Sunday, April 01, 2007

Republicans are the Wild Cards, for overriding Bush’s Threatened Vetoes,

the Nation will hold Republicans accountable, the Longer they stand behind and hold up Bush’s Vetoes, the more they will lose Office in 08’


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The American majority, who voted for change, and OUT OF IRAQ, will become increasingly unforgiving, the longer the Republicans, stand behind Bush’s VETOES.

Eventually, Republicans, in both Houses of Congress will have too step from behind Bush and Vote to override, Bush’s VETOES, but here’s the kicker, the American electorate, will not be forgiving and depending on how long, they hold up the Bill, hoping to force Democrats to backtrack on the WILL OF THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS, if this happens, Democrats will pay a price, but Republicans will pay the largest price of all, the 08’ elections, will be a slaughter for Republicans.

I write this to my elected representatives, have courage, STAND YOUR GROUND, BUSH HAS TOO SIGN, THE BILL. The Nation is behind you, Bush will come around, too reality, or be impeached, he can only refuse to remove the troops, from harms way and the MILITARY, will not leave the Troops in Harms way, please, I ask you too ask the MILITARY, what will happened, if Bush refuses to protect the Troops, ask the Private Contractors, what will they do if the money runs out as Bush wants everyone to believe, will be abandoning of the Troops in the field, Bush want America to believe, the money/funds running out, will stop re-enforcements from coming to the aid of the Troops, this spectra, of troops left in a fire fight, with out weapons, or bullets and that’s not the truth, ask and get the answers, so you can effectively counter Bush and especially the Republicans, who by your having the answers, can effectively counter there public attacks and Bush’s tantrum’s.

Asking the Generals and asking the Contractors, the “What ifs,” and the “What’s going to happened, when,” questions, will prepare all Democrats, for the publics information, we want to know the answers, too what Bush, Republicans, are saying to scare the US Public, out of OUR VOTED WILL.

You Sign, or Not Sign the Bill you Have, Not the Bill you Want,

But the Military will protect the Troops and the People will impeach the President if he shirks his duty.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

The Bills Passed by Congress, by-patricianly Passed mind you, has all the funds to move forward, as Bush wants, but Bush wants to have tantrums, face it, he’s melting down, he’s having a hissey-fits, he’s holding hid breath, like a little boy, use to getting his way, from a Republican 109th Congress and he’s demanding the new 110th Congress, give him his way, he says, your micro managing the War, no Bush, there a CO-EQUAL BRANCH, EQUAL BRANCH, BUSH, THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO COMPROMISE AND IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE COMPROMISE, YOU DON’T HAVE TOO SIGN, CONVERSELY, IF THE CONGRESS PASSES THE BILLS AND YOU DON’T SIGN, THEY HAVE DONE THERE JOB, THEY COMPROMISED TOO GET TOO A PASSED BILL.

BE IT KNOWN, THE Bills have passed both Houses of congress, the MONEY IS THERE.
Sign, or don’t sign, that on your ass Bush

The Congress appropriates the Funds and the President spends the money, so if you got a Bill, you don’t, or won’t sign into law, that’s on the President, but the Congress DOES NOT HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING, THEY HAVE PASSED A BILL, THAT HAS ALL THE MONEY IN IT.

Bush doesn’t like the benchmarks and time lines for withdrawal by end of Summer 08’, but Bush wants America to think that, just the Democrats, have not made the funds available too carry the Conflict, in Iraq and War in Afghanistan, Bush can keep twisting the TRUTH of the BILLS, but America knows the TRUTH and the FACTS and STILL, WANTS OUT OF IRAQ.

Bush can do one of three things:

1. Sign the Bill

2. Not sign the bill, leaving the Troops, in HARM WAY, in which case the Military will move too protect the Troops.

3. And in response, America will move to impeach Bush for High Crimes and Malfeasants of Office.

Bush will sign, the Bill, Congress can, make changes in Ear Marks and Pork, but there is no need for Congress not to get what it’s main goal is and that’s to end the Conflict, that is the Benchmarks and Timeline, ending US Open Ended Stay the Course, Failed Policy, in Iraq and Bush has what he wants, the Funds to continue the conflict in Iraq, until next year. Bush doesn’t get everything he wants and Congress doesn’t get everything it wants.

Bush tirades and Radio address meltdown, will not change anything, America is on to Him and Republicans, they voted Change and OUT OF IRAQ, Bush will sign, or be impeached.


Republicans in the 110th Congress, who are up for Re-election and the Majority WILL of the NATION, even in Republican Districts, will either tell the President, have your veto, but you will have too sign the bill, or we will have too VOTE to OVERRIDE, YOUR VETO.
The Nation is increasingly frustrated with Bush’s, twisting the truth and little boy Mentally un-balanced demands and IMPEACHMENT is on the Table, what with the increasing score card of scandals and corruptions, coming to the forefront, of the Americans consciousness and as they wake up to what they have been duped in some instances and flat-out lied too in others, the 70% of the nation against Bush will move the few degrees, needed for IMPEACHMENT and the it’s cancel Christmas for Bush.

Republicans line of thinking is, Bush is going to veto it, so why send it to him,

They have for so long, made Congress a Rubber Stamp, never carrying out their Accountability and Oversight, only passing word for word, anything and everything Bush said do, they only ask Bush, How high, How Long and when do you want it.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Today there is, Facts on the Record, of the Last un-accountable 109th Congress, facts that show, the adventure into Iraq was, fixed to rush America into Iraq, so many factual truth’s have been set in the record, that today the American Majority, voted to remove, Republican control and mandated Democratic control of Congress and in that same Mandate, they have as a Nation, demanded change and redeployment and withdrawal, from Iraq.

The Republicans, feel the pressure and know their jobs are on the line and most refuse to face the demands of the people, Bush has no re-election, so he has stubbornly stood his ground, demanding his folly’s course be kept, until the end of his term.

Bush and the minority Republicans in both Houses of Congress, have set a courses of obstruction, for the Nations will, they collectively have said to America, you don’t know what your doing, nor do the Democrats, so we will not do your will as a majority, we will do our will as a Party and as the minority, even out of Control of Congress, we will do everything we can to keep this course and do not care what the will of Nation is, the American people, are just Polls to us Republicans and Bush believes the same.

Bush believes, because he is the President, he can say to America, I won’t sign the Bill and, I won’t remove the troops, so when the money runs out, the troops will be killed and it will be Democrats fault, because, I Bush will leave them in harm ways, I will not remove them, I will let them be killed, rather than, sign.

I Bush will let the US Troops be killed, I will not remove them, even if bullets run out, I will not make the decision to remove them, they will die, because, I’ am the Decider and I Bush decide, they will stay in Harms Way, with out reinforcements, our weapons, Bush decides and it’s Congresses fault, because Bush decides. Bush is saying in the press, I decided, they will die.

Bush believes that this conflict is right and America is wrong and he will not do the Will of the Nation. Congress on the other hand, is a decider as well, so they have passed a Bill with everything Bush NEEDS, for the Military, they will make changes to Amendments, but not too the Military appropriations Part of the Bill, so Vetoing it, means, Nothing, Bush, if he wants the Money and he dose, will have to sign it and here’s why Bush will have to sign. The US Military, the Generals, will not leave the Troops in Harms way, because Bush won’t supply, or re-supply them, when equipment starts run-ning out, they will make the moves necessary to protect the Troops and all the Media, or Press have too do is ask the Generals, what happens, if weapons and bullets, start to run out, just ask the Generals what will they do.

Republicans say the Bill is full of sweeteners, to buy votes, so far only two Republican signed the Senate Bill, so that’s not true, Democrats are all inline, with this and Republicans, are all inline with Bush and not the Nations Will, remember the Nations will is a bunch of Polls, the November Vote was a bunch of Polls, the vote was not to be believed by Bush or Republicans.

Ask the Generals, what will happen, if the Money runs out? Ask them.

Bush’s words, “If democrats Fail to pass a Bill to Fund the Troops, it will be the Democrats fault”

not exact words, but close… Democrats and Republicans… Passed a Bill out of Both Houses, of Congress, How is IT Congresses Fault, Bush if you don’t sign the Bill passed, IT’S YOUR FAULT and the Nation will tell you no uncertain terms.


By Bruce H, Scroggins

Bush has threatened to veto any Bill, that he says, doesn’t fund the Troops, and Bush is wrong as usual, he knows, everything the Military needs to fund all operations, is in the Bill, so he says, it doesn’t fund the troops, Bush has tried to say, the troops run out of funds, in April, another flat lie, the troops, don’t run out of funds, per say in April, the Military has funds in other accounts to move to the purposes, they need and most importantly, US Generals, have the authority, apart from Bush, to protect the troops, at anytime and if, funds, or money is the cause of weapons, re-enforcements, not coming, when needed, they will remove the forces from the field, from harms way... ASK the US Generals what will they do?

Bush wants too say, I won’t remove the Troops, even if it cost US Troops there lives, it will be Congresses fault, “Not mine,” as Commander in Chief, it’s Bush’s FAULT for not following what he has to work with, not what he wants to blame Congress for, it’s his responsibility to sign the bill and fund the Troops.

This bill passed by both Houses of Congress, by Republicans and Democrats has all the funding in it to fund the Conflict in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan, Bush knows he has to sign the bill or, be held in the well of Congress for Malfeasant, or a High Crime and he will be impeached, if he doesn’t sign the Bill. The American people know this as well as the Republicans and Democrats, they know Bush must sign the Passed Bill, it been passed and it has EVERYTHING IN IT TO FUND THE MILITARY, that’s why he is blustering so hard and so much.

I can’t wait for Bush …NOT SIGN the BILL and the MONEY RUNS OUT. America, what will happened if the money runs out, ask the generals, ask them what will happen, what will the troops in the War in Afghanistan and the conflict, in Iraq. Will the Privateers, pack up and go home with out transporting US Troops, will they pack up the weapons they sent and were not paid for, even more will the Military Industrial Complex, stop producing and shipping the Materials of war, ASK Bechtel, Fleur, Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Root, Raytheon, Blackwater, CACI, TITAN, L3, LOCKEED MARTIN, DynCorp and the rest, what will your corporations do, this is the real story, these are the contributors, I want asks QUESTIONS and I want ANSWERS FROM.

Hears what I know, the Bills Passed by both House of Congress, by Democrats and Republicans, is not perfect and Democrats and Republicans had too give some to get some, Bush wants, only his will and he is not going to get it, Bush has to accept some provisions, to get the Funding he wants, he will not get a bill that has only his will in it.

So sign it, or don’t sign it, it’s all there Bush, all the funding is there, you either lead, with what you got, or keep standing in front of the news Camera’s Holding your breath, like a little boy, hoping to get your way… the American people have spoken and Bush refuses to do there WILL, the American MAJORITIES WILL, you know what America, Bush will have too do the WILL of the Nation, now, or later, or pay the price for his Tantrum.

To the Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and your Leadership, CBC


By Bruce H, Scroggins

I am a American and Black man, I’ am Politically responsible (I Vote and watch closely, most political debates and issues, local and National, International) and aware, of the early upcoming Presidential season, I was not amused to hear the CBC, has chosen to have fox, host a Democratic debate, I for one will not be watching, I have never cared for fox, they are not up front with there RNC talking points, staged as news, their Host are clearly right leaning and contend strongly in the information market place.

But I cannot bear to watch, their host, or vain attempts at reporting the news, with out heavy opinion, mixed in as fact, I for one can tell the difference, but it’s painful to hear those who cannot and then quot this Channels, purposeful propaganda of everything news worthy, or factual. They provide a heavy layer of spin, with planted surrogates, Paid Analyst and Administration Plants, all lying so much there are gaps, in their teeth from telling lies, with a straight face.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe any network, on face value, I’ve learned, one must search out the facts and make as educated opinion as possible, I do watch fox, as little as possible, but I watch too hear the lies.

But I watched foxes last debate, in 04’, a black organization did with fox, it was unintelligible, what with all the conservative Pundits, falling all over them selves, twisting every competently voiced issue and it subsequent solutions, I got so tired of the right leaning spin, I felt they were not, televising this for all Americans left and right, they had a right agenda and wanted, too turn off the left viewers, so they could play to the Right, so I finished watching.

I didn’t think, I could hold a conversation with any one on the Right, I was right, I tried too talk about the issues, in several forms, with Conservatives and Republicans and not one would engage in the issues, they wanted to repeat, fox RNC talking points, wild accusations and smears is all I heard, they had no opinion, but what they were told by the fox channel and the ones who knew, I was informed, about both sides of the issues, refuse to engage me and made jokes instead.

So I won’t watch your fox channel debates and I know of many whites and blacks who will not watch either, this is a mark against your great organization, in my eyes, you have choices of several networks, who will be much more balanced, I realize, you want to reach a wider audience, but your effort will be, side tracked, no matter how many questioners, you get to ask question, the network, will weight the balance before and after and your presentation, will serve as ballast for there agenda.

You are right to want to reach a broader electorate, but I feel and know, most of fox channel viewers, watch other channels, they will get your message, the rest are not reasoning, they have a lot of cattle, more than most network news organizations, their viewers are the least inform, in the wider political issues, they like being told what to believe, much like some religious organization, that have mixed, politics and the gospels, their viewer-ship reminds me of a church service, lead top down.

I hope you’ll reconsider this, but I know fox, after having the Colorado debates, killed, will make it hard for you pullout, so your locked in. I ask one thing, get a show on, right after the debates, to set the records straight, with your Host, your issues and a strong host and guest who can articulate issues for black and white America, not affiliated heavily on the right, fox has a ton of that today, nor do I want just a left based show, but I’ am talking about a show, not long after your debate, to counter, the propaganda campaign your in for, that will start leading up to and after the debates, no matter what you say, they plan to rip your message too pieces for their base-drones and carry it forward, building like Advertisement campaign.

Bon appetite