Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus, Bush’s new YES MAN,

perfect cover for Escalation, Bush has extended the US TROOPS Stay until his end of term… game … set and… MATCH, The new Congress just got PUNCKED.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus, the right man for the right job and he can be used while he’s getting up to speed, he will go for and explain “Surge,” and deflect and try to dissuade and disabuse the press of, using the true description of Bush’s little emperor, gambit, this ESCALATION of the killing of US Troops and Iraq alike.

America lets be completely clear, Bush is putting into play, Operation Save my ASS, Bush knows he only need this Surge of troops to extend the stay of course for 18 months to two years, this all the time needed to secure his legacy ask the president who was not IN OFFICE when the war was declared lost.

That was a mouthful, but it’s the truth, Bush has the Defense Departments monies, already allocated for the entire Defense Department budget, he simply has too use money allocate for another thing for his “Surge,” America needs for Congress to come clean and tell America there’s nothing they can do to stop Bush from sending more troops, into “HARMS WAY.”

This dance of letters and reports, Democrats and Republicans are voicing about not being for this surge and how Bush is losing support among Republicans, all fluff and feathers, Bush will make his speech and proceed to increase troops in Iraq, the finale die will be cast, America will be seen as choosing sides and the entire middle east will chose sides as well, game, set and match.

Bush’s Speech, words he will use:

By Bruce H, Scroggins

He will water his speech down to sound like, it temporary, just to tamp down Sectarian Violence.

This is to secure Security so Iraq can Move Forward; It’s not an Escalation, he’ll repeat this a few times, we will ACCELERATE Training Iraq Security Forces… and use, Way Forward, and my Goal remains the same, too help, or Secure the Foundation, or Grounds necessary for a FREE and DEMOCRATIC IRAQ, so I will be continuing to listen to the Generals as we go Forward. Our men and women are doing excellent job blah, blah; there are some very Positive Accomplishment in Iraq, blah, blah. Bush’s big word will be SECTARIAN VIOLENCE, Bush new word to try and turn away from the other word describing, the reality on the ground in Iraq, CIVIL WAR, even low grade CIVIL WAR.

We cannot afford to lose in Iraq, so we will win, we will fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here, blah, blah; He will talk about Afghanistan to try and turn the debate, or include in the debates, the fight in Afghanistan, he’ll say it is the same fight in Iraq, or similar, this is a stretch.

Bush will be at his speech-a-fying best, like he knows he’s right, but the TRUTH is, his leadership has failed measurably, our troops are in harms way, the Generals, have been more public and Bush could no longer hide the fact, HE WASN”T LISTENING TO TRUE ASSEMENTS ON THE GROUND IN IRAQ FROM THE GENERALS, so Bush sacked them and got new blood, one’s who would stay quiet and need time to assess the full picture, while he Bush, make all the decisions.

This whole mess is one of BUSH & CHENEY’S and RUMSFELDS Lies and of extreme miss-steps and fouled up poor planning, in the Military they call it a; Cluster____. Bush wants the appearance of consultation with the Military in his strategy and planning, when nothing could be further from the TRUTH. Bush tells the Military “do this” and that’s it, then leaves the “doing that,” to the generals and when they come back and tell Bush they cannot do that, Bush doesn’t adjust based on what happening on the ground, he says, move on this objective, then tries to micro-manage, that was Rumsfeld’s job, they try to still accomplish what the Generals told them they could not do, in what the Generals were trying to do and the end results are… FAILURE and MESS. The Generals got tired of this BULL____ and quit in frustration, they got really tired of the lies and continued CLUSTER____.

Bush’s goal is to prolong this mess, until he leaves office, he doesn’t want IRAQ lost on his watch, so he refuses any moves that signals, HE LOST THE FOLLY IN IRAQ, Bush will do what ever it takes to SECURE his LEGACY and ESCALATING, will prolong the debacle for at the least… 18 months too TWO YEARS. Bush can Escalate this mess and Congress cannot STOP BUSH, he ALREADY HAS THE MONEY TO DO WHAT HE’S GOING TO TELL AMERICA HE’S GOING TO DO.

The only thing Congress can do is cut off future MONEY. But be it known AMERICA, Bush already has the money to keep the Folly going for at the least 18 months to two years.

He, Bush will stubbornly, thumb his nose at Congress and, all appearances of civility will be gone, the Investigations and subpoenas will fly, Bush is forcing Congress to spend the next two years INVESTIGATING, so they will not get very much done, this is the choice, either use the Investigative power and get nothing done, or remain silent and let Bush run over the NEW Congress as he ran over the Last.

Either CHOICE will not stop Bush from dragging out Iraq, until he leaves office. Bush does not fear, Impeachment, he does not believe Congress has the guts.

Now I do believe, talking Impeachment off the TABLE is and was a MISTAKE, I don’t like impeachment, but I do like CENCORSHIP of both, BUSH and CHENEY, Impeachment is the final result, but first censor the White House, this will force Bush to acknowledge his failures and prepare the Nation for Impeachment.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Republicans. Are hollering, “We want a guarantee of Minority Rights,”

But since 94’, Republicans offered false hope too Democrats, in the Republican Motion for minority rights, since 94’… FACT, since 97’ republicans controlling Congress have adopted the Grover Norquist line of ruling both houses of Congress, the Result… 80% of Bills, Resolutions offered by a Democratic Minority, in either House were either tabled, Killed, buried in committee, long before they made it to the Floors of Congress, there was …NO… I repeat… NO partnership… ONLY Partisanship from Republicans.

It’s comical to see on C-Span today Rep, Drier (R) with a bunch of fellow Republicans, in the press conference, sounding like they are being unfairly treated by Democrats, literally crying in words, looking set upon and dejected, “it’s not fair for you Democrats, to do to us, what you we did too you.” “It’s not fair to keep us out of the first 100 hours, or 100 days,” just because, we had 6 plus years to do some of things, we Republicans want and Bush is sounding like he wants now, just because we Republicans didn’t do it when we had the power, it’s wrong to cut us out of the decision making, now.

We Republicans did rubber stamp Bush, we gave him everything he ask for and Bush in turn, never VETOED anything, not one Earmark, we defended Bush’s every miss-step in Iraq, we have covered for Bush and stoop next to him and up for him while he trashed the Bill of Rights, the Constitutions and broke numerous Laws, we Republican voted in lock step, close ranks, even when half the nation wanted there voice heard, we republicans, collectively IGNORED Half of America and we did not care to hear the concerns.

So Democrats, do not do to us Republicans, what we did to you, in our past ignorance of your concerns. Rest assured, Democrats will not treat Republicans like you treated Democrats since 94’, but we will start the 110th Congress with our agenda, first. If you’d like to show your by-partisanship Republicans, join us in passing these first 100 hours agenda, show Democrats you’re with us, remember, you stiffed Democrats for 6 plus years and we want our elected choices, out in the publics view and on the table, we don’t have to beg you Republicans too allow our agenda’s voice anymore, so join us, or stand over in the corner and throw rocks and cry, it’s your choice as of 01/04/2006, we will know where you stand, Republicans.

Bush sir, do not send more American to their Deaths… All too preserve the war for two more years and your legacy.

I just learned, Congress cannot stop Bush from ESCALATING the CIVIL WAR in Iraq, Congress cannot stop Bush from sending more Americans to their deaths, Bush has all the money he needs, already passed in the Pentagon Budget, to do what ever he wants and bush wants this mess to continue for at least two more years until he leaves office, then it’s the next Presidents war to lose, Bush thinks, put loss on Bush now, right now.

WELL sir, Bush you have LOSS the Conflict in IRAQ.

Iraq was one big LIE, from start to Loss, I never thought after the election, I’d be for this, but the time has come, it’s time too IMMPEACH BUSH and CHENEY, yes it’s pass time to go after this scoundrel and his ilk, the only way too save America is to force a change, yes force a change, Bush is a criminal and he must be stopped, America wake up Bush gives less than a dam what you VOTED for, Bush will tell America to suck it up and sacrifice… in any other WORDS,

Kiss my swaggering ass, I’ll do what I want and;

I King George will STAY THE COURSE, I will ESCALATE and EXCELLERATE and you cannot stop me.

Monday, January 01, 2007

GEN. Alexander Haig (Ret.) a Student of History 11/30/2006 C-Span

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Surprisingly, clear candor about where America is today from the Presidency to the Media, to the Middle East, to Turkey and it’s 5 million strong Army, to Iran. Gen. Alexander Haig, Nixon Chief of Staff, was clear and to the point, America was complicit in the raise of Saddam Hussein, he stated the truth about America giving Saddam the very helicopters used to suppress the Kurds and the march Arabs, an American President, Ronald Reagan and George H W Bush did that and Cheney and Rumsfeld were deeply involved and Bush was involved before he became Vice President, way back when he was head of the CIA.

America remember Nixon, Gen. Haig and Cheney and Rumsfeld were all involved, they started the Project for the New American Century during the Nixon Administration, it’s recorded in our history, were and who was facilitating the foundation of the middle east, as it is today, carter was the President when Iran’s Democracy was overthrown, by the CIA and the SHA was installed. Why because he was a puppet, friendly to American business interest, (Oil.)

He spoke candidly about how the American people are not mobilized for the treat approaching America today, he spoke of how Bush has not used force like it should be used, the last wars, going back to the Korean war were all under mobilized, short of training and equipment, right up through Iraq, the Military is not even close to the strength necessary to confront the treats facing America and the West.

He profoundly spoke of the Draft and how every American child should have a sense pf responsibility to there country and the draft is a shared sacrifice that is missing. He spoke eloquently of how every profession was grown from the benefits given those veterans, Doctors, Lawyers, Congressman, yes Veterans did all this, they contributed to American the dream, all coming out of the draft. Where is the American dream today, is there a shared sacrifice anywhere in America, where are the veterans, in our Colleges and Universities, the Veterans of America were what made up the Civil rights movement.

This recording on C-Span was a treasure of information about our history by one who was there, yes he’s a Republican, but he was exactly who I thought he was a True Republican, not one of these new age Neo-Con Republican, Gen. Haig was wrong in his support of the Iraq war, but he was for a Over Whelming Force attack Doctrine, what Bush and Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice and a co-opted Collin Powell, were wrong and he said it was wrong, I thank him for that, candor.

Iraq was get back for Saddam thumbing his nose at the UN and America, clear and simply. If Haig if nothing else, he is a student of History and that is the foundation of a Statesman.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Migrants traveling north, too the US borders, only to become Illegal Aliens once breaking into America,

Most Americans don’t know what and American dream is?

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Human beings, of both genders and all age’s, have treaded through gangs and with starvation a constant, stealing rides on trains, putting life and limbs in danger and loss, all to be re-u-knighted with family and to feed their families.

As I watched CNN Anderson 360/Presents, 12/30/2006, it was deeply depressing too see human beings force to leave there home land in South American countries, there respective governments, refusing and unable to support their countrymen, all because of trade deals, and corruption. America has had a run on it’s borders, playing right into what Congress wanted to seal and tacitly comply with the Deal Congress mage with American business.

America’s lower middle class has been left out of the every areas of the American Dream and advancement, the stock market is out for the poor, the Insurance is too high and Health Care absent for most Americans, Housing is a gamble, just find affordable rental space, ownership is far beyond most, Jobs are so low paying, dreaming of upward mobility is not even thought of. It’s extremely sad to see the State of a large portion of Americans, living in America and struggling to survive, food shelves are a main stay and for many Americans they are competing with illegal aliens.

Downsizing, Outsourcing, Layoffs, Re-organization/Bankruptcies, Union busting, High education cost and a complicit Congress have taken together and a clearly Un-American Business Community, contributed too the destruction of the American dream for well over half of America.

Congress you owe America big time and just raising the Minimum wage will not be enough, really serious changes in systemic problems in America’s structure are needed, once our Manufacturing Industry died, there was a very serious

Whether you Escalate with a large number of troops, or a smaller number, it’s still following the Neo-Conservatives failed plans,

remember who helped get the US in this failed, wrong direction mess in the first place.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush wants to prolong this war, as far into 07’ and escalating with more troops, is precisely what will drag the exit out until Bush leaves office. But first Bush has used, two phases two start his miss-direction, first it was Bush’s co-opting and use of the ISG’s Report’s words, “A way Forward,” second it is Bush’s use of the word, “Surge,” America be not fooled again, a way forward is being used out of context by Bush and his supporters and “surge,” is really a wordsmithing on the highest order, do not be miss-directed again, it’s an “ESCALATION,” clearly and simply.

Neo-Conservatives have wanted an Escalation for years now and Bush will choose this escalation, it’s just a matter of how many troops. Congress on the other hand will not sit by and let this clear escalation go on, with out accountability and oversight, Bush will be held to account and his reasons for taking America into war in Iraq will finally start to the surface.

President Bush today, is only thinking mostly of his legacy now, yes he’s also thinking about the troops, Bush is not a complete cad, but Bush thinks of the troops like anyone who Volunteers, what you get, is what you get, when you volunteered. The shared sacrifice of Americans is our greatest problem, one that is the why? the Nation has no shared soul about Iraq.

Neo-Conservatives are why America is where we are today in Iraq and there the why America is held in such low esteem, even by allies, like Sadia Arabia, who will flood into Iraq and inflame the Middle east even more with there blatant taking sides. Well America is seen as taking sides and it’s going to cost the US and the troops in Iraq will be the first to pay for Bush’s folly.

One more act of Vengeance, Saddam’s Execution and America is seen, in the Arab world and in Iraq, as taking part once again.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Muqtada was the name being hurled at Saddam and at the world, yes at the world, the taunts, Muqtada name was shouted for ALL to hear. Saddam was truly an evil man, but what has been left behind is evil and hate, not just in the middle east, here in America, we have our haters as well, Joe Lieberman is one of the haters, as well, he may have reasons he bases his hate on, but it is hate none the less and it is an evil of a sort, that is corrosive to any man’s soul.

If you think the Saddam’s of Iraq have been silenced, think again, those shouting and taunting Saddam, on his eminent death, his moments before execution, their collective hate and evil came to the surface, the same evil that embodied Saddam is alive and growing, in Iraq and in the world. Their well be more killings and it will run its course.

The ambassador from Iraq, Feisal clearly is siding with Muqtada, he speaks of disarming the death squads and he says were doing the job, but he is clearly covering for Muqtada and the death squads, ask by Wolf about investigating charges of attacks on American troops, he says; allegation and charges are one thing, facts are another, ask whether Muqtada should be arrested and investigated, he say, if there is reason to investigate, that will be done if it is called for. Iraqi’s are going to propose conciliatory talks and include absolution, for killings, even Americans, watch an mark my words, so they can keep Muqtada, this man is clearly involved up to his heart in killings, all across Iraq, but he will escape any fact finding, by Iraqi’s.

The execution of Saddam was forced and way too quick, there were facts not revealed, that would of implicated America’s parts in many of the crimes, not that America committed Saddam’s crimes, but the facts would of shown, out tacit complicity in area’s, we could of stopped Saddam, sent the right message and not sold him WMD’s makings, not of played Saddam and IRAN against each other and profited so handsomely to boot.

I listened to the Wolf Blitzer late Edition News Show on CNN and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I) spoke along with Sen. Arlen Specter ® and Lieberman’s words are grating to hear, he is so off base as to what anyone, but his personal agenda believes.

McCain is under Bush’s spell, he wants to be the heir apparent so bad too Bush, he wants to be president so bad, he says any and everything to get the approval of, who ever will back him for President, McCain and Lieberman are One and Two, they want more killing, just keep killing, do not talk to anyone, just more killing.

Sen. Arlen Specter, explained himself, about going too Syria it’s his job as a Senator, to follow and inquirer, to find answers, especially when the president is not telling the truth, not revealing the facts, but is manipulating Intel to fix the facts for coursing the American people’s and Congress opinion, too give Bush, the right to take the US into wars, mainly Iraq.

On IRAN and SYRIA, Lieberman want no talks with these two countries, why because he has a bone to pick with them about their parts in attacks on leaders in Lebanon and even attacks on Americans, what Lieberman is not saying is their parts in killing of Israelis and he refuses any talks with enemies of his faith. Lieberman wants death to all who have blood on their hands; Lieberman is part of the blood feud in the Middle East, he will do his part and if there was anyone who should be impeached for lying and flip-flopping, it’s Lieberman.

Every time I hear Lieberman say, he has disagreed with Bush, his words makes me want to throw-up, Lieberman is such a liar.

America will see an Escalation in Iraq and the Arab worldview of America has taken another hit, one we will pay dearly for in world opinion. Bush must be brought to account for his foreign Policy and much more. Congress it’s time to bring Bush to account.