By Bruce H, Scroggins
Cheney, Cheney, there is no happy, happy, joy, joy for your President Bush, or your party, only recriminations. Every body on the battered Democratic side of the isle can afford to be nice, because the gavel is soon to be in their hands.
But Vice President Cheney is being nice, I did not say, playing nice, neither he nor his wife have been playing nice, nor the bad clones of ROVA-CALLS, Tom Delay and Ken Melman, Iraq and the corrupt power style of plutocracy, with arrogant enabling party officials and pundit-ting surrogates and spin-misters, running miss-information, mixed with attacks, on reasoned debate and an absolute polarizing of more than half the America electorate, pissed into the echo chamber, first of fox news and spread, like peanut butter, liberally on the American populace.
Where all Conservative, Republicans, or Christian-Right supporters in and out of elected office, guilty of corruption, the answer is a clear and loud, “No,” but just as loud and clear, were the clear as Abramoff convictions and the shear complicity, in driving the get-away-cars made-up, of the those who stood still and silent, with there head turning, blind rubber stamping, they were beyond stomaching even, by there parties faithful, duped into following.
Thus the election resulted in a Loud, “we don’t believe you guys any more.” Earmarks were of more value than, the truth and the truth, took a backseat to the main streams stomach for truth, over more lies, even the Neo-Cons, jumped ship.
Walking, lie-talking ROBO calls were they all and the voice of the election spoke loud and clear, stop calling me.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
What will sink, McCain’s Presidential Hopes,
By Bruce H, Scroggins
besides campaigning for Republicans, answer: Guest Workers and eventual AMNESTY for illegal Aliens?
America saw during this 06’ election, the evidence Americans don’t like McCain, stand, or Bill for illegal Aliens and Kennedy needs to take notice as well, even though he won his re-election, he will blow a lot of his popularity, by championing these unpopular elements of their joint Bill.
But McCain, is oblivious to the real feelings in the country, by watching Polls, America has 12 to 20 million illegal aliens inside the US, we can guess half or more are working illegally, those numbers are the guest workers, once they are forced to come out of the shadows, or be deported, when caught.
McCain and Kennedy need to know America dose not want “eventual Amnesty for illegal Aliens,” the children of these illegal Aliens, will be the only citizen, the majority were born here in thee Us and those who were not, will eventually become guest workers, once documented, like there parents.
You say how will we find millions of illegal aliens, we don’t. The very workable Plan, I advanced to both McCain and Kennedy, months back, when the illegal Alien debate of sorts heated up and cooled, when both side, knew it was a hot potato.
The Plan, my plan was, Congress passes a LAW, the says; All illegal Aliens in the US, must come forward and be documented, by a certain date… (The date can be one or two years, or what ever is an appropriate length of time) All illegal aliens who do not come forward by the set date, when caught will be prosecuted, up to and including deportation.
Now some details, the inevitable question, what about the families? And the, you can not break up families, well the truth is Americas, know when you break a law, you can be fined and or including sent to jail and you will have a RECORD, many Americans families are broken-up daily by the law and these families survive, one or more going to jail, some for life. Americans know any BILL from our Congressman, McCain, Kennedy, must be based on the same laws, Americans live under, you can not make up a new law to absolve violators of crimes and then at some arbitrary date down the road, after jumping through some fines and classes, arrive at citizenship, Oh by the way this Plan, is why they want more guest workers. When All Americans can see we have more than enough guess workers, right now, the guess workers and the eventual Amnesty our two straw arguments to get some parts of both, don’t be fooled America
McCain and Kennedy want to slip America a fast one. The other leg to my Plan is Employment enforcement, The Law with in the BILL; I propose will have a heavy penalty for employing illegal Aliens. Congress dose not want to hear, my plan to offer the jobs in California alone to the huge, Homeless and unemployed population.
The third leg is Minimum wages and everyone knows that is an absolute disgrace for Congress, holding wages down, ignoring the Laws, suppressing wages, with illegal aliens and no Border enforcement. Playing on the hearts of Americans by repeating into the echo chambers, the lie, “We cannot round up 12 million, illegal Aliens.”
Well McCain, Kennedy you and we do not have to round up any one, pass the law and the bill and the illegal aliens will round themselves up.
Now do I want poor people to advance and do well, I sure do and I start right at home first, illegal Aliens were used by rich businessmen, with Congress and the laws support, or head turn ignorance I should say, all while these same rich businessmen, outsourced, downsized, passed cost of benefits on to workers, draconically crushed Unions, Free Traded our Jobs away, all while, EXPLOITING THE illegal Aliens, flooding into every community in America. Americans do not hate illegal aliens, but they hate what has happen to labor and wages and it been a combination of things that have contributed to our labors collective stagnation of real earning power of take home pay.
Media Matters
As the "best illustrations" of McCain's purported victory, the editorial cited the victories of Democratic Reps.-elect Harry Mitchell and Gabrielle Giffords, "who had aligned themselves on immigration with McCain," over Rep. J.D. Hayworth and former Republican state Rep. Randy Graf, respectively, who were "both known for their firebrand stances on border security."
Losers, so your wake up call awaits, if you bring America that same tired Immigration BILL, look to lose big.
besides campaigning for Republicans, answer: Guest Workers and eventual AMNESTY for illegal Aliens?
America saw during this 06’ election, the evidence Americans don’t like McCain, stand, or Bill for illegal Aliens and Kennedy needs to take notice as well, even though he won his re-election, he will blow a lot of his popularity, by championing these unpopular elements of their joint Bill.
But McCain, is oblivious to the real feelings in the country, by watching Polls, America has 12 to 20 million illegal aliens inside the US, we can guess half or more are working illegally, those numbers are the guest workers, once they are forced to come out of the shadows, or be deported, when caught.
McCain and Kennedy need to know America dose not want “eventual Amnesty for illegal Aliens,” the children of these illegal Aliens, will be the only citizen, the majority were born here in thee Us and those who were not, will eventually become guest workers, once documented, like there parents.
You say how will we find millions of illegal aliens, we don’t. The very workable Plan, I advanced to both McCain and Kennedy, months back, when the illegal Alien debate of sorts heated up and cooled, when both side, knew it was a hot potato.
The Plan, my plan was, Congress passes a LAW, the says; All illegal Aliens in the US, must come forward and be documented, by a certain date… (The date can be one or two years, or what ever is an appropriate length of time) All illegal aliens who do not come forward by the set date, when caught will be prosecuted, up to and including deportation.
Now some details, the inevitable question, what about the families? And the, you can not break up families, well the truth is Americas, know when you break a law, you can be fined and or including sent to jail and you will have a RECORD, many Americans families are broken-up daily by the law and these families survive, one or more going to jail, some for life. Americans know any BILL from our Congressman, McCain, Kennedy, must be based on the same laws, Americans live under, you can not make up a new law to absolve violators of crimes and then at some arbitrary date down the road, after jumping through some fines and classes, arrive at citizenship, Oh by the way this Plan, is why they want more guest workers. When All Americans can see we have more than enough guess workers, right now, the guess workers and the eventual Amnesty our two straw arguments to get some parts of both, don’t be fooled America
McCain and Kennedy want to slip America a fast one. The other leg to my Plan is Employment enforcement, The Law with in the BILL; I propose will have a heavy penalty for employing illegal Aliens. Congress dose not want to hear, my plan to offer the jobs in California alone to the huge, Homeless and unemployed population.
The third leg is Minimum wages and everyone knows that is an absolute disgrace for Congress, holding wages down, ignoring the Laws, suppressing wages, with illegal aliens and no Border enforcement. Playing on the hearts of Americans by repeating into the echo chambers, the lie, “We cannot round up 12 million, illegal Aliens.”
Well McCain, Kennedy you and we do not have to round up any one, pass the law and the bill and the illegal aliens will round themselves up.
Now do I want poor people to advance and do well, I sure do and I start right at home first, illegal Aliens were used by rich businessmen, with Congress and the laws support, or head turn ignorance I should say, all while these same rich businessmen, outsourced, downsized, passed cost of benefits on to workers, draconically crushed Unions, Free Traded our Jobs away, all while, EXPLOITING THE illegal Aliens, flooding into every community in America. Americans do not hate illegal aliens, but they hate what has happen to labor and wages and it been a combination of things that have contributed to our labors collective stagnation of real earning power of take home pay.
Media Matters
As the "best illustrations" of McCain's purported victory, the editorial cited the victories of Democratic Reps.-elect Harry Mitchell and Gabrielle Giffords, "who had aligned themselves on immigration with McCain," over Rep. J.D. Hayworth and former Republican state Rep. Randy Graf, respectively, who were "both known for their firebrand stances on border security."
Losers, so your wake up call awaits, if you bring America that same tired Immigration BILL, look to lose big.
What’s wrong with politics, TODAY, it’s the “not liking someone,”
By Bruce H, Scroggins
it’s not the hate, or hating someone, it starts with the no liking someone, the hating is the next step, if you can even imply, you don’t like someone, hating is the next step, or evolution in politics.
Politics US style, is down and dirty, first both parties and their collective supporters, start by stating, they do not like the person, they don not like them personally, then they attack their human failings, no where are the issues discussed.
Ay any point and once the campaigning’s starts, any one who makes the attack of; “I don’t like you because of who you are, or because of your mistakes, or your miss-steps, or your human failing,” it’s now easier to attack and destroy the person personally.
I can delve into their personal life, I can go deep into their adolescence and find out if he stood by while a school mate pulled the wings off a butterfly, I can find out if he ever got a ticket and timely paid it, I can ask publicly about his messy divorce, or medical conditions, especially if they were for any addiction and I do mean any.
Nothing is now secret, or sacred, your whole life is not, just fair game, but is in the game of personal destruction. If you ever hugged another persons wife, or husband and there is any corollaries, any even the most remote, it will be played up as evil and you’re an evil, sinful, something, they will avoid saying you’re a sinful man, or woman, but the attack will imply your seated next to Satan most days and nights.
I am a disciple of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and even my flaws will be played against my human natures, mistakes and miss-steps. The word will be, see he was bad then and he can not be good now.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I have not arrived, I am ever leaning to follow His teaching, so first I will pray, for working together, for all Americans and ask my country to pray for peace and Faith in God the Father, “The author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12: 2
it’s not the hate, or hating someone, it starts with the no liking someone, the hating is the next step, if you can even imply, you don’t like someone, hating is the next step, or evolution in politics.
Politics US style, is down and dirty, first both parties and their collective supporters, start by stating, they do not like the person, they don not like them personally, then they attack their human failings, no where are the issues discussed.
Ay any point and once the campaigning’s starts, any one who makes the attack of; “I don’t like you because of who you are, or because of your mistakes, or your miss-steps, or your human failing,” it’s now easier to attack and destroy the person personally.
I can delve into their personal life, I can go deep into their adolescence and find out if he stood by while a school mate pulled the wings off a butterfly, I can find out if he ever got a ticket and timely paid it, I can ask publicly about his messy divorce, or medical conditions, especially if they were for any addiction and I do mean any.
Nothing is now secret, or sacred, your whole life is not, just fair game, but is in the game of personal destruction. If you ever hugged another persons wife, or husband and there is any corollaries, any even the most remote, it will be played up as evil and you’re an evil, sinful, something, they will avoid saying you’re a sinful man, or woman, but the attack will imply your seated next to Satan most days and nights.
I am a disciple of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and even my flaws will be played against my human natures, mistakes and miss-steps. The word will be, see he was bad then and he can not be good now.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I have not arrived, I am ever leaning to follow His teaching, so first I will pray, for working together, for all Americans and ask my country to pray for peace and Faith in God the Father, “The author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12: 2
Now, right now, the voices AGAINST a raise in MINIMUM WAGES are lining up,
to voice there collective no’s, to the promise from Democrats, to raise minimum wages in the first 100 hours.
All evidence that the rise in minimum wage is a positive indicator for local, state economies is in and has in addition, been positive for small business employers and the Labor.
The voices against any rise in minimum wages, have voiced doom and gloom, but the Armageddon has not come, any economist, or finance analyst who has voiced this is thinking only of, the few who are truly reactionaries employers, who want to keep wages low and profits high, and know, those who cut jobs, claiming they can’t afford labor are not realist, they want a certain profit and to prove there point, which is un-provable, they will cut labor and use the minimum wages, as the reason for the reactionary move.
Profits are way up today, evidenced the by the Stock Market and in some respects the interest rates. Labor has not had a raise in 9 plus years, all of Congress has had 5 plus raises since the last Minimum wage raise. Labor is way past do, too get at the least a $9 to $10 dollar a hour average around the nation, but the new Congress will advance $7.25 an hour, as a compromise, with the President, US Business and Republicans, these comprise the largest block, who oppose ANY raise in minimum.
These Plutocrats, believe, that what ever wage a business persons is willing to pay is enough, even though they all practice passing inflation, material cost and there desire for ever higher PROFITS, on to the consumer and believe a cost of living increase is a burden, only in thinking, employee’s should stop believing, they deserve anything, other than what employers give them, they hate Unions, Pensions, Collective Bargaining and the US Labor Department. They loathe EEOC, Workmen Compensation and Unemployment Compensation and they believe the American dream is a bankrupt idea.
The elite 1% of America, regularly discusses at Country Clubs, Golf Courses and at Seminars, every word I wrote above. American Businesses have been racing the world too the bottom, they have been selling out American labor, Manufacturing, in Free Trade Treaties and this ahs been by–partisan as was Immigration, every accountable US Agency was absolutely derelict, in there legal responsibility, since the Amnesty sell-out of 1996.
American Labor, deserves a big raise and a compromise raise is all we will get, that’s the sad part of this, we will get a water down Immigration Bill, with guest workers shoved down Americans throats, but if we stand up and be counted we can force Congresses hands to do more than $7.25… America do not settle for less than, $9 to $10 an hour raise in MINIMUM WAGES.
All evidence that the rise in minimum wage is a positive indicator for local, state economies is in and has in addition, been positive for small business employers and the Labor.
The voices against any rise in minimum wages, have voiced doom and gloom, but the Armageddon has not come, any economist, or finance analyst who has voiced this is thinking only of, the few who are truly reactionaries employers, who want to keep wages low and profits high, and know, those who cut jobs, claiming they can’t afford labor are not realist, they want a certain profit and to prove there point, which is un-provable, they will cut labor and use the minimum wages, as the reason for the reactionary move.
Profits are way up today, evidenced the by the Stock Market and in some respects the interest rates. Labor has not had a raise in 9 plus years, all of Congress has had 5 plus raises since the last Minimum wage raise. Labor is way past do, too get at the least a $9 to $10 dollar a hour average around the nation, but the new Congress will advance $7.25 an hour, as a compromise, with the President, US Business and Republicans, these comprise the largest block, who oppose ANY raise in minimum.
These Plutocrats, believe, that what ever wage a business persons is willing to pay is enough, even though they all practice passing inflation, material cost and there desire for ever higher PROFITS, on to the consumer and believe a cost of living increase is a burden, only in thinking, employee’s should stop believing, they deserve anything, other than what employers give them, they hate Unions, Pensions, Collective Bargaining and the US Labor Department. They loathe EEOC, Workmen Compensation and Unemployment Compensation and they believe the American dream is a bankrupt idea.
The elite 1% of America, regularly discusses at Country Clubs, Golf Courses and at Seminars, every word I wrote above. American Businesses have been racing the world too the bottom, they have been selling out American labor, Manufacturing, in Free Trade Treaties and this ahs been by–partisan as was Immigration, every accountable US Agency was absolutely derelict, in there legal responsibility, since the Amnesty sell-out of 1996.
American Labor, deserves a big raise and a compromise raise is all we will get, that’s the sad part of this, we will get a water down Immigration Bill, with guest workers shoved down Americans throats, but if we stand up and be counted we can force Congresses hands to do more than $7.25… America do not settle for less than, $9 to $10 an hour raise in MINIMUM WAGES.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Now the Networks want to know, what are you Deomcrats going to do?
By Bruce H, Scroggins
The Talk Show News, MSNBS, CNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC and that partisan outfit fox news, are falling all over there selves, asking Democrats what going to happen, what are you going to do, are you going to have an “Orgy,” of Investigations.
Now all of a sudden, the cable and, regular network news shows are discussing the Democrats Plans, they’re discussing the first 100 hours. These self same news shows, were the very ones, who kept parroting, the RNC Talking Points, “Democrats have no Plans.” These news shows, even made opinionated statements, elicited by no one, “democrats, don’t have any plans,” these statements have all been documented for the last 6 years.
And I took a look at Hannity and Colmes, the 8 pm show and Hannity is still doing his "got-Cha, interviews” and bringing up old news as some strange way of showing democrats are evil and Republicans and Hannity is not… evil.
As usual there were three gasbags on all conservative, Kool-Aid drinkers bashing Democrats and Nancy Pelosi, spinning, punditing all over their selves, with Hannity backing every lame assertion, Alan Colmes tried to ask questions and they refuse to answer and kept lying.
The grand gasbag Rush Limbaugh admitted he’s been lying and carrying water for the Republicans, for who knows how long, he will probably retract, his weak moment of truth, may perhaps, he was off his meds, in any event at the least, half the country knows he been a carrying water for Republican Conservatives for years, now the ardent listeners have heard it for there selves, now how many will react to the truth and turn the dial, or stay the course, pretending they did not hear, what he told them to their collective ears.
Democrats have been advancing there collective plans for 6 plus years, 80% of which, got very little air time, or interviews, Democrats have had press conferences, that were not covered and when they were covered, they were not reported, or discussed on Network news, or even in the print media, although print media did a much job better coverage, than the cable, or network news shows.
Today, I heard new show host after, new show host, pressing for democrats to go on the record, answer are questions, as to what they will do? And will they go after the President? Now all of a sudden, those who have been parroting RNC talking points, supposedly objective new host, want to know, what are you democrats going to do? And we want to know yesterday? Well Hannity, Scarborough, Chris Matthews, and Wolf Blitzer you will have to wait; no one owes you partisan hacks anything.
The Talk Show News, MSNBS, CNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC and that partisan outfit fox news, are falling all over there selves, asking Democrats what going to happen, what are you going to do, are you going to have an “Orgy,” of Investigations.
Now all of a sudden, the cable and, regular network news shows are discussing the Democrats Plans, they’re discussing the first 100 hours. These self same news shows, were the very ones, who kept parroting, the RNC Talking Points, “Democrats have no Plans.” These news shows, even made opinionated statements, elicited by no one, “democrats, don’t have any plans,” these statements have all been documented for the last 6 years.
And I took a look at Hannity and Colmes, the 8 pm show and Hannity is still doing his "got-Cha, interviews” and bringing up old news as some strange way of showing democrats are evil and Republicans and Hannity is not… evil.
As usual there were three gasbags on all conservative, Kool-Aid drinkers bashing Democrats and Nancy Pelosi, spinning, punditing all over their selves, with Hannity backing every lame assertion, Alan Colmes tried to ask questions and they refuse to answer and kept lying.
The grand gasbag Rush Limbaugh admitted he’s been lying and carrying water for the Republicans, for who knows how long, he will probably retract, his weak moment of truth, may perhaps, he was off his meds, in any event at the least, half the country knows he been a carrying water for Republican Conservatives for years, now the ardent listeners have heard it for there selves, now how many will react to the truth and turn the dial, or stay the course, pretending they did not hear, what he told them to their collective ears.
Democrats have been advancing there collective plans for 6 plus years, 80% of which, got very little air time, or interviews, Democrats have had press conferences, that were not covered and when they were covered, they were not reported, or discussed on Network news, or even in the print media, although print media did a much job better coverage, than the cable, or network news shows.
Today, I heard new show host after, new show host, pressing for democrats to go on the record, answer are questions, as to what they will do? And will they go after the President? Now all of a sudden, those who have been parroting RNC talking points, supposedly objective new host, want to know, what are you democrats going to do? And we want to know yesterday? Well Hannity, Scarborough, Chris Matthews, and Wolf Blitzer you will have to wait; no one owes you partisan hacks anything.
The Long 12 year corrupt, no accountability Nights is over, the Light of Oversight is here,
By Bruce H, Scroggins
The Minimum wage will go up and Pay-Go will be a hallmark of Democratic leadership. This water shade election will be one, which goes down in history as a late course correction for America, enough of the stand stupid leadership, refusing to see the death on the wall administration, no more insolent, insistence on “Staying the course,” lets not and say we didn't, from now on.
Ethics, Stem Cells, Health Care, Energy Independence, the very same plans, most Republicans and the Bush said, Democrats never had, will be heard and the Pundits, Surrogates, the Hannity’s, the O’Brien’s, the Tim Russert’s, the Chris Matthews, the Wolf Blitzer, the Ken Melman’s, Ann Coulters and all the bomb throwers from O’Donnell, Andrea Mitchell, to Crawley and the infuriating Tucker Carlson literally the entire fox news network. Watch as Tony Snow’s tone changes.
Democrats have a real plan for leadership and it will turn America back to being a leader on the world stage and the world, will rejoice with America again.
The Democrats have won the House of Representatives, the US Senate is at 50,50 status, at 49-49, as of this writing 11/8/2006 6:42:15 AM CST and if it remains, I’ am looking for 51-49 Democratic control, so America can pass some ground breaking legislations for America and the world.
Watch for real action and pressure on DARFUR, yes I said it, actual plans; concrete plans to turn the EVIL of Darfur away from Rape filled Genocide. Now lets get down to facts, Democrats will not gloat, like the Republicans did in 1994, when they literally told Democrats to get lost,” your unnecessary and Grover Norquist, polarizing angering statement;
“Once the minority [Democrats] of House and Senate are comfortable in their minority status, they will have no problem socializing with the Republicans. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they’ve been fixed, then they are happy and sedate. They are contented and cheerful. They don’t go around peeing on the furniture and such.” (Washington Post, 11/4/2004)
“We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals—and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship.” (Christian Science Monitor, 11/23/2005)
Democrats have every right to be vindictive, but it’s not the right way to lead, for “we the People.”
Democrats have been on the receiving end of this kind of leadership from Republicans and there will be some hard decisions made that will seem vindictive, but rest usurer, democrats will lead America back to prominence, on the American and world stage.
First 100 hours:
The Minimum wage will go up and Pay-Go will be a hallmark of Democratic leadership. This water shade election will be one, which goes down in history as a late course correction for America, enough of the stand stupid leadership, refusing to see the death on the wall administration, no more insolent, insistence on “Staying the course,” lets not and say we didn't, from now on.
Ethics, Stem Cells, Health Care, Energy Independence, the very same plans, most Republicans and the Bush said, Democrats never had, will be heard and the Pundits, Surrogates, the Hannity’s, the O’Brien’s, the Tim Russert’s, the Chris Matthews, the Wolf Blitzer, the Ken Melman’s, Ann Coulters and all the bomb throwers from O’Donnell, Andrea Mitchell, to Crawley and the infuriating Tucker Carlson literally the entire fox news network. Watch as Tony Snow’s tone changes.
Democrats have a real plan for leadership and it will turn America back to being a leader on the world stage and the world, will rejoice with America again.
The Democrats have won the House of Representatives, the US Senate is at 50,50 status, at 49-49, as of this writing 11/8/2006 6:42:15 AM CST and if it remains, I’ am looking for 51-49 Democratic control, so America can pass some ground breaking legislations for America and the world.
Watch for real action and pressure on DARFUR, yes I said it, actual plans; concrete plans to turn the EVIL of Darfur away from Rape filled Genocide. Now lets get down to facts, Democrats will not gloat, like the Republicans did in 1994, when they literally told Democrats to get lost,” your unnecessary and Grover Norquist, polarizing angering statement;
“Once the minority [Democrats] of House and Senate are comfortable in their minority status, they will have no problem socializing with the Republicans. Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they’ve been fixed, then they are happy and sedate. They are contented and cheerful. They don’t go around peeing on the furniture and such.” (Washington Post, 11/4/2004)
“We are trying to change the tones in the state capitals—and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship.” (Christian Science Monitor, 11/23/2005)
Democrats have every right to be vindictive, but it’s not the right way to lead, for “we the People.”
Democrats have been on the receiving end of this kind of leadership from Republicans and there will be some hard decisions made that will seem vindictive, but rest usurer, democrats will lead America back to prominence, on the American and world stage.
First 100 hours:
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Reality based Americans, STOP and THINK
By Bruce H, Scroggins
No more, Oke’ doke, no more, Bush says what he means and means what he says, no more believing that lies, Bush did not and has done what he said he believed, in the most crucial places, that mean the most to Americans. The war was a lie, the economy was a lie, and the only ones happy with the economy are those with a high paying job and a 401k, or profit sharing.
America knows the 6 million jobs are a lie, they lost 3.5- million jobs, the first three years, so 6 million are really 2.5+ million and the majority of those jobs are not equal in pay to Manufacturing job, lost all around America. Bush and pundit, surrogates, never state what kind of jobs those 2.5+ million jobs really are. There low paying service industry jobs for the most part.
No-Child-Left-behind, nearly every educator say, it would be a good program, if it was fully funded, but it was not fully funded, so it was, it force School District across the nation to spend money from other valuable working programs, all to teach to the “TEST,” Bush said it was the right thing to do, but then, he did not do it.
Katrina, Bush said, we will stand with the people of New Orleans and LATE coming, he threw money at many of the same carpet bagging, corporations, now on the ground in Iraq and over year later, 100% of the ninth ward and 100% of the people are still staring at mountains of destroyed blocks, with very little done, 80% of the people still gone, scattered around the nation.
Bush said were winning in Iraq and in Afghanistan, not even, remotely true, America’s soldiers, are killing and being killed, dead in the middle of a CIVIL WAR, and Osama is still seven feet tall and running his mouth, WITH THE Taliban back stronger than before.
Darfur was genocide before Bush took office, but since he’s made some speeches and that about all, Murder, rape, more murders and re-raping, adding some murders too the people running away, all this in abject fear. Now, open the questioning and you hear none.
Immigration is a misnomer, Illegal Aliens is the problem and it’s clear law violation, one the republican controlled Congress has not had the will to do anything about it since 1987 and Bush has been no different, he made a few speeches, he’s sent a paltry few national guard, too quiet the unruly populace clamoring for action and they put out the torches.
Ethics, Oversight, Accountability, Bush said, we don’t need it, not in Iraq, Afghanistan, or in Congress and he proceeded by Executive order too give no bid contracts to Campaign contributors, left and right, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Katrina.
Domestic NSA Wire Tapping and Data Mining, Bush said, I did it and I don’t need no, stinking warrants to do and I the King George, will keep doing it.
Bush said, “if any one in my Administration, has broken the law, they will not be in my Administration,” (paraphrased) Not only has Libby been indicted and arrested and charged, but also Rove has been proven to of out-ted, Valeria Plame, in concert with Dick Cheney, Ok-ing the outing as well, Bush has not kept his stated promise.
Bush said: we have to control spending, a lie… Bush said: we cut taxes for every one, 80 to 90% of the tax cut went to the riches 1% of Americans. Bush said: when you cut taxes, the rich will spend the money in small businesses to employ people, he was right in a small way, some employed people, but 8 out of every 10 jobs were low wage jobs, mostly in the service industry and 6 out of 10 went to illegal aliens.
Bush said: deficits are no big deal, Bush said: the defense Departments Budget for the wars has to be off the regular budget.
America “Bush has said a lot of things,” that was not even remotely true, it’s time for change, real change, and vote the Republican Controlled Congress out. Democrats will do what they say they will do.
What will the Democrats do, they will in the first 100 hours of control, that’s with both Houses of Congress, it will be much harder, with one house of Congress, but not impossible, but definitely, still doable.
Democrats can change the Minimum wage, (1) Implement the 911 Commission recommendations, (2) adopting rules requiring that spending increases or tax cuts be paid for on an as-you-go basis, (3 and 4) cracking down on lobbyist abuses; and making prescription drugs cheaper and easier for seniors to obtain and these are just for starters.
Democrats have a plan and it’s not even all the plans they have been presenting for 6 plus years of Republican Control.
No more, Oke’ doke, no more, Bush says what he means and means what he says, no more believing that lies, Bush did not and has done what he said he believed, in the most crucial places, that mean the most to Americans. The war was a lie, the economy was a lie, and the only ones happy with the economy are those with a high paying job and a 401k, or profit sharing.
America knows the 6 million jobs are a lie, they lost 3.5- million jobs, the first three years, so 6 million are really 2.5+ million and the majority of those jobs are not equal in pay to Manufacturing job, lost all around America. Bush and pundit, surrogates, never state what kind of jobs those 2.5+ million jobs really are. There low paying service industry jobs for the most part.
No-Child-Left-behind, nearly every educator say, it would be a good program, if it was fully funded, but it was not fully funded, so it was, it force School District across the nation to spend money from other valuable working programs, all to teach to the “TEST,” Bush said it was the right thing to do, but then, he did not do it.
Katrina, Bush said, we will stand with the people of New Orleans and LATE coming, he threw money at many of the same carpet bagging, corporations, now on the ground in Iraq and over year later, 100% of the ninth ward and 100% of the people are still staring at mountains of destroyed blocks, with very little done, 80% of the people still gone, scattered around the nation.
Bush said were winning in Iraq and in Afghanistan, not even, remotely true, America’s soldiers, are killing and being killed, dead in the middle of a CIVIL WAR, and Osama is still seven feet tall and running his mouth, WITH THE Taliban back stronger than before.
Darfur was genocide before Bush took office, but since he’s made some speeches and that about all, Murder, rape, more murders and re-raping, adding some murders too the people running away, all this in abject fear. Now, open the questioning and you hear none.
Immigration is a misnomer, Illegal Aliens is the problem and it’s clear law violation, one the republican controlled Congress has not had the will to do anything about it since 1987 and Bush has been no different, he made a few speeches, he’s sent a paltry few national guard, too quiet the unruly populace clamoring for action and they put out the torches.
Ethics, Oversight, Accountability, Bush said, we don’t need it, not in Iraq, Afghanistan, or in Congress and he proceeded by Executive order too give no bid contracts to Campaign contributors, left and right, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Katrina.
Domestic NSA Wire Tapping and Data Mining, Bush said, I did it and I don’t need no, stinking warrants to do and I the King George, will keep doing it.
Bush said, “if any one in my Administration, has broken the law, they will not be in my Administration,” (paraphrased) Not only has Libby been indicted and arrested and charged, but also Rove has been proven to of out-ted, Valeria Plame, in concert with Dick Cheney, Ok-ing the outing as well, Bush has not kept his stated promise.
Bush said: we have to control spending, a lie… Bush said: we cut taxes for every one, 80 to 90% of the tax cut went to the riches 1% of Americans. Bush said: when you cut taxes, the rich will spend the money in small businesses to employ people, he was right in a small way, some employed people, but 8 out of every 10 jobs were low wage jobs, mostly in the service industry and 6 out of 10 went to illegal aliens.
Bush said: deficits are no big deal, Bush said: the defense Departments Budget for the wars has to be off the regular budget.
America “Bush has said a lot of things,” that was not even remotely true, it’s time for change, real change, and vote the Republican Controlled Congress out. Democrats will do what they say they will do.
What will the Democrats do, they will in the first 100 hours of control, that’s with both Houses of Congress, it will be much harder, with one house of Congress, but not impossible, but definitely, still doable.
Democrats can change the Minimum wage, (1) Implement the 911 Commission recommendations, (2) adopting rules requiring that spending increases or tax cuts be paid for on an as-you-go basis, (3 and 4) cracking down on lobbyist abuses; and making prescription drugs cheaper and easier for seniors to obtain and these are just for starters.
Democrats have a plan and it’s not even all the plans they have been presenting for 6 plus years of Republican Control.
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