Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rep. Tom Kean, skillfully, side stepped every question about backing "Path to 911,"

By Bruce H, Scroggins

ABC's Docudrama, has stated it movie airing tonight is and I quote, as advertisement around the world has been playing; "based on the 911 Commission Report." And that is what "the world," will take into the viewing of this fact based depiction of the lead up to ABC's Path to 911, manu already based on political understandings, believe, not the facts fleshed out over 29 months in the "official 911 Commission Report." Michael Moore's 911 documentaries was factual, although, out of context in some areas, but what it was not, "WAS MADE UP," dose anyone, who take's the time to read this, will understand... Michael Moore did not do was make events, even out and even if put into context, would of made Moore's movie ten hours long.

Cheney's insistence, that there actions over the last 5 years has made america safer and that they have to of done something right, well that means, what they did was the right moves, they were not, Cheney & Bush... LIED too america and several collialtion partners into IRAQ, and they collective actions have made the world we all live in, less safe. Now if you can see the clear evidence of where we should stayed the course, like Ben lain and Aftganistan, and Iran and North Korea, just to name a few, of the most serious treaths, 5 year ago, and today. Cheney & Bush have on purpose not done all they should of done to proptect america, because it served there purpose of keeping america fearful, and Bush & Cheney, have continued to say, if you don't stay with us, we are the only ones who can protect you and just look at the last s years, no more attacks in america, well, that part of there fear filled plan, their foreign policy has nade more enemy's for american, literaly ground murdering killers, who will kill their own people, if they refuse to follow and back their murderous plots. That is just part of the legacy being produced by the Bush failed foreigin policy.

And ABC is producing this flawed docudrama, supposadly based on the official 911 commission Report, to give the many in the Conservative, Republican, Christain Right a lie to state to others, of like minded thinking, but it will fail and the insudious part is, they the movie mogules, refuse to show michael Moore's 911 on national TV, they did everything they could to suppress, his trukly fact based depiction from the american public. This movie will fail and backfire on, on Republicans, they will only re-inforce the main stream voting publicans desire for change, even though they believe this movie to depict the horror of any democratic control and or leadership.

300 billion dollars spent in Iraq and Cheney and Rice saying; we must of done something right, no attacks in 5 years. Well Cheney & Bush and Rice have failed to make America and the world safer and we will spend decades reversing the damage done by their collective, failed foreign policy. America will have rebuild relation with are traditional allies.

The mid-term election can not come to soon, america has to vote these crooks and liars out of office, we will not get them all this election cycle, but we will send a message that, change is in the wind and that will be good for everyone and the next democratic administration. There will finally be oversight and accountability, in congress and I predict censorship.

Oh they say there making final edits, yeah right. America needs to remember, 911 happened on BUSH's watch, each administration has it's crosses to bear, I can not wait for the movie about Bush & Cheney's failures, now that will be great viewing, not.

P.S. They changed acouple of things to sanitize it, they added United Airlines palnes along with the main American airline shots and added a disclaimer at the begining, saying that thia has fictionalize versions of events, it still a crock.

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