Sunday, October 09, 2005
Smoke Screen to divert attention from Crooks, liars, Thieves
Friday 10/07/2005, end of week news dump
Bush and Cheney, are today standing back and examining there handy work, and a lot has transpired this week in there Administration, and in the three branches of Government, all controlled by the new malefactor in town. Lying has risen once again, too a level of high art, and, Chicanery is at an all time high as well, all this and Fridays news dump.
Lets look at the coming attractions, won’t we, first up, Rove was ask to come before the Grand jury investigating, the Valeria Plame, National Security Treasonous outing affair, for the fourth time, and Tom Delays lawyers, filed in court to quash, the indictment for money laundering and conspiracy, against him in Texas, and Ari Fliecher, and Scott McClellan, both spoke briefly with there Attorneys, in anticipation of indictments for more conspiracy, and Lewis (scooter) Libby, huddled with Cheney, and tried to assure the Vice President, nothing will track back to him, if you remember, Cheney was the catalyst for sending a fact finder (CIA choose Joe Wilson) to Niger, as the word conspiracy is kicked around in these private conversations, and as both Attorneys for Bush Cheney, Libby and Mires, all co-conspirators , worked to get there lies straight.
We include the outright crookery of Bill (I can’t believe, I’ll never be able to run for President) Frist. And we now have a strong group of also rans as well, in Roy (I’ am up to my ears, on K street now,) Blunt, and this man is, mentioned along with several other indicted co-conspirators as well, like Jack (I never met a Congressman, I couldn’t buy) Armhoff, and the wide and rampant cronyism, in all branches, and levels of the federal government, has been off and running for the last five plus years.
The blind obedience of the rank and file Republicans and RNC, all following in lock step behind the Neo-Conservative Christian Moralist, and their toadies in TV News, and Radio, who call themselves news analyst, (liars, prevaricators,) and let us not forget the paid shills, like Armstrong Williams (money to lie).
All to make the rich richer, and the poor, poorer, and what is the end result, America and their controllers are the biggest gorilla’s on the block, and there’s nothing in the world, anyone can do about it, except, theses pesky murdering middle eastern chiefdom.
Ah, the so called terrorist, (murders.) Now this week in the news Homeland security says it was a questionable call, the supposed leaking of a treat to New York Cities Subways, and the Local authorities are falling all over there selves making sure if something happens, be sure to remember, we said air on the side of speaking about it, and we were on top of the situation, and this is just more of the layering of controllable news, liberally applied at the end of the week to cover over the continuing soap opera, that is ALL my BUSHES aka, (news dump,) and all to try an changed the news reporting direction, but many in Bushes own federal branches of the Bush controlled Homeland Security disagree.
Bushes Mires nomination is blowing up in his face, and the news for the Administration these past weeks leading up to the Mires nomination was bad, badder, baddest, and (Oh HELL.) The top leadership of our Nation, and the Emperor has no clothes, and the rough half of America who voted for these clowns, are having remorseful feelings of, what did we do, voting these malefactors into power.
There foundation is corrupt, one might ask, what is their foundation, the Christian Conservative Right, who on this date, are pissed off at Bush, about Mires nomination, and saying so, loudly. The 21st Century Sanhedrin, (the Sanhedrin exerted authority under the watchful eye of the Roman rulers) of the high priest Dobson, Robertson, Farwell, and assorted followers, are praying, and asking god to tell them what to do, what should I say.
These false prophets are caught in their mess, and now want god to bail them out, and that is what these scam artist want prayerfully, but to the world, these ruler of the sacred words of god, want the appearance that, it’s all been god’s doing, purloiners of morals, have made a bed with the Republican Party, they would have America, and there congregations believe, that sleeping with these immoralist, it is of god, and that god wanted them to mix the Gospel, with politics, and there by bringing gods plans to man Horse hockey.
What is left of their best-laid plans of Priest, Prophet men, and Politician? Is what happens when men, label their works, of god… Crooks everywhere, cronyism, conspirators, thieves, liars, all under the umbrella of the Christian Conservative Republican Party, and the Neo-Conservatives are cringing, as their plan for American Hegemony, using Military force, aka; Project for the New American Century (PFTNAC,) all under the moral authority of these modern day Sanhedrins.
The people under the influence of these false prophets, are sheep, and that’s what makes this so horribly bad, if you remember, sheep will sit down when frightened, and won’t get up, not even to save themselves, they become so fear filled, they won’t act, they will sit there until they die. And Congregations all over the USA, are afraid of these TV preachers, and they will sit there Sunday after Sunday, refusing to read there Bible, and refusing to ask GOD, Jehovah, The Author and Finisher of there Faith, The King of Kings, The Way The Truth & The Life, the Lord of Lords, Head of the Church, in prayer, and then meditate, on that self same prayer (that means listen) for your heavenly Fathers leaning.
Here’s one aspect, that needs to be made clear to all Christians, the word God is a generic word, yes that’s right generic, there can be god (s), but there can be no Jesuss adding a (s), to Jesus Holy name, there is no Jehovahs, no lords of lords, no kings of kings.
When certain people, with a plan, tell you… they want to take, “In god we trust” off of the money, and they want to take god out of the class room… ask your self’s, What god are they talking about, because the God Christians know, and they know His name, and just god is not it. So when some one, throws this argument at you, ask them, what god were you talking about, and they say, you know, say to them, no I don’t, tell me clearly what god are you talking about, and what’s His name.
And then you can have a constructive discussion, about the name on money, and the using of the generic word god. You see my brothers and sisters arguing and, downing your fellow man because, they don’t believe in your generic god, is not what I getting at there, what I’ am trying to get us to is:
America we can’t have every true name of God, on our money, or pasted in schools, and court houses, and telling everyone, so now that we are using a generic name “god,” they are not taking god out of the market place, it is just not true, God is in your heart, and if you’re a Christian, no man can take God, or God’s marriage away from your Father, and lets face it, that’s what these scam artist are saying is happening, they say they are taking marriage away from man, and that’s not true, marriage is made by your heavenly Father, man is destroying what man “calls marriage,” not Gays wanting to marries, is destroying god’s marriage, it just doesn’t compute, if liars tell lies, does that mean that man is taking gods law away from God, or is mans lying destroying man law of lying, and man’s cheating. No man can take anything from your heavenly Father, but man can take a manmade thing away from man.
Beloved lets read the word of the Heavenly father.
By Betty Miller
Prove All Things
1 Thessalonians 5:21: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.''
To recognize false prophets we must heed the above verse and "prove all things." One does not arrive at being an overcomer until he first learns the all-important lesson of testing or "proving" the issues of this life. In the hour that we live there are so many things that are false and evil. We must be constantly on guard and "prove" or test things, lest we become ensnared by something that is wicked. Cults are spreading. Eastern idolatrous religions are creeping into our country in very subtle forms, and many Christians are being deceived and have accepted their practices without even being aware of their evil. Some religious groups have existed for years under the guise of Christianity, and yet are far from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Lord warns us of these false teachers and tells us to beware of them.
Looking at Matthew 7:15-23, we find Jesus gives us the guideline for determining false prophets:
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth-good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth-evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
I’ am only talking about the God of the Old Testament, were He first revealed Himself to man, in Exodus 6; 3. And (and I’ am not a Jehovah’s witness,) I’ am talking about the Alfa &Omega, of Revelation 22; 13. from the King James 1611 Bibile
Americans please read your Bible, and I ask you too, in prayer, ask the Everlasting Father and He will answer you, and bring you out from under false prophets, and I’ am not talking about leaving your church, but I’ am saying, you need to ask your Pastor, Minister, Priest, about what you’ve read in the scripture, and it says, that I’ am to hate the sin, but love the sinner, and nowhere does it say, I’ am to allies my self, with crooks, cronies, thieves, liars, and when I know they are prevaricators of evil, I am to rebuke them, and then, work to restore them, (walking out my faith, in my life) now lets look at the restoration process, that the Lord our Father, set in place in His love letter to us all.
My beloved in Galatians 6 starting at the first verse, Paul write of restoring one, who has been “overtaken in a fault,” and I ask you what fault? Or faults can a man or women be overtaken in? What sin is common to man? The answer is, All sin is common to man, remember what ever is not faith is sin… Fear, and not reading your Bible, and not asking your heavenly Father for guidance, and clarification of His word, is sinful, especially for saints, and churchgoing, Bible believing men and women, it’s a sin to your Father, when you only listen to men, and never listen to your Father, and I ask you, I put it too you my beloved… Why? Would you worship and praise, and pray to a Father, you won’t listen too, and you won’t believe His word sitting in your lap Sunday after Sunday, and Bible study after Bible study.
Our heavenly Father said I send you out to preach the Gospel, not find some scripture to beat a certain group, or particular pet sinner over the head with your indignation and private condemnation, pillaring them in the news, and on the radio, and at rally after, rally, all for you political gains. How is that advancing the Gospel as I told you to do, it’s not your job to eradicate EVIL, that has never been your job, that’s your Fathers job, I did not tell you fight the War of EVIL, I said hold the ground my son (Jesus the Christ,) won, using the Armour of God, and the Victory is yours, the victory beloved, not the war is yours, we as children of god can’t win the war against EVIL.
The holy Spirit beloved, that we walk in, is founded in our Fathers word, and these traits are the “fruits of the Spirit,” Galatians 5; 22 – 26, and in the last verse, it says “envying one another,” and here’s where prevaricators, get there juice, but won’t admit it, they envy those who seem to them to get away with sin, they won’t admit it, they will say, I’ am just drawing a correlation with the ills of our society, and our country, it’s because “these sinners,” that god is not in the class room, and I (a man) will condemn them, for god, using god’s word, and scriptures.
I beg these lost leaders, and these following congregations to repent, and return to your Heavenly Father, prayerfully, your Father awaits your presence before His Throne, lifting up your supplications, to Him and He will forgive us our sins, and restores us to His side, and shape us for His work of reconciliation.
Bruce H, Scroggins
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