Sunday, March 26, 2006

Censure is the only honorable thing for Congress to do, and ALL of a FEARFUL Congress knows it’s the RULE of LAW.

By Bruce H, Scroggins

Be it know Democrats, Censure is the right thing to do, the President has neutered Congress to this point and no one is willing to stand up for “the Rule of Law.”

From the first words out of Bush’s mouth, that he was going to continue to break the Law, Congress should have acted and acted decisively, but because Congress is under Republican control, the party of the President, this controlling Party and Senators, like Pat Roberts.

A Democrat by the name of Senator Chuck Feingold, Introduced a Bill, calling for censure, and I want to say, you have to ask your self why? Because Congress and the Democrats as a Party were not holding the Law breaking, power grabbing, Constitution is shredding president accountable.” Why? “Because they fear, being labeled traitors… because the ones calling them traitors are the very ones, aiding and abetting the crimes of the president, and fear not being able to make the case against the crooked Congress and the crooked president… Is it because part of that fear is of the Conservative presses ECHO machine.” Or is it there own, desire to not be part of anything, that might lock them in, like there being buffaloed into voting for the War, they now want investigated desperately, and can’t get past, the little pit bull in the door way, (SEN. Pat Roberts.)

Buck up Democrats… the only action left to you, when out of power is not just the polls, it’s to firm up and ACT, in concert with the POLLS, and the American people are behind you to Censure the president… listens… IT WILL FORCE CONGRESS TO ACT ON A TRUE INVESITGATION, OF THE ALL THE PRESIDENTS WRONGDOING.

Republicans DeWine, Snow, Hagel, and Graham are introducing The American Surveillance Act of 2006, which legalizes the President's crimes and gives the Executive carte blanche’ to do whatever it wants to American citizens.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Specter is proposing an alternate bill, which would provide "oversight" by having the FISA court examine the program.

From Daily Kos

These two bills are not what the people want they want the truth, of Bush’s law breaking, they want and can handle the truth, even thought some in the Democratic Party, believe Americans can not handle the truth, and these nay Sayers, sight, during a time of war, it showing weakness to the world, no it’s not, the world see us as being railroaded by the Christian Right, and American Theocracy, the world see America as having been railroaded into this war my these neo-cons, and now that were in it and it’s broke, they are waiting for the Majority half, the Main stream that are showing up in the polling, to get some concerted act by the only ones who can galvanize them behind action and that is the Democratic Party… it time to act, it’s time to stand up and sign the Censure bill, to force the republican controlled Congress to act, yes they will scream, but the more they scream the more the polls will reflect America wants actions by Congress to get to the truth.

If the Democratic 44 or 45 do not sign the CENSURE BILL, the people will abandon the Democrats, just start signing and watch the POLLS go up.

And when you sign the Censure, every one has to say, I sign for the RULE of LAW.