Thursday, April 20, 2006
Oil Prices are a result of Bush’s failed foreign policy and sucking up! To his betters
by Bruce H, Scroggins
Through Bush & Cheney, Rice and Rumsfelds ignorance and blind belief in Neo-Con Hegemony, America is suffering there foolhardiness.
You notice I did not mention Collin Powell, he was always the reluctant warrior, in this Administration, the voice of reason if you will and sadly, the voice least listened too. Mr. Powell was the outsider, to this PFTNAC group.
Now there are three players in the Energy game; Oil men, profits, and Congress and yes it is a game to the OIL men, and the people and there desire for energy, our the pieces on the game board of profits and there are two Energy games being played at the same time. One is National, here in the US and Internationally, let me focus on the National Energy game, it has rules, some set by Congress through Energy Policy & legislation and Energy rules set by the OIL Barons in control of Production.
Bush & Cheney are what is called OIL Men first and foremost, they bleed OIL first, why you ask?, there god is profit, now I know Bush said he is born again and I do not doubt his conviction, I do not how ever, ignore his proclivity to stand with these OIL barons first, even over the American consumer concerns.
That’s why he says, there’s nothing he can do about the price of gas at the pump, he of course is lying, he’s the president, he can do just about anything he wants, he is however saying, that he dose not have the will to do anything about gas prices, in other words, he dose not care, or he has choosen to do nothing about the plight of the every day working stiff.
When Bush retires from the presidency, he will be given, over time a small fortune not unlike his father’s fortune, and perhaps twice as much as his father’s fortune. As will Rice, Rumsfeld and Cheney, all of these individuals will be made rich, and Cheney already has a head start on all of his compatriots.
Now why Bush’s foreign policy, has resulted in OIL prices going through the roof, starts with Bush being an abject failure, when it comes to foreign policy and his Administrations, Bush has made mistakes, missteps, miss-reads and half steps, one right after another, leading to the most abysmal, foreign policy in American history. And all because he was bated into going into Iraq, now long before Iraq, Bush had a chance to correct some of his mistakes, but once he was convinced before entering the White House, that he could get Saddam, the man who tried to kill his father, he was convinced, he could secure the second largest OIL fields in the known world, and infuse a start of the process to a form a Democracy, in the Middle-East, this was heady stuff to a C-student, he was easily led and he had just enough ego and swagger to be the empty headed leader of this group of world hegemonist (made up word).
Now to the OIL Industry heads, these egomaniacal greedy bastards, they do not care about ruling countries, or changing leaders, or taking over countries, their concerns only go as far as controlling the government, to there own selfish, profiteering ends. Energy history 101, the short version, The USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Russia and Briton (England, for those history challenged) from the start of the search for OIL around the world, these countries, were the ones who put in the infrastructure to get the OIL out of the ground, all around the world.
And in return for the technology and up front capital, "forever" contracts were written, so as to give a percentage for "life" of every barrel taken out of the ground or sea. Unless the Country nationalizes, like Iran. And here’s the sneaky, dirty little secret, this is what gives the OIL barons the balls to make statements, to the Congress and press, when questioned about high profits today, like; “where were you when Oil prices were at $10 a barrel,” these are sons of bitches, and they are arrogant to boot. This STATEMENT is taking about National OIL prices, here in the US, not Oil prices internationally, they have been for around 100 plus years, been racking up unlimited profits and stashing them in foreign banks and the US Government … CAN NOT ASK ABOUT THESE PROFITS, get it… they complain about not making any money for years here in the US, which has never been the problem, or the case, because they set the Production… you can not complain about a system you set up.
Production and Holding facilities; are the lynch pin of the game, they control production and the capacity to hold, or store refined products, and this capacity, is the valve of control too cost. Let see, over the last 35 years, collectively, the OIL men have Not… Built One… New Refinery, or Holding Facility, in the USA… in 35 years. And there in, is why? Gas prices are going up today.
And do not let them tell you, “it’s the natural disasters, that are a big cause,” yes and no. If plants had of been built, say 1 or 2 every 4 years, for the LAST 35 years, we would have the capacity to refine and store enough Gas, Home Heating Oil and Alternative Fuels, too keep America competitive and make a healthy profit. Even though energy independence is the only way to true freedom, for any Nation and Alternative energy, is a key foundation today for America.
Next time Congress has the big OIL men into to testify, listen carefully to hear if they ask about there obscene profits made and held in Banks around the world. I have nothing against making a profit, but when energy became Strategic, profits have to be controlled and regulated, and as long as America can say nothing about the huge, and I mean huge profits held outside the USA… Congress should never let these greedy bastards, say a word about, “where were you when Oil was selling for $10 a barrel,” Congress and the American people should answer, these arrogant bastard’os. “Right here looking at your obscene profits around the world.”
Congress needs to; cut out the sweet heart deals, and the give away on royalties, and keep raising the tax on these arrogant bastards, until they start increasing refinery capacity for Fossil Fuels and Alternative Fuels.
Then the price of OIL will start to go down some, and Congress can help in other ways, by making it profitable to drill for Oil and Natural Gas, here on this side of the Atlantic, this will facilitate in, jump starting our dying manufacturing Industry, Natural Gas is the answer for our Industry to compete again, on the world stage. America has the largest Natural Gas deposits in the world.
But act we must, no more waiting for the energy Industry, to make a positive move. Congress needs too go on the offensive with Big Oil, they refuse to build Refineries, we raise the tax on their profits, and change Anti-Trust laws, until they start building Refineries and start drilling on the leases they already hold. OIL is and has too much of a strategic importance to let Big Oil sit on there FAT asses, and do nothing while our country and people are drained of jobs and their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Big Oil has the money to do it, but do not let them stone wall and make statements about they were not making profits way back when, so were not going to do anything now is what they don't say, America answers, you did nothing then, but we as a people, are one big voice and if you want to remain in business, you will either start building, or we will tax you, too off set your control of production, and raw profit taking at our American expense. And if they refuse, start talking about nationalizing the OIL Industry, that will get them off there asses for sure.
America stop and THINK!!!
by Bruce H, Scroggins
A gentleman by the name of Erick Haney was on Tavis Smiley Show and he spoke almost eloquently about Delta Force, but what caught my minds eye, was what he said about, our leadership today. America has come to the point where, an all volunteer Army, is the wrong direction for our countries to be headed, it has given the HAVES, in power the ability to advance war on others, they did not agree with, or advance, by barging in and making business deals, where they were not wanted, and these deals would be backed up by force, if and when there was opposition to there interest.
America should never, I repeat never come to the point where, the cost in treasure, (our children) is not shared, it must, or should always be spread across the full spectrum of our society, rich, middle and poor classes, nust sharing in the duty to country. Now I’ am not for frivolous wars, of Hegemony, and conquest of resources, like Viet-Nam and Iraq. Now wars of retaliation for the World Trade Center, will be a war, I would be hell bent to get into, but per invasions like Iraq, NO.
There are dictators, despicable men and women all around the world, and we are not the world’s policemen, or the Nine-One-One of the world.
But today we have, this ALL Volunteer Army and where has it gotten us, in a Iraq Quagmire, in the middle of a Civil War. And hardly any of the rich, or the leaderships children, or family members are fighting and dying, only the middle and poor classes are, fighting and dying, and for what. If the draft was in place, as it should have been, after we were attacked, we would have found Ben Laudin, and never stopped until he was brought low for his crimes.
But because the All Volunteer Army was in place, these Neo-Cons, saw there chance, there New Pearl Harbor, to use them, our treasure, to advance, there plans for US Hegemony, as they laid it out in the:
Project for the New American Century, (
America read and see what they were doing under the cover of our being attacked, and look at all the profiteering, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the usual suspects are there in every instance, Bechtel, Flour Corp, Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown & Root, Shaw Group, CH2M Hill Inc, and many, many more. And they were on the ground down in the Gulf as well, and they have gotten more of the billions spent than the people, or State Governments and people, in the whole entire Gulf Coast.
Wake up, America, no more sleeping walking, instead see the world as it is, and not as your blind faith in men, has lead you to believe.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
What is Congress going to do about Immigration, let me tell you son.
by Bruce H, Scroggins
Immigration in America has three legs too the stool, these legs and what makes them up, or the guts of the legs on this stool, is what Congress will deal either honestly, or try too pull the wool over the majority’s eyes.
First I want too draw my conclusion, as too what I think the Congress will do and won’t do.
My conclusions:
The House and the Senate, knows this is politically, a boiling hot aluminum chair left in Death Valley sun. Gloves are called for, and “slight of mouth” is what, Congress dose when there are so many hot button issues rolled into one subject, so Congress will try to divide and conquer the people on this one.
They have to stall and try to do the three legs one at a time, this will weaken anything they do, but it's the way that will give them political cover, for all upcoming elections as well, so they hope.
First; I do not believe they will do very much before the 06’ elections; because they know nothing they do short of the will, of “we the people,” will satisfy the American electorate. And all of congress wants the "VOTES," these illegals represent (remember I said this.) Second; making changes one at a time, they think will satisfy the diverse public, and I pre-dick this thinking, or conclusion will back fire on both side of congress. Third; the upcoming election will be the catalyst for delaying any action on immigration until after the 06’ elections.
Fourth: I said earlier the Congresses actions on immigration, will be done in a way to weaken the over all package, this is desirable for both side’s of the isle. Why you ask? because as I said earlier, both sides want the votes these illegals represent, AND nothing short of Citizenship will bring those votes into the electorate, so no matter how “we the people,” scream and say “no Amnesty,” Congress will say, “it’s not Amnesty, it’s earning your Citizenship,” “we the people say it Amnesty, and Congress say, No it’s not.” What they are failing to hear is, “it’s not what congress say it’s not… it’s what we say it is,” Congress will say in the end they “miss read the public,” and when they pass their legislation, granting Amnesty-citizenship, after the 11 years of paying fine and taxes, and going to school, and working, the American electorate will answer there blatant ignorance of “we the people’s wishes.”
What are “we the people’s wishes?” No more guest workers, we have 11 million illegal guest now, no Amnesty after 11 years, their children will be the citizens, and can vote, their parents who have come forward and been documented, will receive legal status and become the guest workers, but can not vote, no voting, “we the people say,” giving illegals citizenship, and there getting the vote is Amnesty. And continuing to tell America, there Bill is not Amnesty and trying to explain it and then pass it, and later say, there “was some disconnect,” will not play with “we the people.”
Ok, now the three legged stool that is Immigration today you ask; what are the three legs? Border Enforcement, Employment Enforcement and Immigration Law & Policy.
What’s first? Border Enforcement, we need a “big move,” you must secure the borders, in order to build a comprehensive immigration policy. It’s the first leg on the chair to hold up our country vulnerable security as it is today, and we are vulnerable and everyone in the world knows it. We can try slowly adding immigration officers to the border workforce, and slowly bring in some electronic surveillance, or build a wall and continue to increase and enhance our security with electronics and more human enforcement.
Part of this is the “big move” I call it, it is to stop, point blank the rush for the border, we are experiencing today. We must put in place, substantive deterrents to illegal border crossings, while adding human, or person power to keep it monitored and safe for both sides of the border, it will also cut drastically the drug trade, a double wall if need be, with no a mans land in-between.
We will need to beef up our laws at the point of crossing; a comprehensive approach, done all at once is the only way to secure the border.
Next Employment Enforcement; No hiring of illegal aliens will be allowed in any state of the union, documentation will be set up to verify all applicants for labor, and Congress will have to pass a law to bring ALL the illegals aliens out of the shadows, the law should be one that says, “ALL illegal Aliens,” must come forward and be documented, and you will not be deported, but will be put in a system, like the one pproposed in Congress, suggested to date, except there will be no Citizenship after the 11 years, only legal status and a guest worker status. They will be given by announcement 1 to 2 years to come forward, after the 1 to 2 year period, and all illegal aliens still not documented, when caught will be fined heavily and for the next 20 years and then will be given just a guest worker status, and they will have to leave and apply for a Visa to return after 20 years of clean record work in the US.
There will be a big penalty for hiring illegals aliens; and it should be high enough to make sure enforcements work, a fine of $25.000 for employee and employer, each. This amount will insure compliance.
This is a fair system, especially so those who have applied for legal citizenship status, and gone through our system, now in place and working for so many today, that those applying for legal immigration will cherish being allowed to vote, and after doing things the legal way, and this process only, American citizens knows will work, when an Americans break the law, they have to pay with there freedom, and their families, get along for years, with out them and a record often follows them through out life and in some instances, upon release, and often these Americans can not vote after doing their time. So giving citizenship and no record of illegality is unfair to legal immigratants and the Americans citizen, who have to follow the law and pay the full price of each law whether it be, just a fine, and can inclued, the violation being put on there records, in most if noy all cases.
Immigration Law & Policy; The present Immigration Policy and Laws are actually pretty good, what is not good is the will and resources too… ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAW & POLICY.
How do you make a country unsafe, “leave good law to die, by weakening the will, by cutting the recourses,” with out the money to hire what you need to enforce the Law, or build deterrence, or enforce court decisions, you have a weak department and policy, with the opposing border security, accepting bribes for all sorts of illegal activities, including Drugs, and terrorist and all in between, weak deterrence and Policy is a recipe for desaster, as we have today.
America, before you allow Congress to change Immigration Law… make sure you KNOW clearly what is present Immigration LAW. Why, so they don’t weaken the good law, we have now, that is NOT ENFORCED.
All three of these Immigration legs need to be done at the same time, not separately, and if Congress can separate them out, and do one here, and one there, we will get a weak Amnesty, and it will not resemble anything we are asking congress to do today, or what we are writing Congress about, and telling our Representative about, at town meetings, as the whole debate has been voiced in the public squares.
Know this Congress, the majority of Americans who vote, get that word, VOTE, yes I said VOTE, and do not want EarningAmnestyCitizenship, or More Guest Workers, got it, did you hear “we the people.”
We are not against minorities, we are against law breaking, and this three legged stool, will be complicated to enforce, we know this and the illegals know this because they have stolen their way into America and compounded their law breaking by applying for and getting jobs as illegals and having children, these acts compound the Law, so the solution is not going to be easy and those who broke the law knew that there actions would make the solution complicated and counted on their compounding of the laws of America, too ease their solution by America, they count heavily on this, point. So all the demonstrations and all those born here and the relatives of the illegals, are advocating against their fellow American citizens over another American.
And the ones hurt badly by illegal immigration are blacks and Labor, how you ask? by the depressing of wages. And American business, together with the US federal government, have been turning a blind eye, too the breaking of Federal law on a huge scale, it was central to undermining and usurping of American immigration law, so the business lobbyist in Washington DC, needs to be put on point, we the people know what you did, and will no longer stand for your, interference. Be it known “we the people have spoken”, we are armed with the VOTE and will use it.
We the people are used as metaphor for the American main stream voting public.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
What is the American Gospel to me?
By Bruce H, Scroggins
First I want to say, I do not posse all the answers to my own life much less any other human life on this earth.
I am a child of God, El Shaddai, Jehovah, a disciple of His Son, My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today we live in a world, I call a lost and dying world, and I say that because, from what I see of the world, we are so intolerant of each other, and for so many reasons of self, we refuse to see beyond our own concept of right and wrong, we are blinded with works and Law.
I find this has been a truth through out my life and the Life I see in others. I am an American, and a black man, but first; from the day I understood the passion of Christ for my life, I see His teachings transforming my conformities too self, and deep inside of me, I had a longing to share and help others, the reason was simple to me, I saw early in life, that when I was able too give to another, it was out of some part of me, that wanted good for others around me.
I also enjoyed people being good to me, it was a reciprocal feeling and I never wanted it to stop, this simply was my desire. Life I found as I lived more of it, it showed me that there were desires with in me, that others around me did not want, not my idea of good, and they did not understand my efforts, to be and say good things about or even for others, I just did not understand, there not receiving my good efforts.
This reality was a painful awakening to me, and I have never recovered from it, and what I did in return was not to turn inward, but to continue to keep that desire to give, and be good to others. It was Jesus, who I came into contact with, as I lived my life, that has changed me.
Today I have lived a good life and seen in passing, a lot of good and an awful lot of really bad, painful, evil and wicked life and this, even out of me, I have seen some awful and wicked life come from me over time, I knew I was not immune too this evil, this hate, this act of unloving was inside of me and I did not like this part of me, but I found I could be, just as twisted and uncaring at times, as any other man or woman.
So I have been naive about my self and others, but I have always wanted too believe there is some good in all men and women, and today I’ve learned too see the jewel in every man or woman, even if they don’t respond too my sight.
This American gospel to me is what I see in the Country of the Unites States of America today, and that is a culture in the city’s and neighborhoods, and the people and it is also a national view of States and Government.
I want to focus on the National Government, because it has taken a turn, I believe is wrong, and it will bring about a horrifying division, to my country. With the New Republicans, and the Religious Right together with the Neo-cons Conservatives, the party of the Political Right has, made a pack together with the evangelicals too force the entire USA into believing they are the Party of god and too any American who disagrees, with any thing these extreme religious and pious people push, like gays, gay marriage, school prayer, to name just a few and there, so-called wars on Christmas, and on Christians, you’re labeled against god, in decent.
The level for discussion has been turned so that, you can not even bring your views to the tables, of discussion. Your very voice is set apart, in a way you’ve been given a scarlet letter, if you speck up. Uneven ground is a terrible place to start any discussion, and the Nation is at that point, where many American have become afraid to speck up, all because of the alliances of Christian Clerics who are in bed with the controlling powers of our Nation today.
There is religious, legalistic, condemnation of any one who dares to speak up, against, the Religious legalist. They have chosen a couple of the precepts out of the Holy Bible and used them to say; these gays are the reason the Nation is in trouble, they blame troubles of any and all sorts, even the Worlds troubles are blamed on lack of school prayer and more, much more, based in their chosen, foils.
When I was in the world, I called my self, at that point in my life a heathen, I didn’t care about Faith, or Religion, and I knew about it but did not pay value to it, for my life. Today a political party has harnessed these very religious people and there Pastors, too condemn others in the world, to divide and Literally shut up the mouth of some, and to gain political power, they sold the religious Right a bill of goods, saying they were going to change the Nation back, into a "Christian Nation," the problem with this statement is, we were never a Christian Country, what we were at one time was a Nation built on some principles out of the Holy Bible, and we were always a Nation of multiple faiths, mostly Christian, but not entirely, and even the Multiple Christian Faiths who called themselves Christian could not agree on the basics of the Old And New Testament.
I’ am not saying Christ is the wrong model for America, I believe He is the right model to pattern your life after, but it is the Christ in you, not; no Christ in you, but lets use Christ example and principles, even though they are used, just for co-opting and for personal or political gain.
But the founding fathers were wise in that they new you could not separate Religion and Politics, but they also knew, you have to separate Church and State if you want to have Nation and if you do not, you will have Tyranny.
What we have today is a prevailing charge, laid on many Americans, and it says; your not as American as we are, and we believe the founding father were setting up America to be a Christian Country, and by today’s controlling Party of Government, these individuals want to install and instill there varying views, of Christian principles on the entire Nations, which is Tyranny.
I’VE SAID ALL I WANTED TO SAY. AND I WILL CLOSE WITH THIS… My Faith is suppose too inform my reasoning mind, therefore my decisions, whether political, or private, I do not have to lead, with my faiths traditions and therefore, I’ll not use a bunch of legalistic words, and use them exclusively too beat down one portion of the American rainbow, I won't condemned, just too pump my portion of the rainbow up.
My one job is to restore, to bring the Gospel of reconciliation to a lost and dying world, I’ am not suppose to have on my robe of condemnation, but robes of righteous and that righteousness is not of myself, I have no such righteousness, it is the Christ in me that wills me to do and love and live.
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