Sunday, September 10, 2006

This is the truth in love

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush & Cheney and the Conservative Republican Christain Right, want "terrorists to succeed. They want a terrorist incident's to happen, so that they can use it as a political issue". Let's analyze that statement. This statement has been born out, in the most of recent events from England, the foiling of the lastest terror plot, to use liquid explosives to bring down airliners headed for the USA, a mid Alantic. And before this they use as talking points, the Bush administartion has collectivetly and concertedly, made statements about the Ned Lamont victory, saying Democrats want Al Queada to win and Hezabolla to succeed. All these and more statements by surrogates and Right-Wing pundits and spin artist, have calculated that National Security and saying we have not been attacked, hoping to be attacked. National security and Terrorisum, is what they will use to make a sharp contrast between the Democrats-Liberals and the Republican leadership of America for the last 6 plus years.

"Republicans want the government to spy on every US citizen". The facts of this truth have been born out, over the last 6 plus years as well, by the Republican controlled Congress, refusing any Over-sight and a continued rubber stamping, every illegal act by Bush & Cheney, they have turned their collective backs on the rights of the people, by wire tapping Americans, condoning and defending torture.

The FISA statues and courts are in place for very good reasons and it's a protection for the people, not an impediment to presidential power, in a time of war. The patriot Act has done what terrorism set out to do, retard and restrict and finally permanantly take away America freedoms. When I say Republicans and all who back there every attack on a free america rights, is "Terrorists wining when our freedoms are lost." Republicans want the "Terrorists attacking and succeeding to certain degrees, because the Bush administration wants to be able to hold anyone, indefinitely, for ANY reason". Republicans have not caught the main man and men responcible for darking our skys and killing our people and Bush & Cheney and republicans do not care about catching him, they want perpetual war, all over, all the time, it good for business and good for there party, a continual atmoshere of war is good for capitalizism.

War, Torture, Rape, Incest all of these will be common place in America and WAR is there shining star, all products of the Conservative-Republican way of life. They keep saying there are people out there who want to kill us... let be clear here, there have always been people out there who want to kill us, that has been a fact of life for 100 plus years, what is the reason Republicans want to use this as a battering ram against any american and the democrats is, these people who want to kill us, got money and tecnology, just like america and can use it to kill people, even there own faith, and now that they can do this indecriminate killing, to make there point, it has impinged on American hegemony around the world.

America's military industrial complex and Energy multinationals, have had there profits treathened by these monied terrorist, attacking america about the USA's, our century of backing dictators, suppressing there people and they have found a radical Islam, to use as a foundation to fight back, they literally hold there Faith captive to there terror and they have exported there long studied brand to the rest of the world, the dirty secert is; there are terrorist who are British and Americans, laying in wait (sleeper cells), like Fith Columist to strike at the heart of the Free Republics.

All this because Conservatives Republicans and Christain Right wing Nuts want to export exploitation through Capitalizism, America is fighting in Iraq to secure the OIL and stratiegic bases to strike and control, as much energy as possible. America wake up and stop voting out of fear and vote for peace and energy independance. All the security the US needs is being spread around the world on purpose, to keep America as fearful as possible, so when something happens like the terror plot with the planes, they can attack democrats and scare the American people into stying with there failed leadership, one crisis to the next. When the polls fall low enough, roll out another attack, or foiled attack, to stop the bleeding in the polls. This continued tactic is old and tired, and America knows we can do better. and better starts at HOME.

Excepts from: Bobby Boucher's diary ::

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