, we will be stuck in Bush’s failed strategy.

Iraq is a distraction and Alqeada is too small a mission for 150,000 US Troops, Iraq’s training is even too small for the US Contingent. Bush is far too vested in staying in Iraq, he is thinking too little of the real treat, too America. The US will not leave Iraq completely, but we will lower our presence, we will concentrate on Alqeada and we will crush them, where ever we find them and their murdering, hate filled ideology.

I have one additional request of the Media and America, Islam is a violent Religion and should said so, this comes from Muslims, the Peaceful statements by Bush are wrong and he should be called on it. I say this because, the ones who believe it to be peaceful, are getting a pass, they are afraid to make loud concert, unending stand, for the peaceful statements and they should be made too defend their assertions, America no more silence from those who silently proclaim, the faith is peaceful, they must speak up, unendingly and consistently.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dr. Condi Rice drew a parallel with Nazi Germany’s overthrow

, to congresses, suggested change in authorization, on RNC fox.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Rice says it’s a continuum of our original mission. Poppycock, Boulder-dash, horse cookies, we didn’t change the authorization of WW II, so why would we change the Iraq authorization. Answer Miss Rice, is Iraq mission was completed and there is not a continuing treat to the US, as a matter of fact, there was NO FIND, of the original treat, WMD’s, or an Alqeada Connection, organized to attack, or threaten the US, No Nukes or it’s reported Labs, there was however a congressionally voted mandate, in the original authorization, of 03’ and that has been victorious.

There is no continual mission, the original mission is finished, done, completed, The US and Coalition Troops, have completed, there mission, Briton is leaving, Southern Iraq in force for good reasons.

Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rove all of this leadership, are beyond the pale, of fixed ideology, they believe they can keep with the parlor game of words, America, is sick and tired of this RNC, Republican Congressional game, many Republicans are staying the course and playing the funding game, this is a strategic move, by the administration, they keep their party unity posing false straw arguments about, cutting funds and of troops in the field, being left in fire fights, without re-enforcements.

Bush and Republicans, While coldly calculating and caring nothing for those same Troops, in harms way, being ill equipped, half trained, fighting and dying in an extended mission, that keeps changing and has no purpose, but to extend the failure, until Bush leaves office, Bush will do everything, including attack Iran, to stay in Iraq and unless, Republicans wake up, Bush will stay until, 09’.

America’s enemies are training in two places, for two different reasons, Afghanistan, is for a coming long overdue war, with America, they have trained and re-equipped, a spring offensive is in the air. In Iraq, they are practicing, the skills at countering a foreign invader, they are honing there hate among them selves for themselves and a new evolving hate for Americans.

At this 08’ year, Republicans will see the awful truth, America’s Main Stream, will bring about a VETO PROOF CONGRESS AND PRESIDENCY, this will be Republicans reward, for defying the Nations Vote and Mandate, in 06’ and 07’ I commend the Democrats in Congress, please keep pushing, your showing the Nation, exactly what Republicans and Bush really are, it becomes clearer and clearer, with every BLOCKED VOTE IN CONGRESS.

Iraqi’s job and mission, includes fighting Alqeada and that is a “separation,” Miss Rice,

Miss Rice, that is not the question, but you want it to be. The US Troops, mission, NOW is, Alqeada, Training, Border Security, that is not the original mandate, that Mandated mission, has be completed, by the US Troops.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Baghdad’s security Plan today, is wholly different from the authorization voted on by Congress in 2003 and that Congressional Mandated Vote, has been completed by US Troops, in Iraq and they performed that mission, there completion was admirable, they performed, over and above the mission, they have a deserved win, but the Administration, refuses to acknowledge their victory.

Our Treasures are walking the streets, being attacked and returning fire, kicking in doors, day and night, doing the job of the Iraqi’s Security Forces, their Mandated Security jobs and yes, Iraqi’s Mandate includes, securing, the sovereign territory of Iraq, border to border and fighting, tracking down and even killing Alqeada, there’s no “separation,” Miss Condi Rice.

Saudi Arabia, is supporting Sunni’s in Iraq, with money and weapons, clandestinely, Jordan and Syria are doing the same and to think, Iran, is standing around twittel-ling their fingers, while an age old border enemy’s, interior fighting and future is in doubt and could foster a regional war, the possibilities are high, it could spill over into Iran and anyone who thinks, they are not involved, is beyond imagination.

Iran can see the train wreck, which is Iraq today, the US is lead by a failing Us Administration, stuck in it’s failing stubborn, tunnel vision, want to keep Alqeada as part of it’s joint actions, saying stupid things, like Iraq wants us there and, were searching for Alqeada. When in fact the US is deeply involved in secular civil actions that are wholly Iraq’s sovereign preview.

Cheney is running robo calls, on the Media, in since, punk ing them with statements, they know are not true, daring everyone to question him, Cheney has lost creditability in so many areas and he needs to be called on it by the Media. As long as he can make, these outrages statement, that have no basis in facts, he will continue to throw crap on the walls, of legitimate discussion.