Sunday, September 10, 2006

This all out assault on Americans Senses and sensibilities, it is a gambit

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove and the Republican controlled Congress, are trying to twist and turn history and facts, using smears and lies, as well as, flat out labeling any decent as Nazi's and Stalinist. Americans and the Main stream of the electrets are not going to full into this orchestrated dance, by the bumbling Conservatives, who are bacialy saying, see we got you covered and if you don't vote with us, your going to be killed by the bad guys.

The election is two months a way, and they are producing gasoline and not diesel, the price here in Minneapolis is as low as $2.26 per gallon, as of ; 9/10/2006 and it's going lower. Now any one with half a brain cell can tell you why, this is happening and who, what party is responsible, but that's not all America should be understanding about gasoline, think about the profits that have been made and all the OIL and ENERGY giants, testimonies about, there was nothing they could do about high gas prices and Bush chiming in saying there was nothing he could do.

Bush is a OIL man and if America thinks those who could least afford high gas and energy prices for the last 5 years, believe Bush and the Conservative republicans, your not paying attention to your savings, which since Bush has been in office, at least for those who are low income, stagnant income, inflation eating up your income along with 10% raises in benefits, courtesy of big business and your local employers, your not reading and listening to the facts, your being told what to think, through FEAR.

ABC is going and has to, just select right-wingers, released a docudrama based on the 911 commission report and not based on any other, widely held report of 911 and proceeds too, twist the facts and makes up some conversations and then refuses to even allow the President, Clinton to prescreen the movie, but sends a copy to Rush Limbaugh and hundreds of right-wing bloggers. and it comes to us, less than two months before the mid-term elections. Many will say Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, was not factual, but after viewing it, it was found to-be-completely factual, if not out of some context, but factual it was and has held up the test of TIME. This ABC farce will will be seen by many as a naked attempt to twist the facts. Republicans and right-wingers are desperate for any thing to turn the tide against the democrats, they are angry at the main stream majority, is showing. The inevitable will happen, the right is going too lose, big time, in this 06' mid-terms.

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