Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rep. Tom Kean, skillfully, side stepped every question about backing "Path to 911,"

By Bruce H, Scroggins

ABC's Docudrama, has stated it movie airing tonight is and I quote, as advertisement around the world has been playing; "based on the 911 Commission Report." And that is what "the world," will take into the viewing of this fact based depiction of the lead up to ABC's Path to 911, manu already based on political understandings, believe, not the facts fleshed out over 29 months in the "official 911 Commission Report." Michael Moore's 911 documentaries was factual, although, out of context in some areas, but what it was not, "WAS MADE UP," dose anyone, who take's the time to read this, will understand... Michael Moore did not do was make events, even out and even if put into context, would of made Moore's movie ten hours long.

Cheney's insistence, that there actions over the last 5 years has made america safer and that they have to of done something right, well that means, what they did was the right moves, they were not, Cheney & Bush... LIED too america and several collialtion partners into IRAQ, and they collective actions have made the world we all live in, less safe. Now if you can see the clear evidence of where we should stayed the course, like Ben lain and Aftganistan, and Iran and North Korea, just to name a few, of the most serious treaths, 5 year ago, and today. Cheney & Bush have on purpose not done all they should of done to proptect america, because it served there purpose of keeping america fearful, and Bush & Cheney, have continued to say, if you don't stay with us, we are the only ones who can protect you and just look at the last s years, no more attacks in america, well, that part of there fear filled plan, their foreign policy has nade more enemy's for american, literaly ground murdering killers, who will kill their own people, if they refuse to follow and back their murderous plots. That is just part of the legacy being produced by the Bush failed foreigin policy.

And ABC is producing this flawed docudrama, supposadly based on the official 911 commission Report, to give the many in the Conservative, Republican, Christain Right a lie to state to others, of like minded thinking, but it will fail and the insudious part is, they the movie mogules, refuse to show michael Moore's 911 on national TV, they did everything they could to suppress, his trukly fact based depiction from the american public. This movie will fail and backfire on, on Republicans, they will only re-inforce the main stream voting publicans desire for change, even though they believe this movie to depict the horror of any democratic control and or leadership.

300 billion dollars spent in Iraq and Cheney and Rice saying; we must of done something right, no attacks in 5 years. Well Cheney & Bush and Rice have failed to make America and the world safer and we will spend decades reversing the damage done by their collective, failed foreign policy. America will have rebuild relation with are traditional allies.

The mid-term election can not come to soon, america has to vote these crooks and liars out of office, we will not get them all this election cycle, but we will send a message that, change is in the wind and that will be good for everyone and the next democratic administration. There will finally be oversight and accountability, in congress and I predict censorship.

Oh they say there making final edits, yeah right. America needs to remember, 911 happened on BUSH's watch, each administration has it's crosses to bear, I can not wait for the movie about Bush & Cheney's failures, now that will be great viewing, not.

P.S. They changed acouple of things to sanitize it, they added United Airlines palnes along with the main American airline shots and added a disclaimer at the begining, saying that thia has fictionalize versions of events, it still a crock.

This Administrations main brag is; "We haven't been Attacked in five years, so we must be doing something right."

By Bruce H, Scroggins

This tired reframe, dose a disservice to Bush & Cheney's supposed "collation of the willing," let look at a couple of the main allies in the collation, Spain and Briton, both have been attacked over the last five years, so Bush saying, america hasn't been attacked sounds really good to these two countries and their respective people. Madrid was rocked by a bombing attack, as was briton, they have suffered for there partnership, with Bush's failed military policy. I believed military action was warranted, but the way Bush carried out his policy was flawed from the start, if you remember, the whole world was american after 911, and was with America, Bush leadership wasted all our good will with the entire world and we were left with a collation of the willing, they all had economic gains to be made in this collation, America's main exploiters, too name a few, Bectel, Fleur, Kellogg,Brown and Root and let us nor forget Halliburton, there are Spanish and british versions of these Huge Multinationals.

The world has paid a huge price, for the free worlds leadership, North Korea has more Nuclear weapons, then five years ago, Iran will have a nuclear weapon, sooner than the west thinks, Hezbollah is stronger than every intelligence service could imagine, all in the last 6 years, there are potentially more murdering terrorist per capita around the world with training, laying in wait to do murder, even of there own people, all over the last five years and all Bush can do here in America is, state fearfully, stay with me and my administration, because if you change too the democrats, you will be killed. Bush and his surrogates, keeps re-enforcing Bush's labeling of dissenting americas main stream view of his failed policies, by calling americans, emboldeners, and appeasers, Hitlerism and Stalinist sympathizers.

The ABC docudrama is a form of swift boat attack on democrats, just before the 06' mid-term elections and all the while stating ,it's based on the "official 911 Commission report." Knowing many americans have not read the official 911 Commission Report, Republicans are hoping to swayed the electorate back, to staying the republican controlled congress and administrations course, of more failed leadership, based in fear mongering the American public.

America has had it and after tonight they will question Bush & Cheney even more, the gloves were off, when the downing Street Memo's came out and AMerica's main Stream voters are through drinking deeply the KOOL AID this group of CIA outers are selling. In any events the world is not better off and you have but to ask the people of any collation country, especially the ones attacked over the last five years.

This all out assault on Americans Senses and sensibilities, it is a gambit

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove and the Republican controlled Congress, are trying to twist and turn history and facts, using smears and lies, as well as, flat out labeling any decent as Nazi's and Stalinist. Americans and the Main stream of the electrets are not going to full into this orchestrated dance, by the bumbling Conservatives, who are bacialy saying, see we got you covered and if you don't vote with us, your going to be killed by the bad guys.

The election is two months a way, and they are producing gasoline and not diesel, the price here in Minneapolis is as low as $2.26 per gallon, as of ; 9/10/2006 and it's going lower. Now any one with half a brain cell can tell you why, this is happening and who, what party is responsible, but that's not all America should be understanding about gasoline, think about the profits that have been made and all the OIL and ENERGY giants, testimonies about, there was nothing they could do about high gas prices and Bush chiming in saying there was nothing he could do.

Bush is a OIL man and if America thinks those who could least afford high gas and energy prices for the last 5 years, believe Bush and the Conservative republicans, your not paying attention to your savings, which since Bush has been in office, at least for those who are low income, stagnant income, inflation eating up your income along with 10% raises in benefits, courtesy of big business and your local employers, your not reading and listening to the facts, your being told what to think, through FEAR.

ABC is going and has to, just select right-wingers, released a docudrama based on the 911 commission report and not based on any other, widely held report of 911 and proceeds too, twist the facts and makes up some conversations and then refuses to even allow the President, Clinton to prescreen the movie, but sends a copy to Rush Limbaugh and hundreds of right-wing bloggers. and it comes to us, less than two months before the mid-term elections. Many will say Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, was not factual, but after viewing it, it was found to-be-completely factual, if not out of some context, but factual it was and has held up the test of TIME. This ABC farce will will be seen by many as a naked attempt to twist the facts. Republicans and right-wingers are desperate for any thing to turn the tide against the democrats, they are angry at the main stream majority, is showing. The inevitable will happen, the right is going too lose, big time, in this 06' mid-terms.

This is the truth in love

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush & Cheney and the Conservative Republican Christain Right, want "terrorists to succeed. They want a terrorist incident's to happen, so that they can use it as a political issue". Let's analyze that statement. This statement has been born out, in the most of recent events from England, the foiling of the lastest terror plot, to use liquid explosives to bring down airliners headed for the USA, a mid Alantic. And before this they use as talking points, the Bush administartion has collectivetly and concertedly, made statements about the Ned Lamont victory, saying Democrats want Al Queada to win and Hezabolla to succeed. All these and more statements by surrogates and Right-Wing pundits and spin artist, have calculated that National Security and saying we have not been attacked, hoping to be attacked. National security and Terrorisum, is what they will use to make a sharp contrast between the Democrats-Liberals and the Republican leadership of America for the last 6 plus years.

"Republicans want the government to spy on every US citizen". The facts of this truth have been born out, over the last 6 plus years as well, by the Republican controlled Congress, refusing any Over-sight and a continued rubber stamping, every illegal act by Bush & Cheney, they have turned their collective backs on the rights of the people, by wire tapping Americans, condoning and defending torture.

The FISA statues and courts are in place for very good reasons and it's a protection for the people, not an impediment to presidential power, in a time of war. The patriot Act has done what terrorism set out to do, retard and restrict and finally permanantly take away America freedoms. When I say Republicans and all who back there every attack on a free america rights, is "Terrorists wining when our freedoms are lost." Republicans want the "Terrorists attacking and succeeding to certain degrees, because the Bush administration wants to be able to hold anyone, indefinitely, for ANY reason". Republicans have not caught the main man and men responcible for darking our skys and killing our people and Bush & Cheney and republicans do not care about catching him, they want perpetual war, all over, all the time, it good for business and good for there party, a continual atmoshere of war is good for capitalizism.

War, Torture, Rape, Incest all of these will be common place in America and WAR is there shining star, all products of the Conservative-Republican way of life. They keep saying there are people out there who want to kill us... let be clear here, there have always been people out there who want to kill us, that has been a fact of life for 100 plus years, what is the reason Republicans want to use this as a battering ram against any american and the democrats is, these people who want to kill us, got money and tecnology, just like america and can use it to kill people, even there own faith, and now that they can do this indecriminate killing, to make there point, it has impinged on American hegemony around the world.

America's military industrial complex and Energy multinationals, have had there profits treathened by these monied terrorist, attacking america about the USA's, our century of backing dictators, suppressing there people and they have found a radical Islam, to use as a foundation to fight back, they literally hold there Faith captive to there terror and they have exported there long studied brand to the rest of the world, the dirty secert is; there are terrorist who are British and Americans, laying in wait (sleeper cells), like Fith Columist to strike at the heart of the Free Republics.

All this because Conservatives Republicans and Christain Right wing Nuts want to export exploitation through Capitalizism, America is fighting in Iraq to secure the OIL and stratiegic bases to strike and control, as much energy as possible. America wake up and stop voting out of fear and vote for peace and energy independance. All the security the US needs is being spread around the world on purpose, to keep America as fearful as possible, so when something happens like the terror plot with the planes, they can attack democrats and scare the American people into stying with there failed leadership, one crisis to the next. When the polls fall low enough, roll out another attack, or foiled attack, to stop the bleeding in the polls. This continued tactic is old and tired, and America knows we can do better. and better starts at HOME.

Excepts from: Bobby Boucher's diary ::