Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dr. Condi Rice drew a parallel with Nazi Germany’s overthrow

, to congresses, suggested change in authorization, on RNC fox.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Rice says it’s a continuum of our original mission. Poppycock, Boulder-dash, horse cookies, we didn’t change the authorization of WW II, so why would we change the Iraq authorization. Answer Miss Rice, is Iraq mission was completed and there is not a continuing treat to the US, as a matter of fact, there was NO FIND, of the original treat, WMD’s, or an Alqeada Connection, organized to attack, or threaten the US, No Nukes or it’s reported Labs, there was however a congressionally voted mandate, in the original authorization, of 03’ and that has been victorious.

There is no continual mission, the original mission is finished, done, completed, The US and Coalition Troops, have completed, there mission, Briton is leaving, Southern Iraq in force for good reasons.

Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rove all of this leadership, are beyond the pale, of fixed ideology, they believe they can keep with the parlor game of words, America, is sick and tired of this RNC, Republican Congressional game, many Republicans are staying the course and playing the funding game, this is a strategic move, by the administration, they keep their party unity posing false straw arguments about, cutting funds and of troops in the field, being left in fire fights, without re-enforcements.

Bush and Republicans, While coldly calculating and caring nothing for those same Troops, in harms way, being ill equipped, half trained, fighting and dying in an extended mission, that keeps changing and has no purpose, but to extend the failure, until Bush leaves office, Bush will do everything, including attack Iran, to stay in Iraq and unless, Republicans wake up, Bush will stay until, 09’.

America’s enemies are training in two places, for two different reasons, Afghanistan, is for a coming long overdue war, with America, they have trained and re-equipped, a spring offensive is in the air. In Iraq, they are practicing, the skills at countering a foreign invader, they are honing there hate among them selves for themselves and a new evolving hate for Americans.

At this 08’ year, Republicans will see the awful truth, America’s Main Stream, will bring about a VETO PROOF CONGRESS AND PRESIDENCY, this will be Republicans reward, for defying the Nations Vote and Mandate, in 06’ and 07’ I commend the Democrats in Congress, please keep pushing, your showing the Nation, exactly what Republicans and Bush really are, it becomes clearer and clearer, with every BLOCKED VOTE IN CONGRESS.

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