Sunday, May 24, 2009

How many American NEWS VIEWERS?

Just How many American, NEWS VIEWERS, Know what the Principles of Good Journalism are?

I know, I know, I’ am being childish to do this, but the truth is, there’re varying degree’s of Quality and integrity and personal responsibility and here’s the rub, each man, or woman, seeks to be famous, I know, big let down, but that is what has fueled the raise of the Opinion Analyst, like Lou Dobbs and Bill O’REILLYs and the Morning Joe’s crew of conservative Republican, libertarian prevarications, these three, are examples of taking it beyond BALANCE and to lesser degree’s the Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and The Ed Show, each has a niche, it’s the heart and the ego that determines the, Truth in men and women who employ Opinion Analyst to the News and factual Truths of the news, require a heavy price be paid, if you are partisan.

Some can ignore their partisan side and employ a twisting of the facts, even in the airing of the facts, they purposely leave out all uncomfortable details, which do not fit, or cloud their Spin mastering. Number nine, in this list is where many go wrong, when wrong, in what they say and allow others to say, unchallenged, show heavy partisanship and alack of home work, both are deadly to a New Organ, whether, Network, Press, or Media in General.

Principles of Good Journalism

NewsCloud will strive to uphold the values of good journalism for an open society.
The following principles of good journalism are from
The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosentiel. Special thank you to Chuck Taylor for passing these on to us.

1. Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.
2. Its first loyalty is to citizens.
The owner/corporation must be committed to citizens first.
Hire business managers who also put citizens first.
Set and communicate clear standards.
Journalists have final say over news.
Communicate clear standards to the public.
3. Its essence is a discipline of verification.

Do not add.
Do not deceive.
Be transparent in purpose.
Do not mislead sources.
Be original.
Be humble.

4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.
5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power.
6. It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.
7. It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.
8. It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.
9. Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience. *

Media balance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Balance is sometimes used in reference to political content in the mass media. This usage began in Britain in the early part of the 20th century when the conservative Tories were unpopular and receiving little coverage through the BBC. In order to provide an intellectual rationalization for an increased level of Conservative content, John Reith, the BBC's founder, promoted a concept called balance.