BillHillary, HillaryBill, one in the same both lying about Obama’s record and lecturing Blacks and their Leadership, telling blacks, what black folk’s interests are.
By Bruce H. Scroggins
Spending capital and reminding blacks of there loyalty oath to the real black and only black president they will EVER HAVE, lecturing black leadership and telling blacks and Americans, what there interest are. On top of this virulent, arrogant stance, BillHillary, continues too conflate Obama’s record, trying as BillHillary, might to twist a forward thinking progressive hope filled, presidential leadership campaign, for a real corner turning change.
HillaryBill is in two places, she is hop scotching around the Super Tuesday states and he is staying in South Carolina, keeping Obama, focused on backfires. Obama, now you have BillHillary, twisting and fabricating lies, move forward, with the Super Tuesday states, Michelle (she’s no light weight, she can stay above the fray, let them turn their attacks at her and it will solidify your positions) can handle South Carolina, for periods, force HillaryBill, to focus on answering the facts and backing up the BillHillary lies, keep the Media, asking HillaryBill, BillHillary about why are you two lying to the American people.
HillaryBill, voting record is the focus, when it counted most HillaryBill, voted to get this conflict started in Iraq and has voted since to keep it going. Obama got it right in the beginning, the most crucial vote and judgment and has voted to keep it going as well.
HillaryBill have polarized and not reached across the isles as Obama has, in ethics, minimum wages, America, why do you think, the most lied about issues, for HillaryBill, was Obama’s record in Illinois and in a interview. Everyone knows, HillaryBill’s, Flag vote, the stamping and possible prelude to war, of Iran’s revolutionary guard votes, remind your selves America, HillaryBill voted for the conflict in Iraq and HillaryBill told America, “ if you don’t like, my vote, you can vote for someone else” (paraphrased), this is a vote and stance, that should be brougt up and made plain to ALL the electorate across America, if you don’t like HillaryBill’s arrogance about one of the major issues, you can go someplace else, advise Americans, HillaryBill, told you voters to go some places else.
BillHillary TOLD BLACK AMERICANS too; “give me a break,” BillHillary, HillaryBill have one focus, “make Obama into the black’s only candidate” then act as if everything following is ether the Media’s fault, or the frustration of Obama, hint, hint, he’s young and doesn’t get it, he’s just too inexperienced, smile, wink, wink.
Obama gets it, BillHillary, HillaryBill are both haters and if “they” get in office, they will hate their hater’s right back and “GET EVEN,” for all Republicans have done to both of them. So black America, what do you think, HillaryBill and BillHillary will do to blacks, if you don’t “GIVE ME A BREAK,” and stop with this Obama backing, you’re a bunch of ungrateful, in-greats, children… black Americans, HillaryBill are snidely in-between the line, implying this. Obama is right, when Obama wins, HillaryBill’s backers will come to Obama in droves, but the point is will Obama’s backers come too BillHillary. No, I won’t its Obama and Edwards, if HillaryBill are the nominee, I will sit on my vote, and BillHillary have turned me that far off of ever voting for them.
Michelle Obama can campaign in South Carolina and Barack can get out on the national trail and hunt, mix it up with HillaryBill, force BillHillary to keep at their race bating and too young, and trivializing of your vision, for a more united America, keep HillaryBill lying about your record, force them to defend their POSITIONS on you, while you keep up and stay at your message. Every time HillaryBill, or BillHillary attack, quickly defend, then post those facts on the web site, always turning the media back too HillaryBill for the crucial questions, “WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT OBAMA’s Record.”
In many instances Barack, Michelle say; I’ll answer your question but first, this is my message to the people of America, ALL THE PEOPLE, make your case short then make the factual answer, then go back to your case and make it a little longer case for your presidency, always leave the reporters, rushing back to BillHillary, HillaryBill for why are you saying and doing this, let them make up reasons.
Barack your strong, talented, respected wife Michelle can make the facts clear, coming to the points, Barack you can make the pointed factual case and move forward, saying here’s the facts, now you read, you listen, what do you think of the facts, in comparison to the lies.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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