Sunday, November 26, 2006

Conclusion: America has lost the war on Drugs, Crime, Smuggling, World Wide Finance and Iraq;

our Homeland is more at risk then the US Government has led us to believe.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

America, whenever you hear a Republican, Conservative, and all Right leaning Pundits, Surrogates and News Show Analyst say “America has not been attached since 911,” Don’t believe them, were at the greatest risk of attack and the destruction is from with in.

America has been told a lie, we’re not safer, we’re not stronger at home, we are vulnerable, in so many ways, it's beyond scary. America has had a War on drugs, that we lost years ago, all because Congress and Law enforcement, allowed years of porous borders, Ports, and Commercial transportation of every kind and direction.

And the Cost of not stopping the drugs from coming too America, has fueled every negative hate group against America, the Drug Cartels all hate America, all around the world, from Afghanistan to South America. Congress has let the southern borders crumble, and all under cover of the flood of illegal aliens, this flooding into the low wage labor market, along with the 100 billion dollars of commercial imports with Mexico, where only 10% of illegal drugs are caught year in and year out, that means 90% of drugs keep getting threw to America and they have had a devastating effect on our poor and minority communities.

Congress has simply allowed the drugs in, the money made from drugs and illegal activities around the world goes to fuel our destruction, first at home and around the world. The war on drugs is an abject failure of monumental propositions, of which our country is at the greatest risk of destruction; in Iraq they are now able to fund the murderous killing, with out outside funds:

Courtesy of daily Kos

we're losing the larger war on terrorism on the ground on Iraq. The New York Times has obtained a classified government report completed in June on the financing of the insurgency, and the conclusions are grim:

The report, obtained by The New York Times, estimates that groups responsible for many of the insurgent and terrorist attacks are raising $70 million to $200 million a year from illegal activities. It says that $25 million to $100 million of the total comes from oil smuggling and other criminal activity involving the state-owned oil industry aided by “corrupt and complicit” Iraqi officials....

What stands between America and our known enemies, is and under staffed Army, courtesty of George Bush and Don Rumsfeld, it totals 1.4 million troops, of which about 500,000 our foot soldiers. America, we do not have enough volunteers to truly protect America aduquately. My suggestion is, lets look at a draft and raise an1 million strong Army, witha 1/2 million Homelqand defense force, that's an increase of 1 million men and women ibn the military.

Not only is the Volunteer Army too small, it's made up of just 1% of the lower classes of America, which means no shared sacrafice of America defense, but these same Treasures in harms way today, come from the very same communities were drugs have ravaged there neihborhoods, there friends and families. These families who are praying night and day for the safe return of their loved ones, these loyal Americans are the same family and community, who have suffered Downsizing, Outsourcing and a Congressionaly agreed upon ignorance, by the law enforcement establishment, illegal aliens have been flooding into America’s labor markets nearly 20 years, all the while Homelessness has grown expernentially, since 1986, yes there is a correlation, between Homelessness and Illegal aliens crossing the enforcementless, drug filled border accesses, at a 90% clip.

And these drugs America has fought a lost war for, for all these decades, has fueled murder and terroisum against America. America, Murderers and hater of America and homeland hiding Terrorist, our right here in America, laying in wait to attack and if America dose not hold the failed present adminisstartion accountable, for the ongoing desaster and catasterfy to come, we have trutly lost our way. Bush likes to say, "we have not been attacked, since 911," well "we have enemies from with in, hiding and waiting to attack America," you say, I cannot prove that and your right, Bush cannot prove he's right and the reason, we have not been attacked, is because of what he has done.

America we must Stop the Drugs and force Congress to defend our Borders, Ports and all Transportion and we must clean out the drugs from our poor communites, then stop the drugs from being grown in South America and in Afghanistan and bring Osamma to justice.

Defending our Country is JOB ONE.

Iraq has failed, we have to find a way to get our troops to safe defensible positions, from this CIVIL WAR.

"The state has collapsed. Maliki is a prime minister without a viable army and government institutions have become fiefdoms of various parties," [Joost Hiltermann, Middle East director of the International Crisis Group think-tank] said[.]

All we’ve heard is “Go Big, Go Long, Go Home,” the truth is we have to have a combination of these three and much more.

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