Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Republicans. Are hollering, “We want a guarantee of Minority Rights,”

But since 94’, Republicans offered false hope too Democrats, in the Republican Motion for minority rights, since 94’… FACT, since 97’ republicans controlling Congress have adopted the Grover Norquist line of ruling both houses of Congress, the Result… 80% of Bills, Resolutions offered by a Democratic Minority, in either House were either tabled, Killed, buried in committee, long before they made it to the Floors of Congress, there was …NO… I repeat… NO partnership… ONLY Partisanship from Republicans.

It’s comical to see on C-Span today Rep, Drier (R) with a bunch of fellow Republicans, in the press conference, sounding like they are being unfairly treated by Democrats, literally crying in words, looking set upon and dejected, “it’s not fair for you Democrats, to do to us, what you we did too you.” “It’s not fair to keep us out of the first 100 hours, or 100 days,” just because, we had 6 plus years to do some of things, we Republicans want and Bush is sounding like he wants now, just because we Republicans didn’t do it when we had the power, it’s wrong to cut us out of the decision making, now.

We Republicans did rubber stamp Bush, we gave him everything he ask for and Bush in turn, never VETOED anything, not one Earmark, we defended Bush’s every miss-step in Iraq, we have covered for Bush and stoop next to him and up for him while he trashed the Bill of Rights, the Constitutions and broke numerous Laws, we Republican voted in lock step, close ranks, even when half the nation wanted there voice heard, we republicans, collectively IGNORED Half of America and we did not care to hear the concerns.

So Democrats, do not do to us Republicans, what we did to you, in our past ignorance of your concerns. Rest assured, Democrats will not treat Republicans like you treated Democrats since 94’, but we will start the 110th Congress with our agenda, first. If you’d like to show your by-partisanship Republicans, join us in passing these first 100 hours agenda, show Democrats you’re with us, remember, you stiffed Democrats for 6 plus years and we want our elected choices, out in the publics view and on the table, we don’t have to beg you Republicans too allow our agenda’s voice anymore, so join us, or stand over in the corner and throw rocks and cry, it’s your choice as of 01/04/2006, we will know where you stand, Republicans.

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