Friday, December 08, 2006

What do we owe a person, who Volunteers for the Military

By Bruce H, Scroggins

This is the question, rolling around in my hearth, yes my heart, not my mind, most think of this question first, from their minds perspective and that is the wrong place to start when you send a volunteer to do a dangerous job.

I ask myself, what do I owe them, I answered, myself: I owe them the truth, their life may end, they are going in harms way, it the same truth I owe any person, whether they are Drafted, or signs up, I owe an all volunteer Army that much and as human beings, I believe we owe these treasures, all the support I can muster, staying at home and out of harms way.

911, Was a real act, requiring a real response, but Bush took us into a real Afghanistan, where the real culprit was hiding and in the middle of this righteous war, made a left turn into an unreal Iraq and the untruths, halftruths and lies continued until today, these same Conservatives are picking the ISGR apart, but these same Conservatives, see no reason to question John McCain’s plans for increasing the troops in Iraq, is resoundingly impossible.

It appears the present administration is a lot like the KEYSTONE COPS, in there management, of the Wars, but It is hard for me to believe they do not care, I believe every death is very hard on Bush and Cheney, but they believe, there is no other choice, but to stay and win, even if we have to kill thousands of the enemy and, in kind, take thousands of casualties.

This thinking and lack of a coherent Plan, is unacceptable, Bush, my President you must change course, your endangering our Nation, it is close to being imperiled by your leadership, please, sir, please listen and change course a broad change is demanded NOW.

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