Sunday, March 18, 2007

What exactly are we funding, in deploying and Redeploying US Troops and is it US Military support Units, that do this work?

Or is it Private Corporations? And if not paid, will these Corporations, abandon our Troops in the field? Is this the reason for Republicans statements about, cutting off funding will hurt the troops?


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I want an answer to these questions, we need to know what would happened, if we withdraw troops form the field to defensible positions? “With-in Iraq and around it’s borders and in neighboring countries?”

How will Withdrawing too base, in Iraq work? How ill redeploying too the Borders of Iraq work? Can and will our allies in the region, allow the US Military, too base US Troops in their countries? And a big question; I want to know “WHO” handles the Support of moving US Troops?

I want an answer too these questions, please, I want every time a statement is made about, Democrats want to cut and run and abandon the troops, or cut off re-enforcements during a firefight, answered. I know Democrats do not want to do any of these things but, just telling them that’s, is not what you mean, or want to do is not enough.

Question and Answers for the Upcoming Congressional Debate on Iraq withdrawal and redeployment and Deployment.

When attacked with these insane statements, by Republicans, make them flesh it our, force your answer right behind there wild assertions, State who will do the withdrawing? How can deployment too, a new areas, “with-in Iraq work?

Once redeployed too the borders and bases with-in and around Iraq, US Troops can and will make quick strikes on Al Qeada and be close at hand for support of Iraqi’s Police and Military and their training, explain it too these fear mongering Republicans, who continually twist the true Plans of Democrats, they want to attach, your plan, start explaining the facts of the plans, as they could be done. Do not keep saying, “that’s not what we want to do” say to the American public; “were not going too leave Iraq, completely,” you and America, needs to know we cannot leave Iraq completely.

America needs to know, however that, reducing our footprint and removing our troops from the needless cross fire’s of Sectarian, or Civil Conflicts in Iraq, these cross fires our not the position for US Troops to be in, they our however a position for Iraqi’s too be in and settle for them selves, not the US Military.

Explain Al Qeada is now the US Militaries primary mission in Iraq, with Training Iraq’s Military and Police a secondary mission, cutting off arms and insurgents coming to join the fight in Iraq is a primary joint mission as well as attaching and eliminating Al Qeada, in Iraq. These positions need to explain, every time a Republican uses those talking points.