Friday, January 26, 2007

Democrats want to fix, a fixable Social Security

Democrats want to fix, a fixable Social Security, Republicans want to kill it and open up Risk, on the Stock Market, allow more winning and losing for Pensions, that’s the difference between the two party view.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Wake up call Republicans, the Main Stream, voted against Republicans, because they were tired of Republican leadership, tired of drunken spending, tired of earmarks, tired of, crooks and lies, tired of arrogant attitudes of, America didn’t vote out Republican, just for a whim Republicans attitude of “we don’t need the half of the country, they don’t think like we do and talk against our leadership, their all un-American to us Republicans,” Republicans are too sure of their selves, they want everyone to agree too do things that are not in there interest, the issues, like Social Security, Republicans and Democrats simply spent every dime that came into the SS Trust Fund and both parties know, putting the money back is the simple answer.

Republicans are fundamentally against social engineering, Republicans believe in the strong surviving and the weak falling to the wayside and oh yeah the poor are good for wars, the poor that is. Republicans believe the free market is the only way for the people to live, no matter the ones at the top, keep all the wealth and only want a chance to make a dime of the retiree’s pensions, putting their hard earned money into the Stock market, where it’s fair game, higher risk, some will win and some will, you know lose.

Democrats don’t want gambling with people’s future’s, and want the money back and that’s the difference, Democrats know they agreed to take and spend the money, both parties, signed the I.O.U’s. Clinton proved by Paying down the debt and putting money back in the SS Trust Fund, you make it secure, Democrats want to do that for Medicare and Medicaid.

Republicans want to get rid of Social Security; they don’t want to pay back the money signed away. And America here’s the way Republicans and some Democrats play the Trust Fund, they say, there were 10 or 12 people, working for each retiree, back in the day, now there is three and soon two, working for each retiree.

America, News Show Host, Elected Representatives, just one person withGUTS,” ask these Questions about Social Security; how did… Clinton shore-up Social Security? How much Money since 1935, has both parties signed away… and SPENT out of the SS Trust Fund, the TOTAL AMOUNT, get and answer? What would happen, if ALL the MONEY taken out of the SS Trust Fund were PUT BACK, every DIME?

For those who voted for Bush

For those who voted for Bush "Whatever you voted for, you did not vote for failure." And for those who did not, [failure is what you got.]


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush gets it, but remember, he has never admitted the obvious, in the face of failure, time and time again Bush does the exact opposite, so surge he wants, surge he gets, Republicans are hurting from all the scandals and the losses and Republicans feel they lose because the people were against, the bad guys and not the Republicans.

Republicans don’t get it, they supported a mistake and when the mistake is shown to be a fiasco, they call every one who, doesn’t want to follow and stay the course, with the lies and failure, a defeatist. Republicans, America gets it, and failure is what Iraq is, and the Civil War is not the US Troops fight, Alqeada in Iraq are not that many, Alqeada is plentiful in Afghanistan, America, what is not a failure is the US Troops, they have completed the task set before them, they are winners, it’s time to step back, and let Iraq step forward, American Troops will re-deploy to defensible position around Iraq and on the Borders.

So here we are today, unable to stop Bush from, pouring out American Treasures into the boiling cauldron, that is a burgeoning Civil Conflict, with very little Alqeada to fight, except in Anbar province, Bush is pushing too share some, any success in Iraq Civil conflict, there is win in Alqeada, they have refused to give bush a victory, so all that left is the Civil Conflict, Bush will pour out as many lives it takes, either Maliki breaks with Muqtada and disarms him and that will not happen, Muqtada is so strong now, it would take 120,000 US Troops to do it all by there selves, using over whelming force, the Powell doctrine.

But be it Known America, Bush has failed, the US Troops have won the conflict they were sent do. It always amazes me when Conservatives and Republicans go to Iraq, every solider they talk too wants to stay and don’t want to leave and all say, a cut and run will be bad and not one solider speaks against the conflict, it’s a mixed mess, Bush has them in, the US Troops want to kill Alqeada, but have very few targets and the Republicans and Conservative know this, so they tie the two conflicts together when they come back to the US and get on TV and the Conservative Talk Radio, if you separate the two one is a war, the other a civil conflict.

Bush does this as well, speaking like the Civil Conflict is Alqeada and the Alqeada is the civil Conflict. Bush goes on after making these miss-leading statements to Rah, Rah the public, he’s talking too, he pumps up his rhetoric, we must not lose to the terrorist, America, Bush lumping the two together, don’t drink the KOOL AID, this is the same trap in speaking, he has pulled on the News Show Host and Bush’s surrogates and Conservative analyst and the American people, America has woke up to this tactic in speaking, now don’t let any apologist try it again.

Iraq ‘s Alqeada has been crushed by our Victorious Troops, Democrats, start proclaiming their Victory. Democrats must separate the two… ONE IS A, DIWINDLING WAR WITH THE REMANTS OF ALQEADA; THE OTHER IS A CIVIL CONFLICT, WHICH IS IRAQ’S CONFLICT TO WIN OT LOSE.

No one voted for Bush to fail, but fail Bush did, now it’s time to take our victory and step back, the civil conflict is Iraq’s, we fight in Iraq, Alqeada and Alqeada is small and manageable, today.

Turn this failure statement by Bush on its ear

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Republicans in the Resolution committee, wimp-ed out

Republicans in the Resolution committee, wimp-ed out, Norm Coleman, was the most striking, for me seeing he was so against, the surge, but as usual, he wants to quibble about nuances.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

They don’t want the cutting off of funds, they don’t want the surge, so they make meaningless amendments, to gut even a non-binding Resolution, then when they have no more option and do not want the surge, they vote against the resolution.

Voinovich, Lugar, Corker, Berkley, Murkowski and 4 other Republicans. Coleman’s Amendment, wanted:

Coleman's amendment which would have made a distinction between areas rocked by sectarian violence like Baghdad, and places like Anbar province where U.S. forces are fighting insurgents. The amendment signaled disapproval of sending more troops to the former but not the latter. From the Mercury News,

Coleman is still in the Bush surge camp, he has not resolution to change course, he wants Bush to change course, but his TV sound bite was just that a sound bite, for the TV, he’s in big trouble back home, he voted with the president at near 98% clip for the last 6 plus years.

Republicans site the enemy is listening, as reasons to speak like there, a reason for there not voting to get the troops out of Iraq, it’s what I call speaking out of both sides of your mouth, with the public and the present majority in Congress, but the truth is The minority will talk loud and do nothing, but allow Bush to escalate, so they as a party can keep the troops in Iraq and conflict engaged, until 09’, they it will be completely the Democrats conflict to lose and LOSE will be the words, Republicans, Conservatives and every right-winger can and will repeat into any and all echo chambers.

After Bush leaves office, the “get us out of Iraq voices,” will be coming from the suddenly anti-war Republicans and they will point their campaign right at Democrats. Congress has to rein in Bush before; he finds a provocation to attack Iran.

I don’t want to do anything that would endanger the troops;

America keeps hearing from Congressperson, almost exclusively Republican, Conservative, I don’t want to do anything that would endanger the troops; well what would endanger the troops? We need to hear that fact base discussion.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

America and I hear this oft-repeated refrain, mostly heard by the RIGHT, Capping troops levels, will that hurt the troops in the field, yes if there’s no contingency for extraordinary circumstances, but if there is an allowance for the unexpected, Congress can cap troop levels. Whether it’s binding, or non-binding, Congress must act, The ISG is a Plan and the Resolution offered by Sen. Biden and Dodd, with Sen. Chuck Hegel, it’s a step, I would prefer it be BINDING, but none the less, this is a first step… BUSH is already implementing, his surge into Baghdad.

Secretary RICE was ask at the last Senate Hearing; what happens if Maliki doesn’t act? She had “NO ANSWER,” none, nada, zilch, bubcus, and "0." And he could of ask, what was consequence, for all the last times, we surged, I’ll tell you a fat “0.”

There has been some who suggest, Congress can cut off the money for the troops, some say now money, some say future money, but the truth is BUSH already has the funds too do what He is doing, so that’s straw argument, used to try an inflame some in their base. Congress can stop future funding, but “no funding of today troop movements,” can be affected by Congress, for “today’s troop surge,” being moved forward by Bush as we speak and write “today.”

Congress must ACT, to stop Bush…

Iraqi’s are engaged in a Civil War, that started 1,500 years ago, surge–up, surge-down, Bush, Cheney, Rice, And those who think, let’s give the President the deference, once again… America voted and said, “LET’S NOT AND SAY WE DID… AND WE DID.”

There are TWO Clear Majorities Voices,

Iraq’s 60 to 80% majority say;” it’s OK to kill Americans,” America voted and 65% still says;get the Troops, out of Iraq’s Civil War.”
By Bruce H, Scroggins

Barbara Boxer, said it best, Iraqi’s say; it OK, by a clear majority, to kill Americans and the American people want, Congress to get US Troops out of Iraq, Re-deploy, then make a hard right, into Afghanistan and go after Ben Hidin’ like a the police went after Rodney King, like the police went after Amadu Dialo, no more nambi pambi, repeating escalations, been there done that, go upside Ben Hidin's head and down the other side, then repeat liberally.

Congress cut off the money… bring the troops home and the first step is to re-deploy to the bases and the borders of Iraq and send a huge portion to Afghanistan and gut both borders, drag Ben Hidin’s guts out into the PUBLIC SQUARE. Not another American life for people who believe and say, “it’s OK to kill Americans.”

Congress, EVERYTHING is on the table, nothing is off the TABLE, Take freaking Gloves off, yes there are families and troops, who say, the conflict their in is OK, or the right thing to do. But there voices, overwhelming voices, of families who speak in the MAJORITY, no more repeat “Escalating Surges,” been done, didn’t work, when it was thousand more and thousands less, didn’t work.

The time for change was several yesterdays ago:
The time to act is NOW.

Monday, January 22, 2007

With, every word out of Bush’s mouth, his approval as leader/CEO of America, Drops

and the State of the Union will bring the basement closer than it ever has been before, with every word.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

America is fed up, all the way to their political convictions, more on both sides of the political divide Republicans, Democrats and Independents, are coming to the conclusion, America as a Nation is at stake and Bush is not listening and not acting in the nations interest. All the Polls show support, approval falling like F-14 with engines out of gas, for two full minutes. There’s no re-start, there’s no fuel tanker, it’s now up the Bush to eject, or crash and America, will not stand for a crash, we will pull the eject button remotely, with the battery back-up fail-safe… IMPEACHMENT.

The tide is rising, in America, the web is leading and the grass roots is following, with every… every word coming from Bush’s mouth and the State of the Union, will bring the collective voices to a deafening crescendo. Bush will say very little about Iraq, or Afghanistan and Osama Ben Ladin remember the murder of thousands, Bush will offer plans about Domestic issues, Bush wants to change the focus, from his not listening to the majority.

So, here comes the State of the Union, it will as plain as the smirk on his face, Bush will move in completely opposite direction from the will of the nation and in the State of the Union, speak as if, the nation will to get out of Iraq, was never important to him, he will speak like the Nations clear November election, had no effect and he cares little for what the people want. Bush will speak like there never was an issue about what the nation wants, with him.

Bush will advance state based plans for Health Care, no plans for big budget ideas, like the Medicare /Medicaid Bill, or Social Security, Bush will pointedly stay away from the hot button issues, he will speak glowingly about the economy and jobs, not about what kind of jobs, Bush will talk about making the Tax cuts permanent nothing will be heard about, New Orleans, this is a bet.