Monday, January 01, 2007

GEN. Alexander Haig (Ret.) a Student of History 11/30/2006 C-Span

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Surprisingly, clear candor about where America is today from the Presidency to the Media, to the Middle East, to Turkey and it’s 5 million strong Army, to Iran. Gen. Alexander Haig, Nixon Chief of Staff, was clear and to the point, America was complicit in the raise of Saddam Hussein, he stated the truth about America giving Saddam the very helicopters used to suppress the Kurds and the march Arabs, an American President, Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush did that and Cheney and Rumsfeld were deeply involved and Bush was involved before he became Vice President, way back when he was head of the CIA.

America remember Nixon, Gen. Haig and Cheney and Rumsfeld were all involved, they started the Project for the New American Century during the Nixon Administration, it’s recorded in our history, were and who was facilitating the foundation of the middle east, as it is today, carter was the President when Iran’s Democracy was overthrown, by the CIA and the SHA was installed. Why because he was a puppet, friendly to American business interest, (Oil.)

He spoke candidly about how the American people are not mobilized for the treat approaching America today, he spoke of how Bush has not used force like it should be used, the last wars, going back to the Korean war were all under mobilized, short of training and equipment, right up through Iraq, the Military is not even close to the strength necessary to confront the treats facing America and the West.

He profoundly spoke of the Draft and how every American child should have a sense pf responsibility to there country and the draft is a shared sacrifice that is missing. He spoke eloquently of how every profession was grown from the benefits given those veterans, Doctors, Lawyers, Congressman, yes Veterans did all this, they contributed to American the dream, all coming out of the draft. Where is the American dream today, is there a shared sacrifice anywhere in America, where are the veterans, in our Colleges and Universities, the Veterans of America were what made up the Civil rights movement.

This recording on C-Span was a treasure of information about our history by one who was there, yes he’s a Republican, but he was exactly who I thought he was a True Republican, not one of these new age Neo-Con Republican, Gen. Haig was wrong in his support of the Iraq war, but he was for a Over Whelming Force attack Doctrine, what Bush and Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice and a co-opted Collin Powell, were wrong and he said it was wrong, I thank him for that, candor.

Iraq was get back for Saddam thumbing his nose at the UN and America, clear and simply. If Haig if nothing else, he is a student of History and that is the foundation of a Statesman.

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