Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Way Forward… when you’re in a HOLE, you must first get up, to get out, and then forward would be next.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

All of these people, have got to stop saying, “Forward,” the ISGR, Biden, Barak, just to name a few, their uses implies, you just start moving in another direction, it supposes, there is nothing impairing, your just starting to move way from where you are, presently.

Where America is today in Iraq, is locked into a Bush Policy that has our men and women in harms way, targets, walking target, dead in the middle of a Civil war. Bush has had a great Plan set before him and I can understand him wanting as many ideas as possible before making a decision, about which way to go, but he could start moving our soldiers out of harms way, NOW. Bush dose not need any more Reports, except from his Military Commanders and too act in their best interest.

Bush cannot, even say, I made… some mistakes; I screwed up, now lets work together. Bush is locked in and just wants America to stay in Iraq, until Bush leaves office, then it’s the next Presidents problems, this is the truth, Bush has ask John McCain, or sold McCain on ramping up, Iraq with more troops. McCain has not been truly questioned on his, statements, not one News show has questioned the unfeasibility of his proposal and every Military official, in the know, has stated, more troops is not only impossible, but, will not make things better, just provide more targets and more American deaths, a bigger rear guard action, while the bulk of the US forces, retreat to more defensible positions.

Congress will have to investigate the run-up-to-War and the profiteering and Intel, to force Bush to change course, Congress will not cut off funding, so Iraq will be a bitter pill to swallow, when we have to, just change course and Iraq descends into chaos, factions will come to the conclusion, we have nothing but chaos and until nothing is working, they will then realize a consciences is needed, between these Islamic factions, just to live.

America needs to know, Iraq has been so badly done by Bush and Rumsfeld, and there are no good answers, on way forward, no good results, no way, no how is there a forward for the US in Iraq, just stop trying to sell, a good finish… until we arrest our bleeding and then, re-deploy to defensible positions. America need to know, we cannot fix Iraq, we cannot have good outcome, until we step back and let it crash and burn, then, the healing can begin.

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