Monday, February 12, 2007

Condi sound like, she's been bitch slapped, by the Unitary VP. Cheney from the Start

Condi sound like, she been bitch slapped, by the Unitary VP. Cheney from the Start, if she were a man, we’d call it “Punked.”


By Bruce H, Scroggins

More importantly, George Bush really thinks he a President, Cheney has Punked Bush as well and holds unilaterally much of the Presidents Power. The “Unitary Vice President,” we have all been pointing to Bush and it’s been Cheney all along, pulling strings and twisting Intel.

Richard Armitage sounds like he had more power than the faces out front, of the Administration, or at the least, what America has been led to believe, are the Bush leadership. Bob Woodward had more knowledge then Congress ever had and that’s not saying much, even Bob Novak had more inside knowledge, before the War.

Libby’s defense is falling short, if he is depending on Tim Russert, the time line doesn’t fit and besides, the truth of the run-up to the attack on Iraq is coming clear and Impeachment is even clearer, impeachment of both Bush and Cheney and at the least, the censorship and even impeachment of Alberto Gonzales.

If you can keep count, the Republican Controlled Congress got repeatedly Punked, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearl, Rove and by the FBI, the CIA and even the Defense Secretary, including the Attorney General and the National Security Advisor, are the only ones left, who still believe they not being used. I for one don’t believe a word coming out of the mouths of this administration, not one word.

Please tell me these Corporate Bought and paid for leaders have a real Plan to fully protect America, hell we still have one of our greatest cities in shambles, all under the their collective watch.

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