Saturday, December 02, 2006

Both parties want the votes, of legal and Illegal aliens, so making, as many of them citizens is there goal…

SECURITY, of my homeland and American Labor are my first concern.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

I write to all America at this time to say, were in a war with an enemy who has shown he can infiltrate our borders, and blend in with levels of our society, and lay dormant until instructed to act. They are theocratic extremists, with a false one-faith view, all others are infidels, they have killed thousands, and we know they plan to kill thousands more.

Be it known there is one God, his name is Jehovah and if you do not have Christ in you, your only hope of Glory, your lost and I will not force you to this belief, not even at the point of a sword.

For those who refuse to listen to the truth, you can stop here: this belief is not Jewish, Evangelical, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, Episcopalian, Assemblies of God, C.O.G.I.C, 7-Day Adventist, Jehovah Witness or Mormon; it is Christ words.

Why tell America this again? Let say I’ am reminding myself out loud, that Immigration is how America started, and America says; “bring me your tired,” etc, “yearning to be free.”

We cannot allow the borders during a war to be porous, and wide, open we cannot allow our ports to go unchecked, and undocumented, and in this type of war it is doubly important. Now our borders to the North and South, and Ports, should be thought of just like military bases, (Not exactly like MB) but much like and they need to be protected and inspected, everything coming in through these key bases of entries, and a majority of commerce is many ways going out.

Our Countries Security considerations, Top all others Humanitarian concerns, so everybody who came in with out a passport or green card, or visa, has to leave and come in LEGALLY, or be charged with infiltrating for unknown reasons, or at the lease, those who have birthed children here, need to retire to the borders, and be processed.

It’s a war stupid, and the object is to kill Americans, not border crashers, but America needs to know, your who your not saying you are, and those who are not, who they are not saying they are, need to be found, checked, and expelled, before they do what they lied about, breaking in here to do.

But this will hurt the ones who came here for good reason, yes I hear that reasonably argument and statement, but that doesn’t change the reality for Americans, in other words, your good reasons and argument doesn’t trump my security. America, Congress allowed the flood of illegal; aliens into America, they did not care about the effects on their constituencies labor security, get that through your heads.

Here’s an analogy, (not necessarily a good one): I own a home with house on a ten acre plot, I have, timber, wild game, and I mark my borders, and put up a fence in some areas, and some whom lives outside my marked borders, decides to claim over my borders, and set up living on my side of the border, working, cooking cleaning, washing, sanitation etc, and proves to be a quiet, and generally good person, and I also have a person who claimed over the border, and some of them set out to poison my water, kill my live stock, murder me and my children, and my neighbors, and I don’t catch on about these terrorist until people are killed, and property is destroyed, Now remember this is a small scale to see the dilemma for all concerns,

I have to make decision about my borders and security, at a time of WARS and about whom I let in, and for what reasons. Now I don’t know any of the people who are here, in my country and on my land, from Adam, and I want to make sure their not here to do me, and my fellow citizen harm.

I have to make votes that will have a secure effect on my Home. That means, I want ALL, Illegal Aliens to come forward and be documented, immediately, you will have one too two years to come forward, after the set termination date, anyone who dose not come forward during the voluntary documentation period, when found, will be, documented, process up to and including deportation.

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