Monday, May 09, 2005

Can't have it both ways

The Truth in LOVE

Can’t have it both Ways

by Bruce H, Scroggins


Responce to quest on Dobbs show:

I listened to your representative on Lou Dobbs show last night and I was concerned, because you see Lou as promoting xenophobes, and you even accused Lou of being a race hater, particularly Mexicans, Latinos, and Spanish speaking people. Your representative says he doesn’t support opened or closed borders; he supports a legal system of immigration, well if you have problem of flooding over your borders, you must stop the flooding first, not wait while the flood is taking place to make a system that is legal for the water, and for the people who are being flooded. Your asking the people being flooded to just shore up your home, and learn to navigate the waters outside of your home, that’s find for some, but not for all.

Now I just made a simplification of the problem, but it's still very accurate depiction of what is happening, and with America at war, in two fronts Drugs, and Terrorism, and with the two using each other for cover, now you add those who choose to come over this same border illegally, and you have a compounded problem for America, and it is unfortunate, that those who want to come legally are caught up in this situation, but such are the circumstance we have “in” America, and we have to deal with this.

When America has is a such a sever problem, and your representative says that Lou and others who believe as he dose, and speak there beliefs, you say were lumping racially, Latinos, etc; in the same conversation and your just being a raciest towards those who want to come here legally, but that’s not what’s happening. And I won’t support your belief, because that’s not what he’s saying and when you say, any talk of terrorist coming with these legal, and illegal, aliens, is the as same xenophobes talk. We know that they have, and are mixed in with those who came legally, and your organization advocates for them, to not be stopped, you lose me.

We in America want all illegal aliens to stop coming illegally, for the purposes of terrorism, Drug, dealing, and for legal jobs, buy the way of illegal immigration, this has to all stop. And if you came into America and planned to mix in, or if you came in undercover, you must go back out, and come in legally. I was taught that, anyone who climes over the fence, is a thief, and a robber, this precept, and principle was taught me in the Bible.

So I’ am not against legal immigration to America, but all but legal immigration has to stop.

Now American National Security is at stake, and your advocacy group is not against American National Security, is it.

You can’t have it both ways at once. You cannot let the illegal in with the legal, America cannot let the illegal in and then say well there here now, let them stay, That won’t work because America doesn’t know who came legally, and who came illegally, and think about this for a rational moment, what’s the difference. If you get a bad reaction from a batch of medicine, and you got 1 million doses, you either have to test all 1 million doses, or get rid of the batch, and start over again, (and I don’t mean kill them) what I do means is that if you can prove you came legally, OK but if you can’t you must go out, and come in legally.

I also want Port security, but don't gey me wrong, I am against racisms in any form, whether it is institutional, or personal. Now don’t get me wrong I am for what is fair, and if you’ve been wronged, you deserve to be set right, and if the government did you wrong than the government has to set it right, and if businesses are hiring illegal aliens for work they are breaking the law, and should be adjudicated accordingly, this is one of the areas where America should start.

Last: why do you have a door on your home, why do you want just your family to get into your car, you say to me it’s OK, let them come in, let them ride, I say no, not because I don’t like them, I don’t know them well enough to like or dislike them, but I know that they cannot come into my home with out permission, they cannot get in my car either, whether I like them or not, all must ask and receive PERMISSION to come. And if you clime over the fence, and set up living in the corner of my yard, cooking cleaning raising your children, then stand there staring at me, in the corner of MY property, looking me in my face, as if to say what are you looking at me for.

I say your arrogant, and NO I don’t want you in my yard, you didn’t ask for my permission to be there, and I want you to leave.

UP or DOWN Vote

The Truth in LOVE

Up or Down Vote: by Bruce H, Scroggins


I see Republicans are up to there same old mess, this incessant statement, “they deserve an Up or Down Vote,” is getting tired. Over the years when it came to nominations, for heads of departments, and judges, and the like, there have been several things that happened, lets look at this step, by step. The President makes a nomination, and sends it up to the Hill for Advise, and Consent. The elected Representatives on the Hill take it up in committee, and the nomination either is voted out with confidence, or without confidence, or it can die in committee for several reasons, and if this happens, there is no vote on the floor of the Congress.

Lets say it passes committee and is voted out, with confidence, it arrives on the floor, and is set up for a vote, after further discussion, and filibustering, or no discussion, and no filibustering they can vote for or against this nomination, and if it passes, the Congress confirms the nomination with enough votes to pass, and if not it dies right there, and at the committee level, or on it’s way, or on the floor, either the President or the nominee can withdraw, and if neither of these events happens, then the President gets to appoint this person to the post he nominated him for if he passes.

This process is called Advise, and Consent.

History shows that many of the past Presidents nominations have not made it out, of committee, bottled up by either party, for all kinds of reasons, and never came close the floor of Congress. In the 214 year History this has happened many, many times, and several times, nominations have made it out of committee, with no confidence to the floor, and some have passed, and been appointed, and several have made it to the floor, with no confidence, and die on the floor of Congress. Now several nominations have made it with confidence out of committee, and dies on the floor of Congress, and many have made it through, and have been appointed by past Presidents.

This is just some of the history; it’s not a complete history, but closes enough for my point. When I hear Republicans say he deserves a up or down vote, I cringe, yes they can vote on the floor, but not everyone nominated gets a vote, and the Republicans continuing to say that they all deserve to get this vote, is not true, nor is it historically true that all get this vote.

Many times in committee, they vote, and many times they did not vote, and this has been true for the floor of Congress as well, and then the Republicans say, only these Appellate Court Judges are being held up, yes that’s true, and that is the preview of those who get to Vote, or "choose" not to Vote, of those who can advise, or not advise, to discuss, or not discuss, to filibuster, or not to filibuster.

The Democrats have the view and points, and reasons for doing what they are doing, and the Republicans have their reasons for saying what they say about, what the Democrats are saying, and doing.

The Dems see court packing, and the Supreme Court as the next step. The Republicans refuse to see this, and just continue to demand the vote, even though they need 60 votes to pass, that fine for the Republicans.

So were dead locked, no the Republicans say we will change the filibuster rule so we can use our majority in Congress to pass the opposition by, they also changed the rules of ethics for Congress.

The opposition, and America saw this as down right wrong, and the polls show this to be true. Now this Administration did get 215 judges passed, so 10 particular judges not getting through to me, is not enough reason to gut the filibuster, and it would take some thing a lot more for either party to get me to agree.

Please will somebody start telling, the people who keep saying, “They deserve a up or down vote,” to stop whining.

Slick Tactics

The Truth in LOVE

Slick Tactic: by Bruce H, Scroggins


I was greatly interested in and article by Tom Ball called "Bush tactic" It showed how the Bush Admibastration, and the Conservative Republican Party, Shifts the burden of proof to their opponents.

Here’s how it works, in my words: Bush and his cronies (CCR, and NCR, CR, present Administration) Conservative Christian Republicans, Neo-Conservative Republicans, and the Christian Right, all use this tactic in bullying the opposition.

They will Assert, or make and assertion, (I call it, making an accusation, to try to set the agenda.) They then promote that opinion (this is where the smooth taking, and filibustering comes in,) they try to interpret for you what they are asserting (they try to tell you what to think, and what conclusions you should have.) And they do not stop. News Personalities/supposed Journalist, and paid operatives, and party spinners, as well as those who can smell power, and I’ am talking about the Christian power elite’s included.

Now here’s the hook, before your opponent can question your motive, the strength of argument, or you basis (proof) for your ASSERTION, ACCUSATION, your OPINION, these truth twisters, these liars in the first order, they place on you the one who is questioning this “load of BULLS__T.” They call on you to prove them wrong, and this is another slick tactic, they keep asserting, keep accusing and saying your trying to obstruct the truth, and have no ideas of your own, they talk ad-infiniteum, always ending the mini filibuster talking with, prove me wrong.

And it's here where many fall for this slick bit of agenda setting crap, Instead of making them prove there assertion is true, and most fall for this tactic, they then try to prove there accusers assertion, but here's the trick, the assersation is wrong, and accusation is wrong, instead of making them prove that what there saying is not true, they then, after getting you to play the game they set, they proclaim victory, and ignore you from that point on saying you lost, and you need to get over it. Never do the work for those asserting, and accusing, they’ve made up this assertion, and want you to give it legitimacy by engaging in this falsehood, and mostly half truth, and they set the agenda, because they have got you arguing about there made up agenda.

65 to 80% of those in the know, know that Social Security is not a CRISIS, never was, it is serious Problem, but it not a crisis, and these same people, Republican and Democrat alike, knows Medicare, and Medicaid, are in and have been in CRISIS, along with the Deficit, these are the real issues, but this Bush led Administration, has engaged in miss directions, down right lying to get there top down control of the American people, and have won almost every engagement to date.

And the proof is the Economy, Jobs, Education, Taxes, Inflation, Wages, the Cost of Living, these most important foundational underpinning have all been eroded, ignored, and flat out refused to address them, and if addressed, the time is set for talk, to such a short time as to make most who are concerned, angry. Unions are under attack; All American can’t even go to appearance by the American President, not without first pledging and oath of allegiance to his name and pre-set agenda.

The Energy Bill, was set in private, and the Administration has refused to let the public, and there elected representative end on who, what, where and why? It is what it is.

Stop letting these pack of Control freaks set the agenda, make them prove their accusation, and assertions, and opinions, and do not let them set the agenda.


By: Bruce H, Scroggins


Look at the definition of Immigration;
im·mi·gra·tion (plural imm·i·gra·tions)
1. arrival of settlers in a new country
2. passport control

Immigration, the movement of people into another nation with the intention of residing there permanently. The contrasting term emigration refers to
When you add the words illegal this changes immigration.

Now America is at WAR, and the borders, or these borders have a serious and on going WAR on DRUGS PROBLEM as well. Mr. Gutierrez you can’t say there just janitors, and there only coming over, and through the same borders that TERRORIST, and DRUGS are coming over, "there only", I say, and then they mixed in with those coming to America legally, ILLEGAL immigrants, Illegal Drugs, is what America cannot afford to let this continue, I’ am sorry for the immigrant, who is looking for honest work, but he must come in HONESTLY, so Americans can be secure in there BORDERS.

And those who lobby for they native people have to stop saying Americans don’t want the low paying jobs, if that’s so, than its Americans problem, and American businesses will have to make adjustment to get workers to do the work, and they should not be allowed to continue on, or employ illegal workers, who have come to America illegally, I hear supporters of this illegal activity, making these arguments, I say American businesses are jeopardizing my security for there profits.

I hear Rep Luis Gutierrez, frame the issues by saying these Illegal immigrants pay taxes, (if you came illegally, the taxes are paid illegally)he says this as though, to say, yah there illegal, but that’s Ok, and he says your being against these illegals, is wrong and they are good tax paying illegals who just, want to work jobs you/us Americans don’t want. I understand he wants his people from his ancestors country to come and enjoy the American dream, and coming illegally is OK with him, well if he wants to play fast and loose with my security, that’s not OK with the majority of Americans, and he's sworn to protect this country, so give me a break.

A guess worker program is just what it says, “GUESS” meaning you’re here, temporarily and “Worker,” means working temporarily, when used with "Guess.". Now some want to say OH that’s terrible to have them come just for a season, this statement is fine, but you cannot add this feeling into GUESS WORKER, and when you do, they’re not, a “GUESS WORKER.” If you want them to apply for citizenship, you can help them do that LEGALLY, before entering illegally.

And blaming the Business’s is a big issue, these businesses are already in America, and if we enforce our borders, businesses can like, or want GUESS WORKERS, but they can’t have them unless they’re here legally, and there violating my security for profits.

Those here already, those who came in illegally, and they must leave and apply to come in legally, and stop trying to make it sound like because there here and they mop, and clean, and pick grapes, and pay taxes that it’s a low life job, and you say why? Are you bothering them you say?

The benefits for coming here legally are greater than, what they get for coming illegally. There are 11 million peoples or more, and all of these people are here under law illegally. You can not take over living in a country, and you say, well I’ve not broken the law, because, I pay taxes, you say your going to push them further underground, if make account for there status. No Rep, Gutierrez, you got it backwards, you can’t break the law, and say to those who want them to follow the law, that if you make them accountable to the law, that's unfair, I say because they chose to break the law, and they involved there families with them, you don not have to let them stay, based just on there breaking of the law alone, your trying to make those Americans out to be bad people, or racist, I just want them to follow the law… from the start. Bad Americans, why? Because, Americans want to follow the law, you say, they will have to separate there families, well if I rob a Bank, and get caught, I can’t say well I know I got caught, but you can’t ask me, and force me to separate from my family just because I broke the law. No you should not punish me, you should let me stay together with my family because, you should want my family to stay together, just forget I broke the law, that won’t work in your country, and it won’t work here.

CNN Presents Education

The Truth in LOVE

I watched CNN Presents/Education by: Bruce H, Scroggins


I was watching the program on CNN, about America’s Education system, and this program took into account the Presidents new “NO Child Left Behind Program,” I saw wide spread cheating, holding students back, forcing student to drop out, skipping grades after holding them back, students passing courses, and then the next year holding them back, and then the next, they are given the same courses again. In one instance in Texas, of 1100 students in 8th grade, only 257 made it into the 9th grade, and the drop out rate, for that year was 0.

This man Rod Page, who the President employed in Texas, this is the same man Bush put in charge of education on the Federal level, and implemented the “NO Child Left Behind Program” for America. This testing is tied to supposed "teaching to test," or "teaching the test" to raise scores. Rod Page thinks he doing great work for American school children.

America is producing master test takers, but the American education systems is not producing high achieving student… that can compete on the international stage.

The formulas that states are forced to use, make it appear that the students are improving, and by 2014 every school in the nation will be force to use this terrible system that sounds good, but in practice is terribly flawed, and is based on cheating.

And the growing rebellion against NCLBP, will only give more impudence to cut the money given to Education, and when less is needed in the budget, and the advocates of taking the money and giving it to the states for education, in private schools, because the states are starting to refuse the funds, and some are even suing the Federal Education Department, this is a for runner for desaster

As has been Bush’s practice, he tries to set the agenda, that is not the "issue" that needs his attention for those in America who need him to do the right thing for them and the poor, and those who use the public school systems in America, Bush spent 60 plus days trying to drum up support for his SS crisis, when it was a problem and never a crisis, and for years under the "guise" he did some thing great for education, and he’s gave education more money than his predecessors, yes he give more money but not enough to fully fund his great NCLBP, and in the out years he starts cutting education, just look closely at the budget.

The things that need America’s attention the most, Bush has played and ideological game, of “I’ve got the answer, and look what I’ve already done,” when we’ve had for five years a whole sale "drop rate" that has approached and passed be a crisis.

Along with this Administration all out assault on the working family, and their first line protection, the Unions. Bush has made it easier for Insurance companies to raise rates 10% plus for the last 5 year, while wages have stagnated, prescription drugs are at a all time high, for all Americans, energy is through the roof, jobs are leaving America at an accelerated rate, and a record number of jobs, that are not ever coming back to America, we have had since 911, a national emergency with or ports, and are borders, and immigration. Trade is a fast track for death for small businesses, and the Deficit is virtually ignored.

While America’s rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, and jobs get cheaper in pay, the American worker is less, and less able to support a family, when inflation and low and nonexistent raise’s for the cost of living, come nigh to those who have been most effected by this slow moving economy, it will be a revolution, and it won't be pretty.

But Americas got a God believing President, who can not see the suffering in America for the Ideology he pushes, he won’t support a raise in wages, he says he wishes he could lower the price of gasoline, well the price is ah, going down, since the voices of Americans, and business have showed displeasure in the polls, (his approval ratings are headed down as well.)