Friday, February 16, 2007

Chris Matthews, on Hardball…

he says: Re-deploy to the desert, what, just waiting in the heat, He says; “deny the troops re-enforcements.” Chris Matthew says.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Chris, Bush lied to get America’s treasures, into Iraq, bad Planning has kept them there, exposed and dying, Bush has surged up and down, he has failed up and down, repeatedly… America is tiered of failure. Literally every Administration prediction, has been wrong, Bush & Cheney deny they did anything wrong, “Last throws, assumptions, were winning in Iraq,” is still wrong.

Re-deploy is the right first step in, getting our treasures out of line of fire, in what is mostly a Civil conflict, look Chris, “Iraq for the US, after Bush’s repeated failures, has put the US between a Rock and a Rock Hard Place.” Bush and Cheney, never planned to secure the borders of Iraq, that failure, has left, open access, for “Insurgents, weapons,” human Iraqi US soldiers lives are on the FIRING LINE DAILY and Bush wants to “stay to course and surge in more soldiers.”

America has too, get out of the middle of the Civil conflict, in Iraq and the best move is to secure the borders and retire to bases, were they can, form quick strike forces, and finally crush the remnants of Alqeada. Re-deploying to the borders of Iraq in addition, will reassure our allies in the region, were committed to securing Iraq, it puts Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia, all on Notice, were not leaving, at least not right away. These moves will free-up troops for Afghanistan, as well as, an all-out hunt down, of Osama Ben Hidin’, remember Osama.

This will also put Iraq’s Government on notice, it’s time to stand up take the weight, and fight to the last man for their country, Iraq must put all on the line, now.”

And the statement about Denying the troops in the field, re-enforcement and that this Resolution, will lead to the next step, cutting funding, or setting in place, standards, that any troops sent into the field, must be fully equipped and trained and have the proper, rotation for rest and family.

This Resolution is the right first step, it’s respectful of the President, it says, we have heard your Plan, Mr. President and we are not convinced, we have no confidence in your plan, please bring us a another plan. Now Bush chose to force his plan down Congresses and America’s throat.

Bush has deployed the troops in the field, to circumvent Congress, there is no urgency for Bush’s action, but to set in motion, his repeated failed Plans. Congress has the power to set in place benchmarks, to this willful action, by the president. And when this action by Bush, FAILS and it will FAIL, Congress will have to take steps to get Bush to come back too congress with a better plan.

Bush’s job is to make and lead a plan, Congresses job, at the point of making Plans, Congress, can have confidence, or not have confidence, Bush can blunder ahead, or redraw his planning, to gain support and confidence of Congress and the People. Chris, you clearly know, Bush has chosen to ignore Congress and the American majority and fail forward again. Bush has the Power to move forward, he has the pentagon budget, to make moves, Congress has the power of legislation and of the purse, Bush wants to play his hand, he says, I don’t need your approval and Bush is right, but he makes this move at his peril.

Congress can however, move to the extreme and de-fund future Plans and short of this extreme measure, make benchmarks and standards and much more, so that Bush must be meet these steps, too proceed. And that is not denying re-enforcements too troops in the field. Bush can continue to leave, troops in harms way, after Congress, set parameters and be impeached for maleficent in office. The ball is in Bush’s court, be it known Chris, Congress will no longer, rubber stamp failure, no more. Now every Congressman who argues for this failed Plan of Bush’s, only looses votes and widens the take over on Congress and the presidency, can you a veto proof majority in both Houses of congress, in 09’.

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