this is a non-sequiter argument, you can do both, Democrats and Congress, must knock this flawed arguement down
Definition: of non sequitur
1. Incongruous statement: a statement that appears unrelated to a statement that it follows
2. Unwarranted conclusion: a conclusion that does not follow from its premises
By Bruce H, Scroggins
It’s false argument posed by Bush and Republicans, all tied together, with attacks by Media and Republicans in Congress, they first attack, the non-binding Resolutions, saying; if you want to stop the war, “Cut the Funds, or De-fund the Troops in the field,” Use a Binding Resolution, de-funding the money, Republicans say, when in truth, Republicans won’t allow any Resolutions, from Democrats too do anything, to force troops to be removed from Iraq, their duplicity, saying their against the surge, but refusing to anything to stop it.
Democrats and the Media, must destroy these Myths, Next when Republicans say, you can’t support the troops and not the mission, Democrats must make it clear the mission has been completed, the mission they were sent into Iraq, is over, the only mission left is Alqeada and there mostly in the Anbar Province, America needs to hear this over and over.
So Murtha plan or no, those who wish to end the war and bring the troops home would be well-advised to get busy pulling apart the argument that ending funding for the war will harm the troops. As Tom Matzzie of MoveOn has argued, Democrats need to directly rebut the Republican charge that Democrats are threatening the safety of American forces in the field by pushing restrictions on war funding. "Cutting off funding as described by the media and White House is a caricature," Matzzie told The Politico. "It has never happened in U.S. history, and it won't happen now."
Republican try to say, “Cutting funding, or De-funding, will stop re-inforcements from coming to the aid of troops, in a fire fight.” This a pernicious statement and wholly, untrue.
Congress, can stop the war, by cutting funds to continue, but would never, stop troops from, re-deploying, or withdrawing from and area and the few Alqeada, are not strong enough to stop the US Troops from moving anywhere they chose.
Here’s what is not being spoken, Bush has decided to force and ignore the Nation and Congressional Democrats, by moving troops into harms way, over their explicit objections, even Republicans objections, Bush will leave them in harms way, even after funds have been cut, this is criminal, from the start and Congress must say so.
“What Bush did, by surging troops over to Iraq, ill equipped and untrained, together with forced rotations and cutting short and extending stays, in the firing line, is nearing an impeachable offense.”
Make Impeachment real to Bush, with impeachment and moving Congress towards, tying any and all money, for Iraq and Afghanistan, too Training, Equipping, and Troops Rotations, will bring the conflict and mission change, needed in Iraq.
The mission has changed, Alqeada is the mission, in Iraq and America’s leverage is Re-deploying and withdrawing, there in, lies our most power, a real clear alternative is needed, by Congress, too Bush’s Forced Escalation, Failing Forward, Repeated Surging, up, down, in out… one failing after another.
America wants a real clear Plan, in opposition, not just opposition.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Pressure is Mounting on Republicans
and The Nation, will become increasingly dissatisfied with Republicans, blocking the Nations mandated progress, getting America, Out of Iraq.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
With every Vote the Republican are seen as the road block to progress in Iraq, Republicans keep Failing Forward, in Staying the Course, in Iraq, they are seen as keeping Americans in harms way, to stay in place until and enemy gets tiered of killing each other and Americans.
No more questions, America knows the answer, the mission has been completed, Americans know the answers to the Civil War in Iraq, that is a conflict to US Troops, of which Iraqi’s must find and answer, amongst them selves. American troops, our precious treasures, have given their blood and lives, to secure a stand, free from Saddam, that mission has been completed with flying colors, Iraqi’s must stand-up and make the sacrifices necessary to forge a Nation, out of America’s sacrifice and lead.
Americans can continue the mission to crush Alqeada, from the streets of Iraq, Anbar and Baghdad, we can complete that mission from secure, defensible bases, Quick Striking Alqeada and we must secure the Borders as well, which will enhance our allies and the neighbors in the Regions. This is the mission that will check, all insurgencies from Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan. This mission will allow a majority of the troops in Iraq, to be re-deployed to Afghanistan, in the all-out HUNT, for Osama Bin Hidin’ (Laden).
This is Right and only mission, it is the REAL WAR, the one fight, and the Nation does and will back this fight, without ambiguity. Let’s not forget the proxy fight going on in Western Iraq, Alqeada wants this fight, so let’s give it to them, let’s give them a fight they will drag there battered bodies from.
Jack Murtha’s Plan to tie complete, Training, Troop Rotation and Rest, along with complete equipment for all troops in Harms way, is a right way to move forward. America will back, this mission, No US Solider, Standing opposed, in the breach, shall have all training, equipment and the right amount of time, at home with there families, before and after Rotating. I must say to deny, or cut short the time our, Treasures have with there families, when they could lose there lives, it is an added inhumanness, America, should never be known for.
America is wise enough to know, we will not cut and run from Iraq, America knows, Republicans, want to push Democrats to take extreme measures, they juxtapose, “Binding with non-binding and use inflame-mous words, like De-funding the troops in the field.”
America knows the vote gave Bush the power, to got to war, it was 77 to 22, Democrats and Republicans, all voting in the majority, since that vote, America has FOUND, No WMD’s, Lies, fixed Intel, Profiteering, Failure after Failure and Bush and Cheney have kept up the lies, and a Republican controlled Congress, Stonewalled, every attempt to get Accountabilities and Oversight.
Now today it’s a new day, a razor thin line divides the Senate and Republicans are blocking every move to bring the mandate, the Nation voted for, on November 7th, 2006 to reality.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
With every Vote the Republican are seen as the road block to progress in Iraq, Republicans keep Failing Forward, in Staying the Course, in Iraq, they are seen as keeping Americans in harms way, to stay in place until and enemy gets tiered of killing each other and Americans.
No more questions, America knows the answer, the mission has been completed, Americans know the answers to the Civil War in Iraq, that is a conflict to US Troops, of which Iraqi’s must find and answer, amongst them selves. American troops, our precious treasures, have given their blood and lives, to secure a stand, free from Saddam, that mission has been completed with flying colors, Iraqi’s must stand-up and make the sacrifices necessary to forge a Nation, out of America’s sacrifice and lead.
Americans can continue the mission to crush Alqeada, from the streets of Iraq, Anbar and Baghdad, we can complete that mission from secure, defensible bases, Quick Striking Alqeada and we must secure the Borders as well, which will enhance our allies and the neighbors in the Regions. This is the mission that will check, all insurgencies from Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan. This mission will allow a majority of the troops in Iraq, to be re-deployed to Afghanistan, in the all-out HUNT, for Osama Bin Hidin’ (Laden).
This is Right and only mission, it is the REAL WAR, the one fight, and the Nation does and will back this fight, without ambiguity. Let’s not forget the proxy fight going on in Western Iraq, Alqeada wants this fight, so let’s give it to them, let’s give them a fight they will drag there battered bodies from.
Jack Murtha’s Plan to tie complete, Training, Troop Rotation and Rest, along with complete equipment for all troops in Harms way, is a right way to move forward. America will back, this mission, No US Solider, Standing opposed, in the breach, shall have all training, equipment and the right amount of time, at home with there families, before and after Rotating. I must say to deny, or cut short the time our, Treasures have with there families, when they could lose there lives, it is an added inhumanness, America, should never be known for.
America is wise enough to know, we will not cut and run from Iraq, America knows, Republicans, want to push Democrats to take extreme measures, they juxtapose, “Binding with non-binding and use inflame-mous words, like De-funding the troops in the field.”
America knows the vote gave Bush the power, to got to war, it was 77 to 22, Democrats and Republicans, all voting in the majority, since that vote, America has FOUND, No WMD’s, Lies, fixed Intel, Profiteering, Failure after Failure and Bush and Cheney have kept up the lies, and a Republican controlled Congress, Stonewalled, every attempt to get Accountabilities and Oversight.
Now today it’s a new day, a razor thin line divides the Senate and Republicans are blocking every move to bring the mandate, the Nation voted for, on November 7th, 2006 to reality.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Answer the Questions, ALL of them
Answer the Questions, ALL of them, Are Iranians, selling weapons? And bringing them into Iraq? Or are Iraqis’ buying and bringing in weapons? Are Insurgents from outside of Iraq, buying and bringing weapons in? Is Saudi Arabia, supplying money and weapons, from outside? America don’t be snowed, ask ALL the questions, why is Bush only wanting to show Iran’s connections? And not those inside Iraq’s Shiite, Sunni Militia’s, who we know are killing Americans.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
America, Iran shares a border, with an age-old enemy, so what happens, affect them greatly. America, covertly sent and sold weapons to Afghan Mujahideen fighters, of which Osama Ben Hidin’ was chief amongst, as well as selling weapons to both sides of the Iraq, Iran war, back in the 80’s, included in these US weapons sales was chemical precursors, for production of WMD’s.
The US wanted Both Iraq and Iran to kill each other, brutally.
The CIA sold the shoulder fired “Stinger Missiles,” that in large part forced Russia to leave Afghanistan; the American made and sold weapon, killed Russian soldiers by the hundreds and their Military Helicopters. Now Bush wants America to focus only on Iran, don’t be fooled again, America don’t just drink Bush’s COOL AIDE, without knowing our nations History, it’s not JUST Iran, selling, giving, shipping weapons, into Iraq.
I don’t want anyone selling, shipping weapons into Iraq, to kill my Treasures, but no one is watching the doors of Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Syria so if foxes are walking in and out of Iraq, bringing murderous weapons. Stop with the feigned anger, you knew Mr. President this was happening over the last 4 years.
Go after all, agents with murderous results for Americans and Iraqis will be trained to do the same.
I want hard proof of all involvement, not factional, political assertions, designed for steering the conversation, one way, or controlling another. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, all and others are selling; giving weapons; let’s hear a full report on all of them.
America, Iran shares a border, with an age-old enemy, so what happens, affect them greatly. America, covertly sent and sold weapons to Afghan Mujahideen fighters, of which Osama Ben Hidin’ was chief amongst, as well as selling weapons to both sides of the Iraq, Iran war, back in the 80’s, included in these US weapons sales was chemical precursors, for production of WMD’s.
The US wanted Both Iraq and Iran to kill each other, brutally.
The CIA sold the shoulder fired “Stinger Missiles,” that in large part forced Russia to leave Afghanistan; the American made and sold weapon, killed Russian soldiers by the hundreds and their Military Helicopters. Now Bush wants America to focus only on Iran, don’t be fooled again, America don’t just drink Bush’s COOL AIDE, without knowing our nations History, it’s not JUST Iran, selling, giving, shipping weapons, into Iraq.
I don’t want anyone selling, shipping weapons into Iraq, to kill my Treasures, but no one is watching the doors of Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Syria so if foxes are walking in and out of Iraq, bringing murderous weapons. Stop with the feigned anger, you knew Mr. President this was happening over the last 4 years.
Go after all, agents with murderous results for Americans and Iraqis will be trained to do the same.
I want hard proof of all involvement, not factional, political assertions, designed for steering the conversation, one way, or controlling another. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, all and others are selling; giving weapons; let’s hear a full report on all of them.
America, watch, closely everyone using the word: “De-Funding,”
America, watch, closely everyone using the word: “De-Funding,” Bush and Republicans will repeat this word, over and over, do not be fooled, Bush could end the conflict in Iraq, today, Bush repeatedly chose, “FAILING FORWARD,’ to extend the war. Congress can only tie, amendments to the funding, but it will have the popular majority effect, this Republicans fear, they say; “Democrats say, if they were the President today, they would end the conflict today,” so Republicans want America to believe a Democratic Congress, today can end the conflict, Congress has a Blunt instrument, the Power of the Purse. Democratic Congress will always keep the pressure on Bush, it’s his responsibility, and it’s largely Bush’s Failure.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Why waste time, with these non-binding Resolutions? Here’s why? They show the Country and the World, Congress has respect for the Office of the Presidency, one soon, that will be in the hands of a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress will have to make the right steps, even then.
Republicans hate the process, the Democratic Majority process, being employing in Congress, they have given, every opportunity to Bush, to gain their CONFIDENCE and the confidence, of the Majority will of the Nation.
Step by respectful step, Congress is bringing there power to bear, making a clear distinction between the Presidents failures and the will of the Nation, played out in the Majority Congresses actions.
Bush chose, Failing Surge Forward, Stay the Course. That is Bush’s Strategy.
Just because Republicans, call Democratic Congressional moves as, “leading to De-funding,” doesn’t make if true.
De-funding is a scare word for Republicans, they imply, Democrats are going to take bullets, out of guns, in the middle of a firefight, or prevent troops from re-forcing in the middle of a fight, nothing could be father from the TRUTH.
Bush remember, can stop the conflict, in Iraq today. He can declare victory and re-deploy, he can withdraw, Bush has the power to do all this, but he refuses, so as long as the will of the Nation, remains in the ballot box and does not, make it LOUDLY KNOWN, in the public arena’s, Bush will continue to FAIL FORWARD and ignore Congress. Write, E-mail, your Representatives and make it known:
America, tell your Elected Representative, too go to the president and bring our Treasures out of Iraq’s crossfire’s, no more troops, put in Harms way, no more failure, no more surging and failing forward, no more.
Republican Strategists, want to make, Congressional Resolutions, that are non-binding, sound un-necessary… just jump to the Cutting of Funding and stop the war, pull the rug out from under the troops. Republicans Strategy is, Force Democrats to own the war, then the losing of the war is Democrats, as it stands, today, for the most part, the losing of the war is, inextricably, tied around Bush and Republicans necks, tied to the lying Intel, bringing America (ns) into Iraq, for the most part.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Republican, know that Democrats are being respectful of the process and giving every chance for Bush, too come back and gain the confidence of Congress, but you will never hear any Republican speak about this, non-binding Resolutions, first step, in the true manner, with which, Democrats, now in a thin control of Congress, are making their moves.
Democrats are respectful of the Presidents position; he is the CEO, the leader of the US Government and foreign Policy. Not one Republican in Congress has spoken of the disrespect… Bush has shown for Congress, or the people, or the elected WILL of the Nation, by pushing ahead, with the “surge,” without Congresses Confidence, against the Majority Nations WILL.
Bush pushed ahead, with his repeated failed surges, with out Congresses confidence, because he knows, he blew Iraq and if he can, delay leaving, and he delays Losing Iraq. So he’s been speech-a-fie-ing, saying; more troops, stay to win, winning is staying, stand-up a Democracy in the Middle East, rhetoric, baffling too the Majority, with bull crap, sound bites, re-run, warmed over failing Forward, strategy statements.
America, please remember, in the last, do-nothing-congress, under Republicans control, failing was rewarded, with rubber-stamping, every failure questioned by Democrats was, blocked and killed, accountability, ask for, in Bills, Amendments and Resolution, by Democratic party representatives, no, demanded by Democratic, elected Representatives, in both Houses of Congress, was summarily dropped from consideration, by Republicans.
So here we are today, finding out about all the corruption here and in Iraq and in Afghanistan, Congress, now in control of the democrats are battling with Republicans, who do not want all there legislation looked into closely and republicans do not want the majority of the nation will to carried out, they will frustrate, with PROCEDURAL MOVES, over and over, again and again.
Republicans hate the majority of the Nation and their elected Representatives and they will never do the will of the Nation, some in line for re-election, will eventually step up to the White House and tell the President, to stop the bull-crap-bull-headed, stubborn and stupid emperor behavior and come back to Congress and bring his humility, roll up his sleeves and work on a by-partisan solution.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Why waste time, with these non-binding Resolutions? Here’s why? They show the Country and the World, Congress has respect for the Office of the Presidency, one soon, that will be in the hands of a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress will have to make the right steps, even then.
Republicans hate the process, the Democratic Majority process, being employing in Congress, they have given, every opportunity to Bush, to gain their CONFIDENCE and the confidence, of the Majority will of the Nation.
Step by respectful step, Congress is bringing there power to bear, making a clear distinction between the Presidents failures and the will of the Nation, played out in the Majority Congresses actions.
Bush chose, Failing Surge Forward, Stay the Course. That is Bush’s Strategy.
Just because Republicans, call Democratic Congressional moves as, “leading to De-funding,” doesn’t make if true.
De-funding is a scare word for Republicans, they imply, Democrats are going to take bullets, out of guns, in the middle of a firefight, or prevent troops from re-forcing in the middle of a fight, nothing could be father from the TRUTH.
Bush remember, can stop the conflict, in Iraq today. He can declare victory and re-deploy, he can withdraw, Bush has the power to do all this, but he refuses, so as long as the will of the Nation, remains in the ballot box and does not, make it LOUDLY KNOWN, in the public arena’s, Bush will continue to FAIL FORWARD and ignore Congress. Write, E-mail, your Representatives and make it known:
America, tell your Elected Representative, too go to the president and bring our Treasures out of Iraq’s crossfire’s, no more troops, put in Harms way, no more failure, no more surging and failing forward, no more.
Republican Strategists, want to make, Congressional Resolutions, that are non-binding, sound un-necessary… just jump to the Cutting of Funding and stop the war, pull the rug out from under the troops. Republicans Strategy is, Force Democrats to own the war, then the losing of the war is Democrats, as it stands, today, for the most part, the losing of the war is, inextricably, tied around Bush and Republicans necks, tied to the lying Intel, bringing America (ns) into Iraq, for the most part.
By Bruce H, Scroggins
Republican, know that Democrats are being respectful of the process and giving every chance for Bush, too come back and gain the confidence of Congress, but you will never hear any Republican speak about this, non-binding Resolutions, first step, in the true manner, with which, Democrats, now in a thin control of Congress, are making their moves.
Democrats are respectful of the Presidents position; he is the CEO, the leader of the US Government and foreign Policy. Not one Republican in Congress has spoken of the disrespect… Bush has shown for Congress, or the people, or the elected WILL of the Nation, by pushing ahead, with the “surge,” without Congresses Confidence, against the Majority Nations WILL.
Bush pushed ahead, with his repeated failed surges, with out Congresses confidence, because he knows, he blew Iraq and if he can, delay leaving, and he delays Losing Iraq. So he’s been speech-a-fie-ing, saying; more troops, stay to win, winning is staying, stand-up a Democracy in the Middle East, rhetoric, baffling too the Majority, with bull crap, sound bites, re-run, warmed over failing Forward, strategy statements.
America, please remember, in the last, do-nothing-congress, under Republicans control, failing was rewarded, with rubber-stamping, every failure questioned by Democrats was, blocked and killed, accountability, ask for, in Bills, Amendments and Resolution, by Democratic party representatives, no, demanded by Democratic, elected Representatives, in both Houses of Congress, was summarily dropped from consideration, by Republicans.
So here we are today, finding out about all the corruption here and in Iraq and in Afghanistan, Congress, now in control of the democrats are battling with Republicans, who do not want all there legislation looked into closely and republicans do not want the majority of the nation will to carried out, they will frustrate, with PROCEDURAL MOVES, over and over, again and again.
Republicans hate the majority of the Nation and their elected Representatives and they will never do the will of the Nation, some in line for re-election, will eventually step up to the White House and tell the President, to stop the bull-crap-bull-headed, stubborn and stupid emperor behavior and come back to Congress and bring his humility, roll up his sleeves and work on a by-partisan solution.
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