Sunday, March 25, 2007

Many reasons, too not change anything, in The Emergency Military /Defense Spending Bill


By Bruce H, Scroggins

First and foremost, Democrats passed a complete Bill, Senators can pass it, or not, Bush can sign it, or not, the Bill is complete and will have to be passed by the Senate, if they want funding for the conflict in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. Democrats, don’t have too change anything, that is the strength of this Bill, it’s has to be passed and it has to be signed… if the President wants too fund the war, until he leaves office, Bush has too sign, Democrats, don’t need Bush, Bush needs the Bills funds.

And hear is the next bulwark in why Democrats, don’t have to change a thing, leave the Bill, as is… Bush will have too sign it… Republicans will play up the Troops, need for reinforcements and equipment. America, the Troops are supported by Private Contractors in Iraq and in Afghanistan, in many instances and they will not take a chance, on leaving the US Troops, out in the cold, in harms way, or in the middle of a firefight and the Military’s Generals, will not… let me repeat this, the US Generals, will not leave US Troops in harms way, so… Republican…Conservatives… Senators… Pundits… Surrogates… fox news, you can bluster, wine, cry all you want, the Bill, will remain and await your signature, President Bush.

Now the reasons, why? This Bill’s, Pork is no better, or no worst. America, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and the RNC fox news, take close look at the Last three Military Funding bills, passed, all by a Republican, Bush controlled Congress, every Bill had Pork, Ear Marks, too the high heavens… nuff said.