Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If you support the troops, you Must support the Mission, “NO”

this is a non-sequiter argument, you can do both, Democrats and Congress, must knock this flawed arguement down

Definition: of non sequitur

1. Incongruous statement: a statement that appears unrelated to a statement that it follows
2. Unwarranted conclusion: a conclusion that does not follow from its premises


By Bruce H, Scroggins

It’s false argument posed by Bush and Republicans, all tied together, with attacks by Media and Republicans in Congress, they first attack, the non-binding Resolutions, saying; if you want to stop the war, “Cut the Funds, or De-fund the Troops in the field,” Use a Binding Resolution, de-funding the money, Republicans say, when in truth, Republicans won’t allow any Resolutions, from Democrats too do anything, to force troops to be removed from Iraq, their duplicity, saying their against the surge, but refusing to anything to stop it.

Democrats and the Media, must destroy these Myths, Next when Republicans say, you can’t support the troops and not the mission, Democrats must make it clear the mission has been completed, the mission they were sent into Iraq, is over, the only mission left is Alqeada and there mostly in the Anbar Province, America needs to hear this over and over.

So Murtha plan or no, those who wish to end the war and bring the troops home would be well-advised to get busy pulling apart the argument that ending funding for the war will harm the troops. As Tom Matzzie of MoveOn has argued, Democrats need to directly rebut the Republican charge that Democrats are threatening the safety of American forces in the field by pushing restrictions on war funding. "Cutting off funding as described by the media and White House is a caricature," Matzzie told The Politico. "It has never happened in U.S. history, and it won't happen now."

Republican try to say, “Cutting funding, or De-funding, will stop re-inforcements from coming to the aid of troops, in a fire fight.” This a pernicious statement and wholly, untrue.

Congress, can stop the war, by cutting funds to continue, but would never, stop troops from, re-deploying, or withdrawing from and area and the few Alqeada, are not strong enough to stop the US Troops from moving anywhere they chose.

Here’s what is not being spoken, Bush has decided to force and ignore the Nation and Congressional Democrats, by moving troops into harms way, over their explicit objections, even Republicans objections, Bush will leave them in harms way, even after funds have been cut, this is criminal, from the start and Congress must say so.

What Bush did, by surging troops over to Iraq, ill equipped and untrained, together with forced rotations and cutting short and extending stays, in the firing line, is nearing an impeachable offense.”

Make Impeachment real to Bush, with impeachment and moving Congress towards, tying any and all money, for Iraq and Afghanistan, too Training, Equipping, and Troops Rotations, will bring the conflict and mission change, needed in Iraq.

The mission has changed, Alqeada is the mission, in Iraq and America’s leverage is Re-deploying and withdrawing, there in, lies our most power, a real clear alternative is needed, by Congress, too Bush’s Forced Escalation, Failing Forward, Repeated Surging, up, down, in out… one failing after another.

America wants a real clear Plan, in opposition, not just opposition.

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