Saturday, February 07, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act HR1 of 2009 2009

A Stimulus Spending Bill that Spends to Recover and Spends to Invest in ALL “RISK TAKERS
ALL US CITIZENS, Large Businesses
The American People, labor, Small Business and Main Street Filled STATES.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Democrats recognize the whole of our economy, includes Wall Street and Main Street. Banks, Mortgage Houses and Finance Houses, are not the only “Risk Takers,” all of America’s and its people are “risk takers,” and all deserve to be… INVESTED IN AND ALL AMERICANS DESERVE TO BE RECOVERED.

America cannot look back and go back to failed answers, let’s face the facts, the 110th Republican controlled Congress, refuses to let go of their failed answers and wants to hold hostage the America people to force more failure.

Obama won the election, he’s looking forward and the looking included, working together, with both side of the isles, in a by-partisan way, we all know how the Limbaugh Republican led House, did with that by-partisanship (Dems compromised and cut and added Tax Cuts, after all that by-partisanship, the President and Democrats got their hand and face slapped, in the vote, we won’t do that again) all that by-partisanship, led by Obama so we could develop new ways out of this morass together of this abyss, this ditch, that has and still is bleeding Jobs and confidence, that was waiting for Obama and Democrats, when this election was over and changing course was the rule of the day.

The Bleeding of jobs has continued and confidence is rooting around in the ditch of the failed leadership, that drove the US people and it economy, into the ditch, the election voted to change course and come out of.

Republicans demand, we demand you cut the “Spending Stimulus,” we Democrats and the Election wining Majority, believe Republicans warmed over thinking is corrupt and failed and only keeps us in the ditch, the American people voted and voted in a mass and in a majority voice, to stop following that failed leadership Like “Food Stamps, Housing, Building Education,” are what Republicans want cut… are you farting kidding me, cut the “Spending Stimulus.”

Republicans, believe, only the rich, the upper crust are the “risk takers,” Republican have no confidence in the un-washed masses, or care about them losing their Homes, Jobs and families.

Republicans believe all of these Americans, out of work, have needs, have not lost in their “risk taking,” and Republican demand, no REINVESTMENT in those and other “RISK TAKING AMERICAN.” Republican demand we cut the “Stimulus Spending,” for an AMERICAN RECOVERY.

Republican believe only Reinvest in The upper businesses and Classes, only invest in Small Businesses, only invest and set in place recovery for these few American… STOP INVESTING in the Main Street, stop RECOVERY efforts for Schools and the States, who have been bled starting 7 years ago.

My Rant:

Stop Food Stamps, they only spend it for food, Republicans say, Stop Building Schools, the School district, only spend the money to build schools and the contractors, only hire out of work Americans and buy materials to build from American manufactures.

Stop Spending money on Health Care, they only Spend the money, to pay for Child health and Adult Americans health, stop Spending money on Cops and Fire fighters, they only hire more out of work Americans and once hired they only work and pay taxes and buy food and rents and Homes, stop Spending money, stop Spending money on Pell Grants, why would we republicans want money spend to pay for Colleges, the Colleges, only spend that money to hire and keep teachers, do research, build buildings and all of pays taxes, stop helping the States, they only keep Libraries open and the Safety Nets open for all the out of work, stop Spending money for Worker Un-employment, they only keep up some of their Credit obligations and pay rent and keep their Homes and families together and look for work… we Republicans don’t want all this Reinvestment and Recovering Spending Stimulus, stop it, we want many to fail and get out of the way and we will delay, slow it down, piss and moan, cry, whine and talk tuff for just a few Americans and there are not the American unemployed, or the American middle class, losing there Homes and families and there not America’s Poor, we want them disappear and stop being Americans.

STOP ALL THIS SPENDING STIMULUS, we Republicans have determined the name of the Bill and we Republicans want only “Tax Cuts,” it’s not “Stimulus,” but we don’t want this change, voted and passed, e want to re-enforce the losses.

We Republicans Don’t Like the;


The Spending to Stimulate, in all of these starved areas will only recover them for Americans who have great need today. Spending to Stimulate, Reinvestment is only helping the most vulnerable of Americans and we Republicans don’t want that and we will demand you go back to our FAILED WAYS AND ANSWERS, we Republican demand, more failed policies. The Republican name for the this bill is; “Stimulus Package” only and only stimulate with Tax Cuts and more cuts of all that the Majority of Americans need, we refuse to call it by its name, or discuss what it is written and designed to do, we don’t want Recovery, or Reinvestment and we don’t want to talk about either.

We Republican demand you stop Investing and Recovering, stop it, no more, stop it. We lost $Trillions and gave away, out of the Midnight Treasury’s discount window $2 Trillions before the Bush/Paulsen $850 Billion give away/no accountability Bill, for a reason and we don’t want it recovered, or reinvested… on the winner of the elections watch and we will… Obstruct, Slow down and Delay as in Tom Delay… no that was… no, I mean it, he was a bad joke, no really, like Abramoff, they were both really bad jokes, our bad, I mean my bad.

Why won’t the masses consume: short answer is; Jobs, Homes lost, Families broke up, Savings gone.

American confidence in Consuming is down for a couple of large reason, the American consumer, from the middle class down to the working poor. We saw the price of gas go out of sight and were told/sold, it was “supply and demand,”, then when the price went down, the cost that had risen along with the high Fuel and Home Heating cost and Interest rates, never went back down, so the American consumer has said, were not going for it again.

The prices of “goods and services” has to adjusted down to reflect income… we consumer believe is valued, based our… our take home pay, not your Business, or economic gobble gook, macro, micro talk and explanations, you can explain till the cows come home, we will buy when prices reset, got it… RESET VALU and Prices, that will help spur consuming.