Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bush & Cheney, are too stupid to understand

a pointed fact aimed at there lead-into "Iraqmirer," so Bush & Cheney twist the statement, and claimed it was about the troops, in Iraq… shame on you.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

This is a non starter, Bush & Cheney and Tony Snow, never stood opposed, in any US Military unit, never volunteered, to re-enlist for a second tour of duty in harms way, but they have the brass bottom, go-naids to fain, anger over, their twist of a factual statement, pointed squarely at their leadership into “Iraqmirer,” trying to juice up their base.

Rove, Rice, Hadley, Bolton, never put on the uniform, took the oath and step into the breach. These are Kerry’s words, these “Stuff Shirts,” have the gull to continue to tell America, this mess is a good thing, and “we have no choice, but to stay and win.”

No choice,” it’s remarkable too hear this administration, tell America, if you change course, you’re the enemy. Bush says, we must, stay and keep killing some enemy and many civilians, many more civilians have died than enemy, in Iraq and these wrong headed, wrong direction, ”F troop Administration,” cannot find a seven foot, murder the mountains, between two countries, five years and this pig-sucking scum, has taunted America, with tape after tape, statement after statement, when ALL America wants, Osama, brought to "justice," or as Bush said, “justice brought to him.”

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Kerry was speaking directly to YOU and if YOU don’t know, you’d better ask someone.

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