Monday, November 20, 2006

The Abuse of the ALL-VOLUNTEER ARMY is a failure in our time of need that has the US, Strapped for alternative moves.
By Bruce H, Scroggins

Rumsfeld’s ALL VOLUNTEER ARM FORCES together with the sleeker, downsized Pentagon are wholly incapable of handling the demands of the 21st Century WARS. Defense cannot be done on the cheap and with an over reliance on electronics, we are today, stuck in a limited responses, too Murdering terrorist, and a stealth, human shield, Low Tec militant enemy.

In America and among the voting population, there is NO sense of shared sacrifice, none… there is a disconnect for the majority and for certain political parties, mainly Republicans, Christian-Conservatives and Right leaning and Moderates, including many Democrats, their stealth Americans Patriots.

The vast majority of America’s Treasures serving today, are split down social-economic lines, the Officer Corp. it comes from our nations Military Academies, the upper middle classes, predominantly white and well off. The Foot Soldiers, come predominantly from the working classes, now Congress and the Pentagon, are not going too, re-institute, THE DRAFT, they are not going open the door for there children and grandchildren to be drafted, for any war, now that the Military is ALL_VOLUNTEER, they will not go back to a “SHARED SACRIFICE,” to protect the our Republic.

The HILL will make every argument for “stay the course Military”; they will up every possible, incentive to raise this MILITARY. Lets look at the facts of our MILITARY: 1.4 Million total strength, of which 500,00 are foot soldiers, a nation the size America 300,000,000 has to have, during a time of WARS, 2.5 to 3 Millions Military, the first argument from both sides of the Isle is, it’s too expensive, yes that is a fact of 21st Century war, for the remaining Super Power, you must share the sacrifice and share the COST of FREEDOM across the board.

America is a target and if were in it too win it, any one who says, we can do this on the cheap, is not being realistic.

The new strategy’s, being kicked around the News Talk Shows, out of the Pentagon is: Go Long, Go Short, Go Home… America we are limited in every single one of these, let’s not kid ourselves, we cannot stay and it will be painful for all to leave… sooner… later. Expensive, yes too secure our Homeland and fight two wars, we have to spend money were it will do the most good, at Home and for real 21st Century Protection.

The Draft is going to be what makes, everyone take a stand, Congress and the Pentagon and all the war loving, “stay the coursers,” have to be put on the RECORD. The News Shows solicit sound bites and they all make little quips, like there are no votes for the Draft and the online bloggers are all against it, except for some Veterans and realist Bloggers. America needs a rousing Debate, too pull the covers, off these war profiteers, listen elected officials will not vote to send theirs loved ones to war and they will not vote to send across the board and across the their respective constituency, into harms way. Congress, will not change the all-volunteer military, it’s too good the way it is now, each elected official say, to their selves, it’s the way it is and were not going too change it.

The Draft puts the onus on truth… speaking to POWER, no more frivolous wars of choice, veiled in lies, full of paybacks, some because they tried to kill, my daddy and some old fashion profiteering, under the cover, lets get some one, lets pay some one back.

The Draft is asking of the United States, uncomfortable Questions.

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