Sunday, May 29, 2005

Responce to Norm Colman "Oil for Food PSI"

Response to Norm Coleman, OIL for FOOD PSI


Norm Your right you didn’t arrive at your decision easily, I believe you looked very hard at what you could investigate, that would put your committee, PSI on the map if you will, all to stake out your position, and round out, and show case, if you will, your Senatorial work, as an "Persecutor," and you thought your skills would shine, but so far you’ve shown only that you were not prepared to do battle, and your showing at your committee was abysmal at best.

You say, you requested Kofi Annan resign, for what! you’ve come up with nothing so far, as I can see, and America and the world see only trumped up, and possibly some forged papers, with the testimonies of some deposed heads of state. Not one SMOKING GUN did you produce, not one, you sat there and postured in front of the whole world as if you had some real evidence, but you showed and spoke of circumstantial evidence at best, and we waited for the shoe to drop, but none dropped, tell me you have more, please tell you’ve not fired your shotgun, both barrels.

In your opening you had the unmitigated gull, to pronounce the nobility, of the reasons for the UN OIL for FOOD program as a great reasoned idea for the Iraq people, when you knew you had to deal with the same man, who turned his back on deals with the US, and it’s businesses, long before the UN along with the USA came up with this great humanitarian ideal, and if your trying to sell to me, that your investigation is trying to get justice for the Iraq people, your lame… and it won’t fly with the American people, as well as the world.

I know for fact, that American money, tax payers monies, went to no-bid contracts, and to repatriated Iraqi’s, and the OIL, the US lead Coalition was suppose to protect went out of Iraq, for well over 14 months. During the time the OIL for FOOD program was up and running, both of these went hand in hand with the UN sanctions, and who got hurt the most, the Iraq children, your vaunted program to get food and medicine to Iraq’s children, don’t make me laugh, reporters told you the children weren’t getting the food, or the money, and the only ones who didn’t care were the US, and the UN members who were getting paid. No mystery here, millions of people were telling you this didn’t work from day one, but everyone involved, stayed the course, until Saddam made his move with the tacit approval of the US into Kuwait.

And even then the Coalition only went as far as the Mandate would allow, so the President says.

We sell Saddam gun, enriched uranium, strategic maps, and Satellite imagery. More weapons and the training to use them, we sell him the chemicals to create bio weapons, along with Germany, France, Russia, and several other countries, many members of the UN. And the US, and many others signed contract based on loop holes, that allowed them to write these contract on the future, when sanctions would be lifted, and Russia, and France who had a contract to develop the OIL fields, from 1927, got back doored, and back stabbed by the US and the Coalition, Russia lost billions, on future OIL contracts, Germany like the US lost Millions, on weapons delivered, and on enriched uranium, and France lost there long term contract to develope the OIL, and the money owed for nuclear tecnology.

And when you couldn't prove Kofi Annan was involved, but not involved in the OIL for Food scam, and you can’t just say he should of known, and you haven’t proved his son or Kofi knew about it. Kofi’s son may have had something to do with Oil for food, but that has not been proved either. His son's debacle is not the point, and you will not get him to step down until he’s ready.

Overwhelming evidence… don’t look now but half of America is laughing, along with the world, You embarrass a lot of people, and I pray you make a clear case in the near future. BAYOIL made close to or over 30 plus Billion dollars, over the years of the OIL for FOOD program, there is the real fraud, go after them an expose there complicity, and there profits, you can find the smoking gun, right here in America, and you can trace the money trail, all around the word. And Mr. Volcker, with no subpoena power will make you look bad, and partisan if you don’t go after BAYOIL.

I’ll be praying for you.

by Bruce H, Scroggins

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