Tuesday, February 13, 2007

House Debate, Resolution 63;


By Bruce H, Scroggins

House Debate, on Resolution 63, Why Trust, Bush again, failure is all he has delivered, Republicans want Dems. Majority to drive the conflict in Iraq, just take over, Republicans say; “it’s silly, it’s a joke”… When Republicans were in power, they debated nothing, they rubber stamped every utterance from Bush, and denied amendments and debate… Now we will have full debate and a vote, one step at a time and Republicans hate being put on the record, without a chance to twist and muddy the discussion and vote, they hate not being in control.

Republicans simple hate, being put on the record, one step at a time, this keeps their rhetoric clean. Rep. David Dreier wants to ignore the majority and blindly continue to follow the failed Presidents, ever-repeated plans. Republicans rant and rave about, winning and finishing the mission, the truth is the troops have won their mission; they have completed the task set before them admirably, the mission they were sent into Iraq to complete, the victory has come, they are done, Bush refuses and Republicans refuse to announce their Victory.

The next mission is to secure the borders and crush the remnants of Alqeada. Iraq’s job is, to start reconciliation talks and command and control their countries land and cities. The Troops must re-deploy, to defensible positions, first with in Iraq and the borders, then many troops can go to Afghanistan, and hunt down, Osama Ben Hidin’.

It’s a phony argument, Democrats do not support the troops in the field, by this resolution Democrats, will not take bullets out of the guns, in the middle of a fire fight, we will however, not fund more troops going into Iraq, we will force Bush to remove our troops from harms way.

Congress is sending a message, NO CONFIDENCE IN YOUR PLAN BUSH… come back to Congress with another Plan and we will look it over, do not force Congresses hand, let’s work together, not dictate to the Congress, do not ignore our, confidence. The plan is to leave Iraq, eventually, Republicans Plan is to stay the course, until we win… win what. Republicans want Political Government to replace a religion, Muslims will never trade, their faith for our Government.

It’s illogical to say, the only way to support the troops, is too blindly continue to follow a failed Plan, during the first and second World Wars, Dieppe was a mistake, a failure, lives were lost, in a failed Military mission, fail it did. Through out the wars, we supported the troops. Now today, we have had one failure after another, Bush refuses to acknowledge, his abject failures, this debate is exactly the debate we should have had, before we went into Iraq, it is an embarrassment, to have this now, with troops in the field.

That is the fault of the Republican controlled Congress, who refused to have oversight and accountability, repeatedly rubber-stamping every failed appropriation, one after another. The Democratic Minority could not even bring an Amendment, a Bill, or Resolution to the floor prior to 07’; the Democratic Minority were shut out of the policy making, from start to finish, all rush to a vote-into-IRAQ, based on fixed Intel.

Republicans want to stay the course, or prefer Democrats, now in the majority, take over the war, anything short of a Binding Resolution, cutting funding, which leaves democrats holding the failure, which is Bushes COMPLETELY.

America Voted, no confidence in Bush and Republicans. No more troops, no more phony Intel, no twisting the truth, the majority spoke loudly on November 7th, 06’ OUT OF IRAQ.

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