Big Energy,
Natural Gas, OIL & Gasoline, Grids, Plants, Pipelines
By Bruce H, Scroggins
The Oil bandits are making record profits hand over fist, and the American consumer is being gouged at the Gasoline Pump, and America sea’s no relief in sight this winter, and Heating OIL prices are through the average renter, and homeowners budget roof, to think hardworking Americans will be choosing between, mortgages, and rent, and food.
The Pipeline Carpet Baggers, have made the ENRON Fuel shifting practice a main line process, and too think this now revealed practice is not illegal, only slightly UNETHICAL, what is it with People in power, the Republicans get in office and in power and before America’s eye’s ethics are front and center in Congress, and in All big business, from Insurance (HMO’s, workers benefit Insurance,) to government services (FEMA, FTC, FCC, FEC, EPA, NPR, NBR, FBI, CIA, DOD,) and these are just a few of the Bush & Cheney Administration appointed Crony led administration Heads of America’s most important Departments.
Cheney led a behind closed doors cabal to fix energy in America and Cheney has done just what ever he wanted… completely ***INDEPENDENT*** of any Bush… and Bush backed his every move even though Bush has not a clue as to what all Cheney has been up too, but Bush will never throw Cheney overboard because Cheney knows where everything is and Bush doesn’t have a clue and can never admit it.
And here’s the question on ALL America’s LIPS… Bush knows Cheney has a huge amount of POWER, that Bush can never rest from Cheney, not with out an all out fight that will destroy his Presidency.
The Energy Pimps, have wholly controlled the flow of energy, and Profits, and the empirical evidence is in the public view.
The Power Grids are in the worst shape in Americas History, and the Republican controlled Congress, has literally given them US taxpayers money to rebuild, and the Industry has haggled over regulations and continued to refuse to replace and built much the needed infrastructure, and all the while manipulating prices and supplies.
The Plants regulation have been retarded so the environment is now in question, mercury standards relaxed, Environmental scientific studies replaced with industry friendly reports, with the approval of Heads of the EPA, who use to be in charge of the very Industries fighting the agency they now control
The Pipelines, pattern & practice of shifting Fuel from one region to another creating shortages, costing the America consumer BILLIONS, and it’s all just a little UNETHICAL, after every close investigation, cry foul America, cry foul News media.
When will the American public wake up? And when will the News Media stop drinking and feeding the public the KOOL AID? Of miss-direction, allowing SPIN, and Twisting of the truth and FACTS.
FACTS, FACTS, FACTS all around, Facts that lead to LIES, and no one will call a LIE a LIE.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
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