Monday, January 15, 2007

Battle Groups in Gulf, a hedge against Iraq failure,

a side bar for ready attacks to extend stay in Iraq, until 09’
By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush is clear if you read each move set up the next, the Battle Groups in and on their way to the Gulf are the next steps, if and when needed, as hedges against the eventual failure in Bush’s “Surge, Augmentation, ESCALATION.”

Congress, the American People and The Media, keeps letting Bush and his surrogates define Iraq, and because they define our presences and refuse too see the Conflict separately, as it truly is.

First: US Troops have already won the conflict, war on terrorist, mainly Al-Qi-Aida, in Iraq, US troops have reduced by killing terrorist, to around 1,000 Al-Qi-Aida in Iraq.

Second: Iraq’s Civil Conflict and it is Civil War, between three, sects of Islam, Kurdish Muslims, Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims. The US has no part in winning or losing A Iraqi Civil War that has to be won by Iraq’s, or lost by Iraqi’s. In the US Civil War, at the Courthouse in Appomattox Robert E Lee Surrenders to Ulysses S Grant and signed to stop the fighting for his forces, the French weren’t there saying; this is a great Victory for France and the American people, even though they gave money and weapons to the cause.

A Distinction has to be MADE:

So the US cannot be involved in the battles, on either side. America cannot be scene taking sides, or Walking Patrols, or Kicking in doors, or Handcuffing Iraqi’s, or calling in Air Strikes, or calling down Artillery. Bush knows this but keeps tying our troops to the Civil Conflict win, or lost.

The Congress and the Media has to call Bush and all his surrogates on this distinction, the US Troops have completed the Mission in Iraq, with flying colors, they have brought down Saddam, he’s dead and many of his regime are dead and held for trials and the US Troops have crushed Al-Qi-Aida, in Iraq to the point of having, only mop up duties. Al-Qi-Aida can be handled with Quick Strike Units, in Country. Congress and the Media has to stop the Bush tying of Terrorist in Iraq to the wider war on terrorism, the War on terrorism in Iraq is not tied to Attacks on America, it’s rhetoric, by Cheney, Hadley, Rice, Gates even and for sure Bush, stop them in the wordsmithing, employ.

Make the Distinction clear, for America:

Look, Bush and his Administration uses these words and then the Congress and the media engage in there false hypothesis and connections, don’t play their GAME, always separate the Troops mission now in Iraq from the Iraqi’s Mission now in their Civil War. Bush must be confronted on HOW he’s defining reality in Iraq, it’s not as Bush says, all tied together and having an affect on eventual attacks on America, if we don’t stay and keep trying to win. The only real war on Terrorism and were losing that one too, is in AFGHANISTAN.

The US Troops only Mission, Now in Iraq is:

The US Troops, have to Re-deploy to defensible positions, with in Iraq and too the Borders and start, interdicting the belligerent neighbors from sending troops, weapons ands money into the Iraqi’s CIVIL WAR.

Border security is the main Mission of US Troops and support and advisement of the Iraqi’s Security forces, where needed. By re-deploying to the Borders, we will assure our Allies in the Region of our commitment to secure a stable Iraq.

Battle Groups in the Gulf

This is the gambit, Bush and surrogates keep saying; they’re saying, were not planning a war, or attacks, on Iran. The Battle groups are there too Bluster and Saber rattle at Iran and Syria, it is also a Insurance policy, if Iraq goes badly and it will, so watch for the ratcheting up of rhetoric with Iran and Syria, this will signal things are going badly in Iraq. There will be a provocation, either in Iraq, or in the Gulf, believe me a confrontation with Iran, will be good for the Oil companies, higher Gas and energy prices are not all bad for the Oil producing countries, or the consuming countries, all though there worse in the long run on the consuming countries.

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