Thursday, April 20, 2006

Oil Prices are a result of Bush’s failed foreign policy and sucking up! To his betters

by Bruce H, Scroggins

Through Bush & Cheney, Rice and Rumsfelds ignorance and blind belief in Neo-Con Hegemony, America is suffering there foolhardiness.

You notice I did not mention Collin Powell, he was always the reluctant warrior, in this Administration, the voice of reason if you will and sadly, the voice least listened too. Mr. Powell was the outsider, to this PFTNAC group.

Now there are three players in the Energy game; Oil men, profits, and Congress and yes it is a game to the OIL men, and the people and there desire for energy, our the pieces on the game board of profits and there are two Energy games being played at the same time. One is National, here in the US and Internationally, let me focus on the National Energy game, it has rules, some set by Congress through Energy Policy & legislation and Energy rules set by the OIL Barons in control of Production.

Bush & Cheney are what is called OIL Men first and foremost, they bleed OIL first, why you ask?, there god is profit, now I know Bush said he is born again and I do not doubt his conviction, I do not how ever, ignore his proclivity to stand with these OIL barons first, even over the American consumer concerns.

That’s why he says, there’s nothing he can do about the price of gas at the pump, he of course is lying, he’s the president, he can do just about anything he wants, he is however saying, that he dose not have the will to do anything about gas prices, in other words, he dose not care, or he has choosen to do nothing about the plight of the every day working stiff.

When Bush retires from the presidency, he will be given, over time a small fortune not unlike his father’s fortune, and perhaps twice as much as his father’s fortune. As will Rice, Rumsfeld and Cheney, all of these individuals will be made rich, and Cheney already has a head start on all of his compatriots.

Now why Bush’s foreign policy, has resulted in OIL prices going through the roof, starts with Bush being an abject failure, when it comes to foreign policy and his Administrations, Bush has made mistakes, missteps, miss-reads and half steps, one right after another, leading to the most abysmal, foreign policy in American history. And all because he was bated into going into Iraq, now long before Iraq, Bush had a chance to correct some of his mistakes, but once he was convinced before entering the White House, that he could get Saddam, the man who tried to kill his father, he was convinced, he could secure the second largest OIL fields in the known world, and infuse a start of the process to a form a Democracy, in the Middle-East, this was heady stuff to a C-student, he was easily led and he had just enough ego and swagger to be the empty headed leader of this group of world hegemonist (made up word).

Now to the OIL Industry heads, these egomaniacal greedy bastards, they do not care about ruling countries, or changing leaders, or taking over countries, their concerns only go as far as controlling the government, to there own selfish, profiteering ends. Energy history 101, the short version, The USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Russia and Briton (England, for those history challenged) from the start of the search for OIL around the world, these countries, were the ones who put in the infrastructure to get the OIL out of the ground, all around the world.

And in return for the technology and up front capital, "forever" contracts were written, so as to give a percentage for "life" of every barrel taken out of the ground or sea. Unless the Country nationalizes, like Iran. And here’s the sneaky, dirty little secret, this is what gives the OIL barons the balls to make statements, to the Congress and press, when questioned about high profits today, like; “where were you when Oil prices were at $10 a barrel,” these are sons of bitches, and they are arrogant to boot. This STATEMENT is taking about National OIL prices, here in the US, not Oil prices internationally, they have been for around 100 plus years, been racking up unlimited profits and stashing them in foreign banks and the US Government … CAN NOT ASK ABOUT THESE PROFITS, get it… they complain about not making any money for years here in the US, which has never been the problem, or the case, because they set the Production… you can not complain about a system you set up.

Production and Holding facilities; are the lynch pin of the game, they control production and the capacity to hold, or store refined products, and this capacity, is the valve of control too cost. Let see, over the last 35 years, collectively, the OIL men have Not… Built One… New Refinery, or Holding Facility, in the USA… in 35 years. And there in, is why? Gas prices are going up today.

And do not let them tell you, “it’s the natural disasters, that are a big cause,” yes and no. If plants had of been built, say 1 or 2 every 4 years, for the LAST 35 years, we would have the capacity to refine and store enough Gas, Home Heating Oil and Alternative Fuels, too keep America competitive and make a healthy profit. Even though energy independence is the only way to true freedom, for any Nation and Alternative energy, is a key foundation today for America.

Next time Congress has the big OIL men into to testify, listen carefully to hear if they ask about there obscene profits made and held in Banks around the world. I have nothing against making a profit, but when energy became Strategic, profits have to be controlled and regulated, and as long as America can say nothing about the huge, and I mean huge profits held outside the USA… Congress should never let these greedy bastards, say a word about, “where were you when Oil was selling for $10 a barrel,” Congress and the American people should answer, these arrogant bastard’os. “Right here looking at your obscene profits around the world.”

Congress needs to; cut out the sweet heart deals, and the give away on royalties, and keep raising the tax on these arrogant bastards, until they start increasing refinery capacity for Fossil Fuels and Alternative Fuels.

Then the price of OIL will start to go down some, and Congress can help in other ways, by making it profitable to drill for Oil and Natural Gas, here on this side of the Atlantic, this will facilitate in, jump starting our dying manufacturing Industry, Natural Gas is the answer for our Industry to compete again, on the world stage. America has the largest Natural Gas deposits in the world.

But act we must, no more waiting for the energy Industry, to make a positive move. Congress needs too go on the offensive with Big Oil, they refuse to build Refineries, we raise the tax on their profits, and change Anti-Trust laws, until they start building Refineries and start drilling on the leases they already hold. OIL is and has too much of a strategic importance to let Big Oil sit on there FAT asses, and do nothing while our country and people are drained of jobs and their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Big Oil has the money to do it, but do not let them stone wall and make statements about they were not making profits way back when, so were not going to do anything now is what they don't say, America answers, you did nothing then, but we as a people, are one big voice and if you want to remain in business, you will either start building, or we will tax you, too off set your control of production, and raw profit taking at our American expense. And if they refuse, start talking about nationalizing the OIL Industry, that will get them off there asses for sure.

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