Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Congresses Job and The President Job

Pat Buchanan, Joe Scarborough and many Republicans, believe Rep. Harry Reid (DSL) is scared of a vote to end Funding, not even remotely true.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

News shows love this arranged argument, this false argument, they want to suppose, their out of order straw argument is valid and it’s not, the Nation wants out of Iraq, the election showed that was clearly the position of the Nation. Republicans and Pundits, paid Analyst and surrogates, want to add in their, expose some factions vote, we want to, show how scared, some of these Democrats are of cutting of the funding, i.e. De-funding the troops in the field, that is what they code in their arguing for, more resolutions in the most acceptable Resolution, so Republicans, by party line vote, blocked the vote to discuss the excepted and most by-partisan Resolution.

Republicans want too included two additional arguments they want a vote on de-funding the troops and they want McCain’s, Resolution, which agrees with the Presidents failed Plan and which, McCain signed on too after the meeting at the White House, just before the 06’ Elections, of which, all the Republicans in attendance, signed on too as well. Republicans, refuse to wait to vote, after the by-partisan Resolution has been, discussed and voted on.

This agreement, Levin & Warner, was a hedge for those who didn’t agree with the President, this is what Bush wanted, he wanted the Republicans to introduce all false arguments as valid, as the Nations resolved majority turned against Republicans and Bush, they knew they were out of power, after the election, so to force as best they can, votes on all minority views in additional Resolutions, even the borderline Resolutions, even the funding question, but Republicans and the President, continues frame any funding questions as “not supporting the troops,” “cutting off, Armour and Bullets, in the face of the enemy,” these and others continued falsehoods are fostered on the American viewing publics ears and there, absolutely false.

Bush knows, it’s Congresses job, too hear the Presidents Power of the Plans for War, agree, or not agree and fund, or not fund, Congress reserves their Constitutional Executive Power of the Purse, however they can hear the plan and not agree and not fund, this is the Power and job of the Congress, but because, of News Shows, Echo Chambers and Pundits, Surrogates and Analyst, they have been able to keep this false argument before the American public, frustrating the Majority’s voted valid argument and resolve, it’s like 7 out of 10 say, we vote “no confidence in the Presidents Plan” and the 2 of the 3 minority, want to do what the President plan lays out and the remaining 1, wants to take away the Congresses power to use the Purse, which force can be used too subtlety persuade the President to follow the Majority’s, voted mandate.

The Vote was taken in November and the 3 out of 10 lost, so they want to scream and cry about their argument is as valid as the majority’s and want EQUAL billing and a vote on their arguments, at the same time as the majority voted Resolution to discus, just too talk about the majority mandated will of the Nation.

It’s the Presidents job to come up with plans, if the Congress will is to not agree with the plan and if the President dose not agree with Congress conclusion, after turning the Presidents plan down, the President can find another plan agreeable to the Congress, or force the Plan the President wants on the Congress and the Nation mandated majority, however Congress can in turn vote non-bindingly, “we disagree,” and a non-binging Resolution is a “vote of no confidence, in your plan, Mr. President.” Finally, Congress can, control funding and can use it too, cut off funds for the war.

Here’s where, the News Shows and the Pundits, Surrogate and paid Strategist and Analyst, foster the false argument, repeatedly arguing, into the Echo Chambers, willing to create and allow and support any arguments voiced as valid. Ok, this frustrates the new majority, because those fresh out of power want the new majority to be fair with them, knowing they were not even remotely fair with the new majority just weeks ago.

The New Majority has decided too, broker a By-Partisan Resolution Levin & Warner, that closely fits the Nations Majority view, as a first step too exercising their Congressional Constitutional Powers, this first step, a vote of NO CONFIDENCE, in the form of a by-Resolution. The next step, if this does not bring the President back to Congress with another Plan, Congress can go “Binding Resolution,” and next Congress can “cut off funding for future war plans” and force the President too start re-deployments and withdrawal of troops.

Bush wants to call congress on their power and make using it embarrassing, too exercise, this is only possible, if the false arguments, that using the Power of the Purse, will take a bullet out of the troops rifle, in the middle of combat, it’s like Bush wants surrogates to argue, as valid, Democrats in the majority, will send troops out in to harms way, with empty guns to defend them selves, when that’s not true, not even remotely true, Bush can keep the troops there, KNOWING he has no FUNDING to keep the troops in bullets, that would be on Bush, not Congress.

Bush must make it appear, the Nations Vote was wrong and Congress is wrong, so he has forged an agreement with his outgoing party to frustrate the Nation and their elected Majority. Think about it, Bush would never say to the Nation, your all wrong and I’ am right, Bush will never say; I Bush will not listen to the Majority’s of the Nation, I Bush will refuse to listen to your elected Majority Representatives, they and the Nation will do as I say, I Bush will do what I want, YOU DON”T TELL BUSH, BUSH TELLS YOU… WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

Bush is saying this and more, in his actions and his ignorance of the will of the Majority’s elected Mandate… I AM Bush, do as I say, stop telling me you’re the majority, I do not care what you want and I AM the majority and I Bush AM not going to do what the simple minded minority-majority wants me to do.

Now my (R) party is engaged in frustrating the New Democratic Majority, so I Bush do not have to face the Nations Mandate.

Republicans want to neuter their own power, or make Congress afraid to use their Power, it’s reverse Psychology, this Power of the Purse is not really power, it’s Un-American Power, if you use it and it only kills our troops, in the field, if we use it, just do what the president tells us to do, (he, he, we want Americans to hate you like they hate us). Give us our Vote, for our Resolutions and castrate yourselves, so the ONLY POWER REMAINS with BUSH.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Republicans want to take off the table, any cutting off of Funds

and give McCain’s Resolution a pass, to foul the waters and say, if you want a vote on the Levin & Warner Resolution, give us our resolutions, they also say; why won’t you Democrats, come up with an alternative to Bushes Plan, we turned down Bushes plan, it’s Bushes job to come up with an alternative, if he doesn’t want a vote of “No Confidence” and Congress will vote no confidence… get it… it's Bushes job, it's not the senate’s job and if it wasn’t Bushes Job, the Senate would be running the war.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I’ am always amazed at Republicans, they want a fair floor in the Congress, don’t treat us as we treated you, we want our voices and resolutions heard and voted on, even though we did allow you to vote on anything, but what we Republicans brought to floor for well over the last 6 years. Now the Majority is on the other foot and some Resolutions and Bills will not go together, after we have this discussion and vote, we will consider your Resolution.

Republicans want to take all talk of cutting off funds off the table, they want to gut the Democrats of that power, then they will not have to vote for the best non binding resolution, they also do not want Democrats to come up with an alternative Plan, and they play this falsehood to every echo chamber they find, next they say; you can criticize, but not if you don’t have a plan, as if that argument is valid, it’s not.

It’s Bushes job as President to come up with the plans, together with the Military leaders and if Congress does not like the plan, they have the Right and Power to turn it down for funding. This is not, as Republican want all to know and believe, IT’S NOT, NOR NEVER CAN BE, NOT… SUPPORTING THE TROOPS, its just not so, not even remotely true. But Republicans keep saying it’s so. The News Shows Host must call them on this, if no Democrats are there to rebut this blatant and false, argument, parading as fact, their straw argument.

First rule of twisting the truth: get them to argue with your false premise, preferably, several false arguments.

Republicans are continuing to say, you can’t say leave Iraq, if you don’t have an answer for what will happen, when we leave, this is another false statement, yes we can leave and Iraq will find it’s level and either the Iraq government will stand up, or it will fold.

I believe this, about Iraq, the present Iraq government is a model of the US leadership and Private Contractors in Iraq some want to help and most are receiving tons of money, they are getting kickbacks and so are the Iraqi’s, they no more, know how to Govern, then the Republicans governed for the last 6 years, just like three blind mice, anything Bush said they blindly followed, never asking any questions, no ethics Committee, no Oversight, Republicans never wanted any one to take a close look at what was purposely going slow, milking every dime, fix this and wait for them to blow it up, each contract was bloated and kept getting bigger, because of the continued attacks, a self perpetuating economy.

The sad part is, when Bush found no WMD’s and it took very little time to break down the few Alqeada, the insurgence were next, they became unwilling partners in this fares, I wouldn’t be surprised if, they is some twisted way are not getting kickbacks and cuts, black-marketing goods, they have become use to the underground economy and the local power they hold.

Why else would Republicans, block a vote, knowing that block would spell their doom as a party Knowing the Nation will explode, when they carry out their plan to keep a vote from the Democrats, why would they as a minority hold, literally the same position against the surge, but block the vote, just to discus the Resolution that dose exactly, what they all agree they want? And the bringing up of the two competing resolutions is crap, they can vote on them next, after the Resolution they know is best, just not now and Republicans know it.

There is a lot of truth in these words and a lot of questions that need to be ask and answered.

If Republicans block a vote on Discussion of the Resolution,

those opposing, will pay a heavy, heavy price; Republicans will be now seen, as keeping the Stay the Course Failed Strategy in place in Iraq and defying the November Elections.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Republicans want two other Resolutions voted on, one that divides Democrats the other that divides Republicans, the one on the docket for a floor Discussion vote is the best of the non-binding Resolutions. Republicans have until 5:30 today too back off, or suffer the wrath of the Nation.

You know in a way, the nation bears a large part of today’s events in Congress, the people who voted to keep these blocking Republicans in office, share today’s events, some in the Nation wanted these Republicans to stay in office, they wanted there votes to block the majority of voters representatives and today, it will show.

This will escalate the Democrats too, move to a binding Resolution, that’s the next step. The President wants too get the Democrats to cut off funding, so he can say, there endangering the troops, I Bush will send as many troops as I see fit and Congress has no say, not even purse strings say, they cannot block my lead, the purse string power is not really power, unless I Bush the King agree to let them use it, I am the Unitary Executive King, I have spoken.

Any cut in funding, against Bush sending troops, will be shown as not supporting the troops Bush believes, if he sends them, the Congress has no other duties, but to fund his every moves, when it comes to wars, they serve only to rubber stamp, his will. And the Nation voting and saying they want out, is their right, but has no effect on, I am the King, they have but to follow my lead and SHUT THE ____-UP.

You can poll your grandmother and it makes no difference to me, I am the King, Kings don’t do what the majority votes to have happen, I’ am the only decider when it comes to wars, if I the King, send troops over a cliff, into an ABYSS and spend money into a black hole, the Congress the Nation have but to comply and keep their disloyal mouths shut. I have lead America through, mistake filled leadership and, I am not sorry for having spent American money and lives, I King Bush, will spent all of these until, I win, if not, I will turn it over too the next President and it results and mistakes will be there’s too solve.

Democrats have plans; many, for instance, ISGR, Baker & Hamilton; OUT OF IRAQ, George McGovern, William R, Polk and many more, some bi-partisan, some purely Democratic, some Republican.

In the meantime, Take an immediate POLL, ask: How many think, there should be a vote, to allow discussion on the Resolution on the floor of the senate.
I know, there is no way, in AMERICA; one News show will post the POLL, or the RESULTS.