Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hillary has LOST BIG EARLY and won some late big victories

And we know who won the WAR, EARLY and the war winner was never in Doubt… Hillary no matter her absolute Race/Gender Divisive Primary Campaign, being the loser, she’ll have too campaign twice as hard as she is campaigning today, HARDER than any other 2nd place finisher in American history, or Democrats will lose in November.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

The verdict of this 2008 primary elections was set in motion by the combatants, not the Media, Hillary wants to drive her late victories with attacks on the media, saying; “The Pundit’s and Talking heads, don’t want you to vote,” No one, none, nobody in the media, has told Americans, anywhere, to not vote, don’t vote, you Americans, in such and such states, you should stay home, didn’t happen and Hillary is lying to her supporters and the American public, this is just another way in which Hillary, is methodically, absolutely corrosive to the Democratic process and her supporters are taking their cues from her and no matter what she says, they will follow through on there treats and I pray they are left at the alter.

Please hear me, when in the heat of battle, Obama took the heart out of the battles, when Obama took a 10 state straight victory run, that was entirely fair, Obama did not lose a state, Hillary lost those states, straight up, no one held a gun to any voters head, anywhere during that historic run by Obama.

Hillary R. Clinton had every opportunity, every effort, Hillary campaigned hard for those votes in every one of those states and she lost big. Hillary began changing the number, the goal post, the divisive speeches and Hillary lost even more, she has made the old politics her only way to campaigned, is to make it about voting against Hillary, no Obama did not ever say such a thing.

Hillary has repeatedly, said “they” don’t want you to vote, who the fart is “they” Hillary has made it sound, too Hillary supporters as if, a Hillary supporter, even thinks about voting for Obama, they will be abandoning women and Hillary and she’s ingrained it, so when she loses and she will lose big, her saying vote for Obama, to her supporters, in the millions will know she doesn’t mean it.

That is the real fact and fear of some in the DNC and millions of voters around America today, facing these realities, will bring the very hard questions from the pollsters and pundits, hard questions, must be ask about the Hillary supporters and surrogates, voters saying after walking out of Tenn. Kentucky saying; "RACE was why I voted against Obama," that is not a sound bite that is a landslide KILLER and America hasn’t seen nothing yet.

From daily Kos

Was Gender of candidate important to you?
Yes 16 -- 79C, 19O No 82 -- 63C, 33O
Was Race of candidate important to you?

Yes 21 -- 81C, 16O No 78 -- 61C, 35O

More detail: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/epolls/#KYDEM

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