Monday, May 09, 2005


By: Bruce H, Scroggins


Look at the definition of Immigration;
im·mi·gra·tion (plural imm·i·gra·tions)
1. arrival of settlers in a new country
2. passport control

Immigration, the movement of people into another nation with the intention of residing there permanently. The contrasting term emigration refers to
When you add the words illegal this changes immigration.

Now America is at WAR, and the borders, or these borders have a serious and on going WAR on DRUGS PROBLEM as well. Mr. Gutierrez you can’t say there just janitors, and there only coming over, and through the same borders that TERRORIST, and DRUGS are coming over, "there only", I say, and then they mixed in with those coming to America legally, ILLEGAL immigrants, Illegal Drugs, is what America cannot afford to let this continue, I’ am sorry for the immigrant, who is looking for honest work, but he must come in HONESTLY, so Americans can be secure in there BORDERS.

And those who lobby for they native people have to stop saying Americans don’t want the low paying jobs, if that’s so, than its Americans problem, and American businesses will have to make adjustment to get workers to do the work, and they should not be allowed to continue on, or employ illegal workers, who have come to America illegally, I hear supporters of this illegal activity, making these arguments, I say American businesses are jeopardizing my security for there profits.

I hear Rep Luis Gutierrez, frame the issues by saying these Illegal immigrants pay taxes, (if you came illegally, the taxes are paid illegally)he says this as though, to say, yah there illegal, but that’s Ok, and he says your being against these illegals, is wrong and they are good tax paying illegals who just, want to work jobs you/us Americans don’t want. I understand he wants his people from his ancestors country to come and enjoy the American dream, and coming illegally is OK with him, well if he wants to play fast and loose with my security, that’s not OK with the majority of Americans, and he's sworn to protect this country, so give me a break.

A guess worker program is just what it says, “GUESS” meaning you’re here, temporarily and “Worker,” means working temporarily, when used with "Guess.". Now some want to say OH that’s terrible to have them come just for a season, this statement is fine, but you cannot add this feeling into GUESS WORKER, and when you do, they’re not, a “GUESS WORKER.” If you want them to apply for citizenship, you can help them do that LEGALLY, before entering illegally.

And blaming the Business’s is a big issue, these businesses are already in America, and if we enforce our borders, businesses can like, or want GUESS WORKERS, but they can’t have them unless they’re here legally, and there violating my security for profits.

Those here already, those who came in illegally, and they must leave and apply to come in legally, and stop trying to make it sound like because there here and they mop, and clean, and pick grapes, and pay taxes that it’s a low life job, and you say why? Are you bothering them you say?

The benefits for coming here legally are greater than, what they get for coming illegally. There are 11 million peoples or more, and all of these people are here under law illegally. You can not take over living in a country, and you say, well I’ve not broken the law, because, I pay taxes, you say your going to push them further underground, if make account for there status. No Rep, Gutierrez, you got it backwards, you can’t break the law, and say to those who want them to follow the law, that if you make them accountable to the law, that's unfair, I say because they chose to break the law, and they involved there families with them, you don not have to let them stay, based just on there breaking of the law alone, your trying to make those Americans out to be bad people, or racist, I just want them to follow the law… from the start. Bad Americans, why? Because, Americans want to follow the law, you say, they will have to separate there families, well if I rob a Bank, and get caught, I can’t say well I know I got caught, but you can’t ask me, and force me to separate from my family just because I broke the law. No you should not punish me, you should let me stay together with my family because, you should want my family to stay together, just forget I broke the law, that won’t work in your country, and it won’t work here.

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