Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bush’s Speech, words he will use:

By Bruce H, Scroggins

He will water his speech down to sound like, it temporary, just to tamp down Sectarian Violence.

This is to secure Security so Iraq can Move Forward; It’s not an Escalation, he’ll repeat this a few times, we will ACCELERATE Training Iraq Security Forces… and use, Way Forward, and my Goal remains the same, too help, or Secure the Foundation, or Grounds necessary for a FREE and DEMOCRATIC IRAQ, so I will be continuing to listen to the Generals as we go Forward. Our men and women are doing excellent job blah, blah; there are some very Positive Accomplishment in Iraq, blah, blah. Bush’s big word will be SECTARIAN VIOLENCE, Bush new word to try and turn away from the other word describing, the reality on the ground in Iraq, CIVIL WAR, even low grade CIVIL WAR.

We cannot afford to lose in Iraq, so we will win, we will fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here, blah, blah; He will talk about Afghanistan to try and turn the debate, or include in the debates, the fight in Afghanistan, he’ll say it is the same fight in Iraq, or similar, this is a stretch.

Bush will be at his speech-a-fying best, like he knows he’s right, but the TRUTH is, his leadership has failed measurably, our troops are in harms way, the Generals, have been more public and Bush could no longer hide the fact, HE WASN”T LISTENING TO TRUE ASSEMENTS ON THE GROUND IN IRAQ FROM THE GENERALS, so Bush sacked them and got new blood, one’s who would stay quiet and need time to assess the full picture, while he Bush, make all the decisions.

This whole mess is one of BUSH & CHENEY’S and RUMSFELDS Lies and of extreme miss-steps and fouled up poor planning, in the Military they call it a; Cluster____. Bush wants the appearance of consultation with the Military in his strategy and planning, when nothing could be further from the TRUTH. Bush tells the Military “do this” and that’s it, then leaves the “doing that,” to the generals and when they come back and tell Bush they cannot do that, Bush doesn’t adjust based on what happening on the ground, he says, move on this objective, then tries to micro-manage, that was Rumsfeld’s job, they try to still accomplish what the Generals told them they could not do, in what the Generals were trying to do and the end results are… FAILURE and MESS. The Generals got tired of this BULL____ and quit in frustration, they got really tired of the lies and continued CLUSTER____.

Bush’s goal is to prolong this mess, until he leaves office, he doesn’t want IRAQ lost on his watch, so he refuses any moves that signals, HE LOST THE FOLLY IN IRAQ, Bush will do what ever it takes to SECURE his LEGACY and ESCALATING, will prolong the debacle for at the least… 18 months too TWO YEARS. Bush can Escalate this mess and Congress cannot STOP BUSH, he ALREADY HAS THE MONEY TO DO WHAT HE’S GOING TO TELL AMERICA HE’S GOING TO DO.

The only thing Congress can do is cut off future MONEY. But be it known AMERICA, Bush already has the money to keep the Folly going for at the least 18 months to two years.

He, Bush will stubbornly, thumb his nose at Congress and, all appearances of civility will be gone, the Investigations and subpoenas will fly, Bush is forcing Congress to spend the next two years INVESTIGATING, so they will not get very much done, this is the choice, either use the Investigative power and get nothing done, or remain silent and let Bush run over the NEW Congress as he ran over the Last.

Either CHOICE will not stop Bush from dragging out Iraq, until he leaves office. Bush does not fear, Impeachment, he does not believe Congress has the guts.

Now I do believe, talking Impeachment off the TABLE is and was a MISTAKE, I don’t like impeachment, but I do like CENCORSHIP of both, BUSH and CHENEY, Impeachment is the final result, but first censor the White House, this will force Bush to acknowledge his failures and prepare the Nation for Impeachment.

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