Sunday, November 12, 2006

McCain & Lieberman, neither of these men get it, America gets it, CORRUPTION…IRAQ.

Meet the Press 11/12/06

By Bruce H, Scroggins

As much as the Press wants the election to be about Republican and Democrats not getting anything done in congress the “do-nothing-Republican Controlled 110th Congress,” Well listen-up McCain, Lieberman… 6 out of 10 voters, were upset with, “Iraq,” no matter how much McCain, skates away from the facts, that the American public was sending a massage to the Republican controlled Congress and a direct message to President Bush, it was your partisan control and partisan, blocking and killing of the Democrats, plans for true by-partisanship, real leadership was a large part of our message vote to Bush and Republicans, in this election.

Lieberman’s still dose not get it, he thinks, he can still push America to believe the Republican lies about this war being good and noble, well Afghanistan was good and noble, Iraq was a lie, America stopped believing, the only way for America to leave Iraq and too protect America, is too stay and win… Lieberman, let me tell you what Democrats know, you were elected by Republicans and Independents, 70% of Republicans voted for Lieberman, along with a large number of Independents, you’re an I/R, not as you say a I/D, 65% of Democrats, did not vote for you and will not vote for you, at the very next election, you will show your ass during this term, by siding with Bush again, against the Democratic leadership and your ass will be out.

America understood Bush and it a took little time to watch the Republicans control and show America what they capable of doing and what those not in power, the Democrats, America watched as you told Democrtas where to get off, well Bush was telling a large part of Americans, where to get off as well and showing them, he was not there President, he was not compassionate, he was not a Unit-er, he was a divider, America understood, more than the Neo-Conservative-Republican-Christian-Right empty words, but their action belied their all your words.

Corruption, corruption and all your lies about the war will not change the majority vote of the Americans populace. A Majority of Americans did not get the great results, of the Bush tax cuts, you kept telling America, the facts are, only your supporters listened and got it, Congresses resistance to protections for American workers and Unions, were evident to working America and with Congress allowing American businesses and Republicans, who were controlling Congress, too hire illegal aliens for near a decade, stagnating wages.

Health care, the cost of workers benefits went up during Republican control 72%, for the hard working American workers, hard working Americans watched in horror, as McCain consistently, sided with the Republicans against workers, on the minimum wage, Workers and Unions, America’s workers will not forget and they sure will not forget Lieberman, or McCain and Julelinnie, America knows the difference between partisan political games and blocking and killing Democrats Plans and Ideas in Congress, voters know it was not the Democrats that played games, or were corrupt in control.

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