Friday, November 24, 2006

Muqtada al Sadar has stepped up, with a DEMAND and is not stepping back

And Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki is too weak to stand up to this strong man

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Now the TRUTH of it is out in the open, it’s either the Prime Minister, or the Imam, this is no choice, neither is preferable, either will cause disharmony for the country as a whole.

Here’s the twist, The US’s main interest now, is in keeping the OIL from falling into, or coming under the control of a strong, or weak leadership, not friendly to the US. And Bush still says; “we will win, if we don’t quit,” and “we have no choice, but too stay,” my only question is: stay and what? Kill our way to being right, or correct, kill our way out is all that’s left and we must find an acceptable exit.

It’s the naked truth, we see in Iraq today, with Muqtada announcement too Maliki, he had better not meet with Bush and the truth is, it’s a lost cause and the Militia’s and clannish gangs have grown too strong and socked away untold tons of weapons and have dug in for the long haul and finish, we can not arrest, or even kill Muqtada and Maliki is to weak to act, the Iraq Army is not reliable and the both sets of Police, are full of sectarian clannish, Hatfield’s and McCoy’s.

There is no real allegiance to any Government, in Iraq and Maliki is seen by the militants, as a puppet, so the US Styled elections have failed, the parliament has failed and Iran and Syria are salivating. Bush & Cheney and the Neo-Cons have drawn America into a war, that ONLY the PRIVATEERS PROFITING FROM PILLAR TO POST, have made off like bandits and FAT RATS and are leaving Iraq, in droves, America is in an untenable position, where we can not win an outright battle.

The civilian population is scared to death and wants the Americans to get killed and leave, now that’s not a good position to be in, when the children are the only ones who don’t hate you were in an exposed position, the Iraqi men smile at you and the women ignore you, unless they want you to save a loved one, caught is a crossfire, or in the line of fire and wounded, but any thing other than medical care, or water, or immediate protection, they want Americans gone and the few who want us to stay, are too afraid to make there wishes known, publicly.

Now Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have so badly miss handled and messed up Iraq, there is no hope of winning the populace over to Democracy, much less beating, or tamping down, the Civil War.

More troops was maybe the right move, at the beginning and maybe even as late as two or three years ago, but today, it’s a meat grinder and we can throw more troops into Iraq, only retreat and re-group, it would take ½ million men to tamp down the Civil war and another 150,000 in support troops and facilities to house all these new troops, is none existent and takes time to build and we would have to take sides, in the CIVIL WAR and that would be pouring gasoline on the whole miserable situation.Bush has to be made to answer for this and the entire Congress, especially the Republicans who enabled this boy king, with no clothes, who kept forcing the Generals to stay the course. Bush never gave them what they needed from the start to WIN. But first we have figure out how to get our treasures out of Harms way and while were figuring, we have to find a way, not to leave a stronghold for terrorist, with an unlimited source of MONEY…OIL.

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