Saturday, December 15, 2007

HOW too begin to break the TWO PARTY strangle HOLD on the electorate…

Everyone who has the guts… turn INDEPENDENT and not the Independent Party that exists today, Independent of all Party Affiliations and watch the two party system wither and die in there precincts Caucuses.
By Bruce H. Scroggins

Face it America, since Democrats regained the Majority in both Houses of Congress, in November of 06’, the American people have watched in horror, as Bush and Republicans triumph over both Houses of Congress, again and again, just by threatening to VETO 50 plus time, Bush did not actually Veto 50 Plus times, he just threatened to Veto and Republicans in Both Houses of Congress, have stalled, and use every parliamentary tool, too avoid standing on the floors of congress and filibuster their standing positions behind Bush, it’s like having a gun fight, but never stepping into the street and actually drawing, they just wave their guns at the Democratic majority and the Majority of American people and many a Democrat, just un-balls his, or her fist.

This untenable situation is going to continue until, the American electorate, stops aliening it self with either Party.
The corporate elites’ have all bought and paid for both Parties and those who run for office and refuse corporate money either lose or if by a miracle, gain elected office are soon, forced to accept money to stay in office, each elected official has an ego and once in office, soon comes to believe… they are indispensible and begin to believe, what many are telling them.

No more organized caucuses, under a Parties affiliation… no more financing running for office, with donations from PAC’s set by and for Corporations, The black community should divest it self, entirely from the Democratic Party and from the Republican party, COMPLETELY and be an independent voice from that day forward.

America can then be govern from the party-less independent position, each of the Now weak two party system will be forced to come too each Independent and make their case and then can be held to their promises, too deliver.

As more and more blacks speak up and say were now independent and not aliened with any party, the shift in power will be pronounced and liberating at the same time, try it, just say, I’ am an Independent and not affiliated with any party, just say it and see how Pollsters and the two parties react to your position.

Monday, December 10, 2007

ON Iraq Spending, In exchange for more money and no strings, or firm Dates for re-tasking of US Troops in Iraq, you begged for more Domestic Spending

ON Iraq Spending, In exchange for more money and no strings, or no firm Dates for re-tasking of US Troops in Iraq, you’ve ask/begged for more money in Domestic Spending… tell us before making the deal… WHAT Domestic Spending, so we can tell you YES, or NO, or even MORE.

By Bruce H. Scroggins

Seeing you’re not afraid of those who elected YOU, but are afraid of BUSH… before making any deal Democrats, in CONGRESS… TELL US what Domestic spending, before making any deals, tell us, so we… can tell you… we want this… or don’t want this, got it.
If you make this deal, without allowing your electorate to know, you’ll be sealing your demise as elected officials, because we will campaign against your re-election, on every vote.

Now I hope, I’ve made that PLAN, is it CLEAR… we want to know what your planning to do, no more making deals, then, mealy mouthing WHY? You did it, or sending form letter, with (opening exactly the same statements and the seemingly contrived middle, with same close).

Then when we get a personal appearance, you sheepishly give us; there was nothing else you could do, or I won’t give Bush a chance to do the wrong thing, if I don’t fund and I won’t hurt our troops in the field, when we know you’re in fear… of being blamed and Bush being successful in blaming you.

The fear you keep showing stinks, to the Moon, you talk tuff, about a bridge collapse and talk about tuff about Bush, possibly lying about knowing this, or when he knew that, or about his breaking the law, but when it comes time to put your vote where your mouth is, you collectively find a way to FOLD, CAVE, CONPITULATE, COMPROMISE and then want us, who elected you to KEEP YOUR PROMISES, you want us to accept your deal making and quietly be still, while the very thing we don’t want… YOU KEEP DOING, stop it, just STOP DOING WHAT WE DON’T WANT YOU TO DO.

Let’s see, Steny Hoyer has EARMARKS, PORK:
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer the Maryland congressman has included $96 million worth of pet projects.

How much EARMARKS, or PORK Amy, do you have included in the exchange, this sell out and if no pork, whose Back are you scratching? I’ am asking for details, for Minnesota?

Oh, by the way are you dopes, going to close down and let Bush MAKE RECESS APPOINTMENTS, or are you going to keep a crew in place, I hope you are not stupid enough to allow Bush to undermine you.