Sunday, June 21, 2009

What is unsustainable? Is Republicans & Democrats believing, thinking and making statements based on keeping the current expenditures $2.2 Trillion..

... A year status quo and making noise that they want change, but defend the status quo.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Health Care Committee Meeting/Senate/6/17/2009/C-SPAN

By-Partisanship would be nice, but all Americans are not saying we have to have by-partisanship, the Majority of Americans want, Single Payer and or a Strong Public Option, so Republicans and some Democrats, frame there position wrongly to the American people, as if by making Press release statements, that those statements makes their words true.

No elected Representatives… by-partisanship is not the target… strong Health Care Reform is the TARGET.

So until a bill is presented, more over the Bills available, in committee have been presented to the House, stop telling the American people, what you want them to want… LISTEN too the American people, elected Representatives, stop ruling in, or out Reconciliation, you have no right to make unfounded statements, because you want your crap legislation done according to your will.

Stop ruling in, or out Reconciliation, in those weak, lobbyist, serving prepared statements.

Reconciliation, if done right, in all-words, if the Health Care bill is done right from the start, there will not be much need for changes later, at the very least, the changes will be minor, so your job is, get it done the first time, get it right the first time.

Most Republicans and a few Democrats, have tried mightily, too shape the discussion, ruling in and out this, or that, we the people, the majority have spoken, in an Elections and in our majority elected Representatives. Those in both Houses of Congress, who ruled out Single Payer, were wrong and will pay at the next election for their treacheries.

We the people… know we as a people spend 2.2 TRILLION dollars each year on Health Care and we demand, we not spend that 2.2 Trillion again, without a Strong Health Care Reform this year, not weak reform, not watered down reform, or reform that dose not cover all Americans, so lets be clear, this is not a political football game and your lobbyist donations, do not rule, you all have been charged to reform Health Care and get all the American people covered.

We the people… know, we as a people spend $2.2 TRILLION dollars a year.

Let be crystal clear, we the people are not looking for a… difference… we are looking for a STRONG CHANGE, of REFORM. Any bill that merely makes a difference and not a strong change and is not acceptable, that is not solving the Health Care inefficiencies and current unsustainable cost, there must be a Strong reversal of how Health Care is administered and it must cover all Americans, this year, not incrementally different Care.

As Senator Mike Enzi R-Wyoming says, he wants a difference, we want strong change, start there. Obama did say; those who want to keep their Insurance, the bill should not interfere with their Insurance. I agree on one thing, their private insurance, must compete and if the Insurance Companies have to change their Insurance to compete, we the people, shouldn’t have to accept, no change in Private Insurance for others to keep and stay at status quo. The private Insurance has to compete, with the changes, the reforms that will deliver Health Care to all Americans, so Senator Mike Enzi, you want the status quo at the expense of those who have no insurance, the model you want to stay in place, has no competition and incentive to close the Health Care gap.

Obama did say; if you like your Insurance and your Doctor, keep them, he did not say; that your Private present Health Care Providers, do not have to compete, they do have to compete with the Changes, that have to be made to provide Health Care to all Americans.

You all keep working by-partisan, that’s good, but know this, by-partisanship, in and of itself, is not the TARGET.

Now what is unsustainable? is Republicans and Democrats believing and thinking and making statements based on keeping the current expenditures status quo and making noise that they want change, but defend that status quo.

Let be clear, there can be no change, with out a Strong Public Option, that competes and that… competition change… will drive down cost, we can no longer keep spending 2.2 TRILLON dollars a year, without the current Private only Insurance system, there has to be a New STRONG Public Insurance bought forward and the current inefficiencies in the present expenditures to private Insurance, is unsustainable and must except the change in business.

CBO is not a compete picture, so stop beating it’s inconclusive and incomplete conclusions, they are indefensible, an all who engaged in it’s conclusions, are engaging in fear and divisiveness, a miss-direction of sorts, we are not unaware of those who would make this a deterrent.

Present Health Care Premiums, must be re-regulated and cost lowered, to then provide Health Care for all American, that is a tall order and, Congress, must leave their Lobbyist donations at the door and create a Strong Public Plan of coverage for all Americans, no more status quo defense statements on the floors and in Committee, you will be called out, each time you defend, the in-defensible and unsustainable current inefficient Health Care expenditures.

Everything is on the table, nothing is sacrosanct… nothing.

Senator Gregg R-New Hampshire, stop making disparaging arguments about the bill, that is before you, lacking this and that, make the change, adding and making it better is what your on the committee to do, your criticism of the bill is crap, you did offer some additions, that would make this and other bills better, but shut the fart up about how bad this bill is, you do us no service with your crap critique, this is precisely the pup-butting, we don’t need, offer additions, amendments and changes and move on, we don’t have the time for your grandstanding crap fest.