Tuesday, September 06, 2005

An Emerging Story in Black America

by Bruce H, Scroggins

The big story in a large part of Black America is the Big Media doesn’t respect the Black Organizations, and Black Churches, and big Media is NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and all of the 24 hour News Programs on Satellite, and Cable, and by Black Organizations, I am talking about the NAACP, and the URBAN LEAGUE these organizations are the oldest, and the most trusted in the Black communities around America, and it’s glaring to us, that on your News Shows, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army, are the only one’s prominent, and in repeat at the end, and at the start of each segment, as the only organizations America should give to heavily.

Your show will have to stop reinforcing this, belief by your not placing these honorable strong Black Institutions, in their rightful place, with the ones to date you have shown, adinfiniteum to America, by design.

Believe me, I’ am not against these fine organizations, but I’ am also very proud of these Black Organizations, and they have done a great deal for Black America, and if you don’t listen to them, and in turn respect them, we will see this every day and night, and you’ll lose creditability with Black America.

Remember this present Administration, dose not talk with our leaders of choice, and many see that in the Black community as disrespect.

Remember, the Black community is largely faith filled people, and there faith tells them if you don’t respect the Son, you can’t respect the Father, and there is no way to the Father, except by way of the Son, if you understand, we will see a change, and all America will understand.

Bruce H, Scroggins

God Bless

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