Sunday, April 01, 2007

To the Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and your Leadership, CBC


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I am a American and Black man, I’ am Politically responsible (I Vote and watch closely, most political debates and issues, local and National, International) and aware, of the early upcoming Presidential season, I was not amused to hear the CBC, has chosen to have fox, host a Democratic debate, I for one will not be watching, I have never cared for fox, they are not up front with there RNC talking points, staged as news, their Host are clearly right leaning and contend strongly in the information market place.

But I cannot bear to watch, their host, or vain attempts at reporting the news, with out heavy opinion, mixed in as fact, I for one can tell the difference, but it’s painful to hear those who cannot and then quot this Channels, purposeful propaganda of everything news worthy, or factual. They provide a heavy layer of spin, with planted surrogates, Paid Analyst and Administration Plants, all lying so much there are gaps, in their teeth from telling lies, with a straight face.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe any network, on face value, I’ve learned, one must search out the facts and make as educated opinion as possible, I do watch fox, as little as possible, but I watch too hear the lies.

But I watched foxes last debate, in 04’, a black organization did with fox, it was unintelligible, what with all the conservative Pundits, falling all over them selves, twisting every competently voiced issue and it subsequent solutions, I got so tired of the right leaning spin, I felt they were not, televising this for all Americans left and right, they had a right agenda and wanted, too turn off the left viewers, so they could play to the Right, so I finished watching.

I didn’t think, I could hold a conversation with any one on the Right, I was right, I tried too talk about the issues, in several forms, with Conservatives and Republicans and not one would engage in the issues, they wanted to repeat, fox RNC talking points, wild accusations and smears is all I heard, they had no opinion, but what they were told by the fox channel and the ones who knew, I was informed, about both sides of the issues, refuse to engage me and made jokes instead.

So I won’t watch your fox channel debates and I know of many whites and blacks who will not watch either, this is a mark against your great organization, in my eyes, you have choices of several networks, who will be much more balanced, I realize, you want to reach a wider audience, but your effort will be, side tracked, no matter how many questioners, you get to ask question, the network, will weight the balance before and after and your presentation, will serve as ballast for there agenda.

You are right to want to reach a broader electorate, but I feel and know, most of fox channel viewers, watch other channels, they will get your message, the rest are not reasoning, they have a lot of cattle, more than most network news organizations, their viewers are the least inform, in the wider political issues, they like being told what to believe, much like some religious organization, that have mixed, politics and the gospels, their viewer-ship reminds me of a church service, lead top down.

I hope you’ll reconsider this, but I know fox, after having the Colorado debates, killed, will make it hard for you pullout, so your locked in. I ask one thing, get a show on, right after the debates, to set the records straight, with your Host, your issues and a strong host and guest who can articulate issues for black and white America, not affiliated heavily on the right, fox has a ton of that today, nor do I want just a left based show, but I’ am talking about a show, not long after your debate, to counter, the propaganda campaign your in for, that will start leading up to and after the debates, no matter what you say, they plan to rip your message too pieces for their base-drones and carry it forward, building like Advertisement campaign.

Bon appetite

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