Monday, February 05, 2007

Republicans want to take off the table, any cutting off of Funds

and give McCain’s Resolution a pass, to foul the waters and say, if you want a vote on the Levin & Warner Resolution, give us our resolutions, they also say; why won’t you Democrats, come up with an alternative to Bushes Plan, we turned down Bushes plan, it’s Bushes job to come up with an alternative, if he doesn’t want a vote of “No Confidence” and Congress will vote no confidence… get it… it's Bushes job, it's not the senate’s job and if it wasn’t Bushes Job, the Senate would be running the war.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I’ am always amazed at Republicans, they want a fair floor in the Congress, don’t treat us as we treated you, we want our voices and resolutions heard and voted on, even though we did allow you to vote on anything, but what we Republicans brought to floor for well over the last 6 years. Now the Majority is on the other foot and some Resolutions and Bills will not go together, after we have this discussion and vote, we will consider your Resolution.

Republicans want to take all talk of cutting off funds off the table, they want to gut the Democrats of that power, then they will not have to vote for the best non binding resolution, they also do not want Democrats to come up with an alternative Plan, and they play this falsehood to every echo chamber they find, next they say; you can criticize, but not if you don’t have a plan, as if that argument is valid, it’s not.

It’s Bushes job as President to come up with the plans, together with the Military leaders and if Congress does not like the plan, they have the Right and Power to turn it down for funding. This is not, as Republican want all to know and believe, IT’S NOT, NOR NEVER CAN BE, NOT… SUPPORTING THE TROOPS, its just not so, not even remotely true. But Republicans keep saying it’s so. The News Shows Host must call them on this, if no Democrats are there to rebut this blatant and false, argument, parading as fact, their straw argument.

First rule of twisting the truth: get them to argue with your false premise, preferably, several false arguments.

Republicans are continuing to say, you can’t say leave Iraq, if you don’t have an answer for what will happen, when we leave, this is another false statement, yes we can leave and Iraq will find it’s level and either the Iraq government will stand up, or it will fold.

I believe this, about Iraq, the present Iraq government is a model of the US leadership and Private Contractors in Iraq some want to help and most are receiving tons of money, they are getting kickbacks and so are the Iraqi’s, they no more, know how to Govern, then the Republicans governed for the last 6 years, just like three blind mice, anything Bush said they blindly followed, never asking any questions, no ethics Committee, no Oversight, Republicans never wanted any one to take a close look at what was purposely going slow, milking every dime, fix this and wait for them to blow it up, each contract was bloated and kept getting bigger, because of the continued attacks, a self perpetuating economy.

The sad part is, when Bush found no WMD’s and it took very little time to break down the few Alqeada, the insurgence were next, they became unwilling partners in this fares, I wouldn’t be surprised if, they is some twisted way are not getting kickbacks and cuts, black-marketing goods, they have become use to the underground economy and the local power they hold.

Why else would Republicans, block a vote, knowing that block would spell their doom as a party Knowing the Nation will explode, when they carry out their plan to keep a vote from the Democrats, why would they as a minority hold, literally the same position against the surge, but block the vote, just to discus the Resolution that dose exactly, what they all agree they want? And the bringing up of the two competing resolutions is crap, they can vote on them next, after the Resolution they know is best, just not now and Republicans know it.

There is a lot of truth in these words and a lot of questions that need to be ask and answered.

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