Thursday, April 20, 2006

America stop and THINK!!!

by Bruce H, Scroggins

A gentleman by the name of Erick Haney was on Tavis Smiley Show and he spoke almost eloquently about Delta Force, but what caught my minds eye, was what he said about, our leadership today. America has come to the point where, an all volunteer Army, is the wrong direction for our countries to be headed, it has given the HAVES, in power the ability to advance war on others, they did not agree with, or advance, by barging in and making business deals, where they were not wanted, and these deals would be backed up by force, if and when there was opposition to there interest.

America should never, I repeat never come to the point where, the cost in treasure, (our children) is not shared, it must, or should always be spread across the full spectrum of our society, rich, middle and poor classes, nust sharing in the duty to country. Now I’ am not for frivolous wars, of Hegemony, and conquest of resources, like Viet-Nam and Iraq. Now wars of retaliation for the World Trade Center, will be a war, I would be hell bent to get into, but per invasions like Iraq, NO.

There are dictators, despicable men and women all around the world, and we are not the world’s policemen, or the Nine-One-One of the world.

But today we have, this ALL Volunteer Army and where has it gotten us, in a Iraq Quagmire, in the middle of a Civil War. And hardly any of the rich, or the leaderships children, or family members are fighting and dying, only the middle and poor classes are, fighting and dying, and for what. If the draft was in place, as it should have been, after we were attacked, we would have found Ben Laudin, and never stopped until he was brought low for his crimes.

But because the All Volunteer Army was in place, these Neo-Cons, saw there chance, there New Pearl Harbor, to use them, our treasure, to advance, there plans for US Hegemony, as they laid it out in the:
Project for the New American Century, (

America read and see what they were doing under the cover of our being attacked, and look at all the profiteering, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the usual suspects are there in every instance, Bechtel, Flour Corp, Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown & Root, Shaw Group, CH2M Hill Inc, and many, many more. And they were on the ground down in the Gulf as well, and they have gotten more of the billions spent than the people, or State Governments and people, in the whole entire Gulf Coast.

Wake up, America, no more sleeping walking, instead see the world as it is, and not as your blind faith in men, has lead you to believe.

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